Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 136: Using the way of others, to deal with others! (1)

Gu Nanpei showed contemptuous eyes, "Is it so tiring with such a small high note?"

Although scolded, Wen Churan was convinced.

Gu Nanpei's high-pitched voice was indeed astonishing.

And his own strength is indeed far from enough.

Ever since, it was such a full night.

The treble didn't improve much, and her voice was about to fail.

Before leaving, Gu Nanpei casually said, "Drink more hot water, it's best to buy some throat lozenges."

Wen Churan complied obediently.

When I left Sheng's, it was just early in the morning.

The wind at night was a bit cool, she tightened her coat and walked to the apartment.

The apartment is not far from Sheng's, but there is still a distance.

On this deserted road, there were footsteps behind him.

However, this time, Wen Churan did not panic.

When the footsteps approached, she turned around abruptly.

The man in black who was following behind him was caught off guard for a moment and froze on the spot, forgetting to move.

He was wearing a hat and mask just like that day.

Wen Churan hurriedly took a few steps back, distanced himself from the man, and stared at the utility knife in his hand.

Seeing that the man was slowly raising the knife, she hurriedly stopped, "Brother! Don't get excited!"

The first point in the face of gangsters: calm down!

Be absolutely calm, and try to delay as long as possible to find a chance to escape.

Wen Churan tried his best to squeeze out a friendly smile, "I think we should talk calmly first, at least you have to tell me who you are, right?"

The man paused, and soon raised his knife again, rushing towards Wen Churan.

Without saying a word, Wen Churan stepped forward and kicked him, kicking him to the ground.

However, this kick went wrong.

She seems to have kicked that person's chest, which is soft... quite plump...

Depend on! It turned out to be a woman!

At this time, the woman in black on the ground quickly got up.

Wen Churan quickly took out a utility knife from his arms and pointed it at the woman.

"You think you're the only one with the knife?"

The woman seemed a little frightened by her, and didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"Say!" Wen Churan asked coldly, "Who the hell are you?!"

She racked her brains and couldn't figure out who she had a grudge against.

And it's a woman.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the woman on the opposite side suddenly took off her hat and mask.

The true face was finally exposed under the street lights.

Fluttering long hair, handsome face.

Wen Churan was suddenly dumbfounded.

"I'll go! Who the hell are you!"

She didn't know this woman at all, so why did she get to the point where she wanted to kill someone?

"Are you sure you know me? Are you sure you didn't kill the wrong person?" Wen Churan couldn't help asking.

"I'm just going to kill you!" The woman's eyes were wide open, and she kept repeating in her mouth, "I'm just going to kill you! I'm just going to kill you, you stole my Fourth Young Master Sheng!"

Wen Churan was dumbfounded.

Sheng Shimo?

After a long time, this woman turned out to be Sheng Shimo's fanatic!

"Sheng Sishao loves me... He loves me! It's because of you that he didn't want me!" The woman became more and more excited as she spoke, and her whole body began to shake violently.

With disheveled hair, he looks like a lunatic.

Could it be that he is really crazy? Wen Churan thought to himself.

The woman yelled sadly, and rushed towards Wen Churan while she was yelling, "Give me back Fourth Young Master Sheng! Give it back to me! I'm going to kill you, and Fourth Young Master Sheng will come back to me if I kill you." !"

Wen Churan kept avoiding, she was basically sure that this was a crazy woman.

It's not surprising to be crazy, but why does this woman think that she stole Sheng Shimo?


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