Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 141 Participating in the trials for the second time (1)

That small figure was shivering in a corner outside Sheng's, as pitiful as a stray cat.

The driver was the first to shout, "It's the fourth young lady!"

Sheng Shimo took a closer look.

Wen Churan in the corner just stood up and ran towards him, his small face gradually exposed in the headlights.

Seeing the woman's figure getting closer, Sheng Shimo was slightly absent-minded.

Her running figure seemed to be fiercely throwing herself into his arms.

His arms moved subconsciously, but the woman stopped in front of him in time.

Her cheeks were flushed from the cold, she curled her neck and sucked her nose a few times, looking pitiful.

Sheng Shimo came back to his senses in an instant, and after looking her over, he couldn't help frowning, "Wen Churan, what are you doing?!"

Wen Churan put his hands in his pockets and stomped his feet in the cold, "What can I do, of course I'm waiting for you! Didn't you call me over?"

Sheng Shimo was a little annoyed, "I asked you to come to my office, who told you to wait here?!"

Wen Churan curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and complained, "I have to dare to go in! There are so many pairs of eyes in the Sheng family, how do you let me in?! You think I'm happy to stay outside! You think I'm really special I don't know how cold it is!"

Sheng Shimo was so stunned that he was speechless, he simply grabbed her hand and dragged her directly into the car.

As soon as I sat down, I heard the man order coldly, "Turn on the heater!"

The driver responded.

It will take time for the temperature to rise. Wen Churan shrank his body and hugged his arms tightly, but his lips were still trembling from the cold.

Sheng Shimo glanced at the woman, seeing that her face turned pale with cold, he simply took off his coat and threw it on top of her head.

Wen Churan was stunned, and immediately pulled off his coat, staring straight at the man beside him.

Sheng Shimo could feel the woman's gaze, turned his head and glared at her, "What are you looking at, do you want me to help you wear it myself?"

Wen Churan grinned, and put on his coat unceremoniously.

Not long after, Sheng Shimo felt the woman's gaze again, so he glared at her again.

But he saw her staring straight at him, with a hungry light in her eyes.

What is that look in her eyes?

Sheng Shimo frowned in confusion, "What are you looking at?"

Wen Churan immediately smiled flatteringly, "I think...your armpits must be very warm..."

Hearing her oblique words, Sheng Shimo felt a little impatient, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Wen Churan blinked his eyes, pouted his lips, and said aggrievedly, "My hands are numb from the cold, look..."

As she spoke, she stretched out her paws that were purple with cold.

Looking at the woman's expectant eyes, Sheng Shimo only felt a little pain in his head.

After an unknown amount of time, just when Wen Churan thought the man would not agree and was about to withdraw his hand, he suddenly opened his arms.

"Shut it up."

Only simple two words.

Wen Churan was overjoyed, and inserted his paws into Sheng Shimo's armpits without hesitation, and said a few times with satisfaction.

Sheng Shimo's head hurt even more, but he didn't forget to hold the woman's little paw tightly.

Wearing his coat and using his armpits, he has clearly turned into Wen Churan's warm baby.

As the temperature gradually rose, Wen Churan yawned and asked, "What can you do with me today?"

Sheng Shimo glanced at the drowsy woman, and said coldly, "It's nothing, I want to ask how your preparations for the trial are going."

"The audition... Gu Nanpei said he wanted to help me choose a song that I was sure of. I am very relieved, there should be no problem."


I have something to do today, sorry for the lateness!

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