Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 137: Using the Way of a Person to Treat a Person! (2)

Wen Churan hid behind the street lamp.

Both of them were out of breath.

"All right! Fourth Young Master Sheng is yours! I... I just ask a question, who told you that I stole Fourth Young Master Sheng from you?"

The woman immediately covered her mouth with a look of horror, "Can't say...can't say..."

Sure enough, someone ordered it.

A face flashed across Wen Churan's head immediately, so he asked tentatively, "Is it... Guan Erya?"

The woman gasped, and began to look around furtively.

Her reaction proved that Wen Churan was right.

His uncle! It really is Guan Erya!

He was killed by her once in his previous life, will he repeat the same mistakes in this life?

Wen Churan couldn't help sneering.

Seeing this, the woman rushed over with a knife again.

Without saying a word, Wen Churan hugged the lamppost and burst into tears, the tears came down as soon as he said, without ambiguity.

The woman was startled and dared not go forward.

Wen Churan complained with snot and tears, "Actually, we are both the same, we are both victims, the one who really snatched Fourth Young Master Sheng was not me, but Guan Erya! Woooooooooooooooooo... Si Shao..."

After listening to her cry, the woman suddenly fell into confusion, and shook her head in a daze, " lied! Guan Erya told me, it was stole Fourth Young Master Sheng! You lied to lied to me..."

"Alas..." Wen Churan looked up at the sky and sighed, with a resentful expression on his face, "I used to love Fourth Young Master Sheng deeply, but Fourth Young Master Sheng loved Guan Erya so much that it made me cry ghosts and gods!"

The woman began to waver, holding the knife at a loss, "No way... Fourth Young Master Sheng has nothing to do with Guan Erya, nothing to do..."

"It's not that I lied to you, it's that you were deceived by Guan Erya. Guan Erya just wants us to kill each other!" Wen Churan shed two lines of tears, crying so heartbroken that the pear blossoms were raining , the tone is even more resentful, "If I really have something to do with Sheng Sishao, will I still be just a little trainee now? Look at Guan Erya, the recognized national goddess, who lives in a villa and drives a luxury car. It's not because Fourth Young Master Sheng likes her that he can be so popular, so he has been supporting her! You should carefully weigh the relationship between them..."

"'s not like this..." The woman seemed to have been hit hard, tears streaming down her face.

She hugged her head in pain, her whole body was shaking, as if she might fall to the ground at any moment.

It took a long time before he raised his head abruptly, his eyes were as red as blood, filled with anger and hatred.

Immediately afterwards, she turned and ran into the darkness, screaming as she ran, "I'm going to kill Guan Erya! I'm going to kill Guan Erya! She should die! She should die!"

Until the figure gradually disappeared, her strange voice was still floating in the darkness.

"Damn her! Damn her!"

Wen Churan calmly wiped away her tears and smiled coldly.

The scene was played perfectly.

Even she herself began to admire her acting skills!

Guan Erya wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone? Then she will use her own way to treat her body!

Who wants to be more ruthless than her, Guan Erya is still a little tender now!

Next... What kind of news will we be waiting for?

The national goddess was injured and admitted to the hospital? Or was he killed?

It's really exciting...

Wen Churan leisurely returned to the apartment, and met a poor stray cat downstairs.

She was in a good mood, so she specially bought a pack of cat food and put it in front of the stray cats.

Then he leisurely went back to the apartment to rest.

Early the next morning, Wen Churan walked downstairs to the apartment and saw Gu Nanpei.


snort! If you offend us, Ah Ran will end up shit~shit~

I have something to do today, so there are two updates, please forgive me.

Ask for a ticket!

Happy weekend~

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