Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 144 Participating in the trials for the second time (4)

Wen Churan hit him on the head with the script again, hating iron for not being able to make it through, "I read all the lines wrong! Look at the script, it says: Between us, do we have to fight to the point of life and death?!"

Sheng Zhixun took a closer look at the script, hurriedly said a few times, and stuck out his tongue, "It's wrong, it's wrong!"

After practicing for a whole afternoon, Wen Churan only felt physically and mentally exhausted and frustrated like never before.

Seeing her sigh, Sheng Zhixun comforted her, "Sister-in-law Si, just practice a few more times."

Wen Churan glared at him.

She sighed because his acting skills were so eye-catching, she simply couldn't continue!

Until midnight, so anxious that there was no time for dinner, Wen Churan leaned into Sheng Zhixun's arms, covered his heart, and squeezed out a word with difficulty.

"I hate you...but I love you more..."

Sheng Zhixun's whole body was so stiff that he didn't dare to move, only his breathing was a little heavy.

Wen Xiangnunyu was in his arms, but he felt very uncomfortable all over his body, and his beautiful facial features were tangled up on his face.

The woman in his arms is his fourth sister-in-law, the sacred and inviolable fourth sister-in-law.

He kept reminding himself silently in his heart.

It was precisely because Wen Churan was his fourth sister-in-law that he would rather hold on to the sofa with both hands than touch her in the slightest.

Until his fourth sister-in-law said the phrase I love you, his eyes were wide open, he even forgot to breathe for a moment, and almost suffocated himself to death.

The woman's gentle and endlessly nostalgic words seemed to penetrate his eardrums in an instant and quickly reach his heart.

At this time, Wen Churan got up from his arms, and shook his head helplessly, "It's already time, it's useless to practice any more, let's rest first."

With that, she stood up.

Sheng Zhixun still stared at her like a torch, unable to take his gaze away.

For some reason, his eyes began to blur, and he seemed to see a pink light emitting from the woman's figure, which was extremely dazzling and piercing to the heart.

Everything is suddenly becoming dreamlike, so unreal...

He noticed that the boy was sitting motionless on the sofa, still stalemate in his original movements.

Wen Churan hit him on the head again with the script, "What's wrong? Stupid?"

The slightly smiling tone made Sheng Zhixun's face burn, and the young man said in a daze, "Fourth...fourth seem to be shining..."

"Nonsense, I'm almost in a hurry to ascend to heaven, can I not shine?!"

Wen Churan complained, then glanced outside the door again, "Sheng Shimo should be back soon, I'm going to bed first, good night."

Hearing the name of his fourth brother, Sheng Zhixun woke up like a dream, and found that his fourth sister-in-law had already gone up to the second floor.

Seeing that it was already midnight, the teenager lying in the guest room did not feel sleepy.

The phrase I love you is always lingering in his mind, as if a woman is lying next to his ear, with endless lingering.

Closing his eyes, he remembered the feeling of Sisao lying in his arms again.

The soft body exudes a refreshing fragrance.

crazy crazy! Sheng Zhixun went crazy!

No matter how many times I think about it, it's all about my sister-in-law!

Just after taking a shower, Wen Churan sneezed several times.

Ok? Do you have a cold?

At this time, the door was knocked suddenly.

Opening the door, a tall figure stood in front of her.

Looking up, the man's face was delicate and beautiful, with frost from the cold night condensing between his brows.

He was dressed in a neat suit, outlining a graceful figure, as if he had just rushed back and knocked on her door directly.


There is one more chapter!

What is Xiao Zhixun's rhythm going to do~ Yoyo~

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