Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 121 The national goddess reduced to a spare tire? (2)

Facts have proved that her silly Ange was so excited that she was about to twitch.

Regarding An Ge's entry into the Sheng family, Sheng Shimo had already arranged everything.

As a trainee, it was inconvenient for Wen Churan to come forward in this matter, so he had to let An Ge go to Sheng's alone.

The so-called assessment is just a process, and the result will definitely be passed.

On the other hand, the arrangements for the trainees have also been released.

Assistant Li sent a form to Wen Churan and the other four trainees, which printed their daily itinerary as trainees.

After getting the form and taking a quick look, there was a burst of wailing in the lounge.

Even Wen Churan couldn't help but click his tongue a few times.

The itinerary is so full that even the time to go to the toilet can only be squeezed out.

Every day from six o'clock in the morning, practice voice, shape, sing, dance, perform, and even cultivate a sense of variety.

After all the lessons, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Of course, you have to complete the homework assigned by each course, and you have to be busy until the early morning before you can rest.

Such high-intensity practice is indeed unacceptable for a while.

Wen Churan finally understood why Sheng's became a top entertainment company.

In this era where idols are born faster than hens lay eggs, time is money!

In order to facilitate management, they, as trainees, had to live in the apartment arranged by Sheng.

Of course, under special circumstances, you can fill out a form to apply for living abroad.

But the chances of passing are slim.

After notifying these, Assistant Li announced the adjournment of the meeting, and left Wen Churan alone to chat.

When we talked about the day of the selection competition, Wen Churan asked curiously, "That's right! Has the trainee who disappeared before been found?"

"Xia Yi?" Assistant Li sighed, shaking his head, "I didn't find it, I disappeared completely. I have already called the police, but there is still no clue."

Wen Churan sighed a few times, but didn't ask any more questions.

An Ge's assessment was not over yet, after chatting with Assistant Li, Wen Churan stood outside Sheng's and waited.

Not long after, a luxury car slowly stopped in front of her.

The window of the back seat was rolled down, revealing Li Zhien's smiling face.

"Miss Wen, do you have time to get in the car and have a chat?"

The car door was already open to her, but Wen Churan hesitated for a long time, not daring to step forward.

What if another trap is waiting for her in the car?

Li Zhien guessed what she was thinking, and couldn't help laughing, "Miss Wen, you are worrying too much. I sincerely invite you today, and I promise that what happened last time will not happen again."

Wen Churan couldn't shirk it, so he got into the car with suspicion.

After the car door closed, Li Zhien looked at her.

This was the first time Li Zhien saw her dressed like a normal person.

"Miss Wen, I'm looking for you today. I actually want to ask if you are interested in acting in my new play."

Wen Churan was stunned for a moment, "New drama?"

Li Zhien nodded, and then added, "The number one female in the new drama, I am willing to reserve this position for you."

"Female number one?!" Wen Churan was startled.

Li Zhien actually invited himself to be the lead actress in a new drama? Did you hear me right?

Surprised, Wen Churan declined, "I'm sorry, you should know, I'm just a small trainee, how can I appear in your new drama, and I'm still the lead actress."

"Why not?" Li Zhien asked back with a smile, and praised sincerely, "Your acting skills in pretending to be a mage in front of me are impeccable, and you can't find any flaws. Being able to hide it from the eyes of a senior director like me is enough to prove that you Strength."

Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!

If the little fox lived in the apartment arranged by the Sheng family, what would the perverted Sheng do~

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