Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 135 Who Is Following Her? (10)

He won't still be worried because she suddenly said that she doesn't like him and wants to move out of the villa, right?

No no no, impossible!

Wen Churan quickly rejected this idea.

Sheng Shimo should wish for her not to like her anymore and to move out of the villa!

In the end, there was only one possibility that could be concluded - this man was stingy, so stingy that he wouldn't even help her with this kind of favor!

Unwilling to give up, Wen Churan dangled in front of him.

"We are a cooperative relationship, you can't watch your partner have an accident, can you?"

"Do me a favor! Brother, just do me a favor!"

"You have so many people under your command, you can just arrange anyone who is capable."

"Sheng Shimo! You are too stingy as a man, aren't you?!"

Sheng Shimo was so annoyed by her that he couldn't read a word.

Raising his head, he saw a petite figure swaying in front of his eyes.

The woman was wearing his shirt, the neckline was slightly open, revealing a pair of deep collarbones.

The graceful figure curve is also looming under the shirt, which can't help but make people imagine.

A pair of slender legs are white and tender, exuding a seductive luster under the light.

Sheng Shimo's throat tightened, he immediately looked away, and said in a deep voice, "Stop shaking!"

Shake him up!

Wen Churan stopped and looked at him straight.

"You agreed?"

I don't know if it was because of the lighting, but the man's cheeks turned slightly red.

He was a little impatient, "Get out! I'll figure it out!"

figure it out...

Then she will take it as his promise...

After finally getting a satisfactory answer, Wen Churan jumped away happily.

Sheng Shimo's tense body could not relax until he saw the woman's figure completely disappear.

He thought that his concentration was strong enough, but every time he met this woman, he would start to waver.

Whether it is from childhood or to now, there is really no progress at all.

This terrible situation can't help but make him feel bored.

The next day, Gu Nanpei changed the voice practice time from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. It was probably Sheng Shimo who greeted him.

After a day's class, at five o'clock, Wen Churan hurried to the studio again.

Pushing open the door, Gu Nanpei was writing a song again.

It seems that in his life, there are only two things: singing and writing songs.

I heard that when he was composing, he had a violent temper.

So Wen Churan obediently stood aside, not to disturb him.

After waiting for half an hour, he put down his pen.

Gu Nanpei raised his head, only then did he notice Wen Churan who had been standing in the corner.

He was a little surprised at how patient she was and how quiet she remained.

After all, most of his current rookies are very proud.

Wen Churan was only in a daze, and didn't even know that Gu Nanpei had walked in front of her.

"Come and practice your voice."

It wasn't until she heard his voice that she woke up like a dream.

Follow Gu Nanpei into the cubicle in the studio.

The compartment is narrow and quiet, and the sound insulation effect is also very good, which is suitable for secret training.

Gu Nanpei sat on the chair opposite her, and ordered in a leisurely manner, "Ah, let me hear it."

Wen Churan opened his mouth and let out an ah.

He listened carefully, as if trying to distinguish her voice.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered, "From the lowest note, little by little, to the highest note."

Wen Churan followed suit.

So in the originally quiet compartment, there was a burst of ah ah sound immediately, and the sound was louder and louder than the sound.

She didn't stop panting until she took her last breath, her throat was so sore that she was about to catch fire.


I will reveal bit by bit, the deep affection of Sheng Metamorphosis for the little fox~

The third watch is over, ask for a ticket.

good night

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