Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 142 Participating in the trials for the second time (2)

Sheng Shimo's face darkened slightly, and even his tone was a bit cold, "It seems that you and Gu Nanpei get along well?"

"Get along well, shit!" Mentioning this, Wen Churan couldn't help complaining, "He knows how to torture my throat every day, and ignores me the rest of the time! He just helped me choose songs because he was afraid that I would be eliminated. He It's just embarrassing to be my mentor!"

"So it's like this..." Hearing this, Sheng Shimo's face softened slightly.

The driver drove the car downstairs to the apartment building. Wen Churan retracted the paw that was in Sheng Shimo's armpit, and returned the coat to him.

Sheng Shimo put the outer part on her head, and said coldly, "Put it on."

Wen Churan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a little moved in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the man immediately ordered, "Wash it and return it to me."


His uncle, he knew that this man was not so kind!

The next day, Wen Churan thought that what he did last night was enough to avoid suspicion.

Unexpectedly, an employee of Sheng's said that he saw Fourth Young Master Sheng dragging a woman into the car in the middle of the night, right at the gate of Sheng's, so the rumors became even more crazy.

Everyone was sure that Fourth Young Master Sheng's secret lover was within the Sheng family, and everyone was panicked for a while.

As the trials approached, Gu Nanpei knew Wen Churan's timbre, so he specially helped her choose a song that could perfectly display her strengths.

And Wen Churan didn't slack off at all, he devoted himself to this song and practiced until the sky was dark.

However, things suddenly changed at this time.

I don't know which executive came up with the idea, saying that the content of the performances in the trainee selection competition will be determined by drawing lots, and strive to select the most versatile artist.

Ten thousand mud horses galloped past Wen Churan's heart.

Who came up with such a bad idea!

As soon as the news came out, not only Wen Churan, but all the trainees panicked, saying that they obeyed the advice, and privately scolded their ancestors for eight generations.

But things have come to this point, there is no room for reversal, only resignation to fate.

On the day of the lottery, Wen Churan grasped the small note, her heart was beating like thunder, and her palms were sweating from nervousness.

She opened the paper carefully, and after seeing the contents inside, she was overjoyed.

The content of the performance is singing!

No one is lucky anymore!

After happily handing the note to the registrar, Wen Churan left with a jump.

After Gu Nanpei learned about it, she didn't show any emotion, and only asked her to continue practicing to make sure everything was safe.

During this period of time, Wen Churan practiced day and night, and Gu Nanpei gradually looked at her with a hint of admiration.

In other words, she can completely pass the audition with this song.

The day before the competition, the staff needs to confirm the performance content of the trainees again.

After Wen Churan got the confirmation order, she was dumbfounded.

On the column of performance content after her name, the word short play was impressively written.

Black and white, she read it right!

how can that be!

Wen Churan immediately went to Assistant Li, wondering if he had made a mistake.

Assistant Li immediately checked for her, but it turned out that she was right.

All the papers that the trainees handed to the registrar were kept, and her paper had two big characters written on it: short play!

"That's impossible! I must have made a mistake! I'm not illiterate, I can read and write! What I drew that day was singing, so why did it become a skit?!"

The registrar said confidently, "I have worked in Sheng's for so many years, and I have never missed it! You said that what you smoke is singing, can anyone prove it? Girl, if you have time to play this trick, why not practice hard!"


Come to update~ After reading it, go to bed early, and have class tomorrow~

There is another problem, Aran will definitely resolve it witty~

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