Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 140 Treating the person in the same way! (5)

After the show ended, Wen Churan looked around, but he didn't see Sheng Shimo in the crowd.

After all, he still chose the right.

He has always been a person with a cold nature, and feelings are far less important to him.

After a period of training, Wen Churan's acting and singing skills have made a qualitative leap.

I have to say that Gu Nanpei is an excellent singer and an excellent mentor.

Of course, Wen Churan's talent and her strong learning ability also surprised Gu Nanpei.

During this period, Wen Churan has been observing Gu Nanpei.

She found that Gu Nanpei really looked like a woman sometimes, with a slender figure, smooth curves, fragrant and soft...

During this period of time, the filming of the new drama directed by Li Zhien officially started, and Guan Erya, who took a break for a while, also started to join the crew.

Because of Wen Churan's request, director Li Zhien also helped An Ge retain a role in the new drama.

The atmosphere inside the Sheng family gradually became tense again.

Every trainee began to practice against the clock, not daring to relax for a moment, the pressure was huge, and he was as tired as a dog every day.

Because after their group of newly promoted trainees stayed for three months, they had to start participating in the monthly trials.

The winner stays, the loser packs up and leaves.

It was hard to come in, and after three months of non-stop practice day and night, who would be willing to leave like this?

During vocal practice, Gu Nanpei asked her specifically.

"What will you perform in the audition? Singing or acting?"

Wen Churan thought for a while, but couldn't come up with an answer.

"I'm not sure either..."

"If you sing, I will help you choose a song that is sure to pass."

Gu Nanpei's seemingly casual words made Wen Churan burst into tears of gratitude.

It turns out he's not that unkind...

"Thank you..."

Gu Nanpei glanced at her, as if laughing at her self-indulgence.

"Don't think too much, if you are eliminated because of singing, I will lose face."


As night fell, Wen Churan was practicing singing in the apartment, but suddenly received a call from Sheng Zhixun, saying that Sheng Shimo was looking for her on business.

So she rushed to Sheng's leisurely, and when she was about to go to Sheng Shimo's office, she saw all the employees in Sheng's whispering.

"Have you heard? Some time ago, Fourth Young Master Sheng carried a woman into his office in the middle of the night!"

"Woman? Are you sure it's a woman? Everyone knows that Fourth Young Master Sheng is a male god of abstinence. He is pure-hearted and ascetic, and never touches women!"

"Is that wrong? I saw with my own eyes that the woman was still covered with Fourth Young Master Sheng's coat! It's a pity I didn't see what she looked like..."

"I saw it too! Carrying it in, leading it out, staying in the office for a long time, there are still sounds of humming coming from inside!"

The more they talked, the more they exaggerated, and the more Wen Churan heard it, the more he collapsed.

She was in pain because of the medicine on her arm, and she didn't do anything shameful with Sheng Shimo at all!

But when they talked about it like this, Wen Churan immediately froze.

Sheng's internal rumors are all over the city, and they are looking for who the mysterious woman was that night.

If she entered Sheng Shimo's office openly now, wouldn't she be exposed instantly?

After weighing the pros and cons, Wen Churan left the Sheng family without hesitation.

Sheng Shimo waited until midnight but couldn't wait for Wen Churan. He wanted to call her, but he couldn't let go of this face.

never mind! Love comes or not!

The car was already waiting outside Sheng's. Sheng Shimo walked out of the revolving door and was about to get in the car when he caught a glimpse of a familiar little figure out of the corner of his eye.


The third watch is over~

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It's time for another tryout, what kind of wonderful performance will the little fox bring to everyone this time?

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