Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 120 The national goddess reduced to a spare tire? (1)

After listening to Bai Youning's indignant accusation, Wen Churan was stunned for a moment.

When he reacted, he immediately collapsed on the bed and laughed loudly, forgetting about the pain in his feet.

"Hahaha, can't you? That romantic ghost has taken a fancy to you? My've been lucky recently!"

Bai Youning floated in front of her, but couldn't kick her, so he could only shout into her ear, "Xiaoxiaoxiao! You'll die laughing for the rest of your life!"

"And then?" Wen Churan couldn't stop laughing, " did you deal with him? Hahahaha..."

"How can I deal with it? I randomly stuffed him with a female ghost and sent him away!"

"Okay..." Wen Churan was very disappointed, this ending is really not exciting at all.

After the laughter ended, Wen Churan asked curiously again, "Have you ever been in love?"


"Wow... You are single! How long have you been dead? You look like you are in your early twenties." Wen Churan looked at Bai Youning and guessed, "How many years? Decades? How many years?" century?"

Bai Youning replied unusually calmly, "I've been dead for tens of thousands of years."

Wen Churan was so stunned that he could stuff an egg directly into his open mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Youning added, "I am older than your N ancestors!"

"Tens of thousands of years..." Wen Churan raised his fingers and couldn't count.

Tens of thousands of years, no one can tell what kind of ancient times it can be traced back to.

"What have you been doing for tens of thousands of years after your death? Wandering in the world? Isn't it boring?"

Facing Wen Churan's curious inquiry, Bai Youning's expression changed slightly, "I have been looking for someone for tens of thousands of years."

"Who are you looking for? Whom are you looking for?" The fire of gossip hidden in Wen Churan's heart was burning fiercely.

Bai Youning was stunned for a moment, then turned around suddenly, turned her back to her and replied, "A very important person."

Well, what's the difference between this answer and no answer?

Seeing that Bai Youning was unwilling to answer, Wen Churan couldn't continue to ask, so he could only ask another question, "Then did you find it?"

"Well, I found it."

Although I couldn't see Bai Youning's expression clearly, I could tell that her tone was very low.

Seeing her like this, Wen Churan felt a little guilty for mentioning her sadness.

Tens of thousands of years ago, what kind of story did Bai Youning have?

"You... What happened after you found that person?" Wen Churan asked cautiously.

"After...after... I will always stay by that person's side..."

Bai Youning seemed to be muttering to himself, her ethereal tone seemed to be telling a secret story.

It must have been a long, long time ago, so long that it had already been buried in the dust.

After finishing speaking, she turned her head, her eyes were cold, and even her voice was a little cold, "You should rest early."

After a burst of smoke, the white figure disappeared.

Wen Churan picked up the medicine and continued to treat the ankle.

The next day, Wen Churan asked An Ge to come out, and after concealing his relationship with the Sheng family and Sheng Shimo, he told her the news that he was a trainee in the Sheng family.

An Ge was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Sheng's? No. 1 Entertainment Group, the Sheng's that claims to be a smaller version of the entertainment industry?"

"Well, that's right!" After Wen Churan confirmed it, he formally notified her that she also had a chance to join the Sheng family.

An Ge was dumbfounded and completely lost his response.

Wen Churan patted her on the shoulder, "Don't be so excited! I strongly recommend you to Sheng Shi. Sheng Shi will give you a test first. I believe your acting skills are absolutely good! After passing, I will be with you Sign the contract. Of course, you must start from a small role, as long as you have potential, someone will praise you, come on, my silly Ange!"

The next chapter will be updated in about an hour~

Ask for tickets~~~~

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