Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 145 Participating in the trials for the second time (5)

His sharp eyes looked her over from beginning to end.

Seeing that she was wearing pajamas and her hair hadn't dried yet, she asked, "Are you going to sleep?"

"Yeah..." Wen Churan replied confidently.

"Have you practiced? Are you sure?"


To be honest, she really didn't know what to do.

"Playing with Xiao Zhixun...I play every minute..."

She really can't be blamed for this. During practice, Sheng Zhixun either forgot his words or had facial paralysis. He couldn't motivate her at all!

After Sheng Shimo took a deep look at her, he suddenly passed her and walked into the bedroom.

"Give me the script." He stood in the bedroom and ordered coldly.

Wen Churan turned his head and looked at him with surprise on his face, "You want to help me with the scene?"

The man didn't speak, which is equivalent to acquiescing.

Wen Churan immediately happily went to get the script and handed it to him.

Sheng Shimo sat on the side of the bed, his legs crossed, and his posture was casual.

He lowered his eyes and read the script intently.

And Wen Churan sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, staring at him seriously.

After a while, Sheng Shimo raised his head and looked at her quietly, "Let's start."

Wen Chu dyed his hair a little, and gestured like a gun with his hand, holding it on Sheng Shimo's forehead.

Seeing the disgusted look on the man's face, Wen Churan said disdainfully, "Why don't you take out your real gun and play?"

Sheng Shimo frowned, following her appearance, he played with his hands reluctantly.

In the end, Wen Churan had to hold his hand to help him make gestures.

He has been used to holding real guns since he was a child, so he probably didn't know that there were such 'guns' in this world, right?

Wen Churan memorized his lines fluently, and his performance was actually quite remarkable, but he met an opponent as strict as Sheng Shimo.

In the last scene, she suddenly fell into his arms, as if she was dying.

Sheng Shimo lowered his eyes slightly, and he could clearly see her delicate collarbone through the open collar of the woman.

And her skin hidden under her pajamas was fair and fragrant, with an extremely tender touch.

Realizing that he had lost his mind for a moment, he immediately looked away.

Wen Churan said the lines "I hate you...but I love you more."

After finishing speaking, he immediately looked at the man with a look of begging for praise, "How is it? Not bad, right?"

Who knew that Sheng Shimo shook his head with a sullen face, "It doesn't feel right."

Wen Churan left his arms in an instant, "It doesn't feel right? Why does it feel wrong?"

"The last sentence I love you is what the heroine said before she died. The tone should be exhausted. After all, this is her last confession before she died, and your tone is too lingering and not strong enough."

Sheng Shimo analyzed calmly, and hit her without hesitation.

But when Wen Churan heard this, he suddenly felt quite reasonable.

"Then do it again..."

The result of the second time was still not so ideal. After all, Wen Churan didn't understand the essence of the phrase "I love you."

Sheng Shimo simply released the script and faced her head-on.

"But I love you more."

The short lines were slowly uttered from the man's mouth, his voice was deep and deep, and his tone was full of strength but still lingering.

It was clearly a line, but his words seemed to have a fatal attraction.

Wen Churan was in a trance for a while.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, this is the first time Sheng Shimo said "I love you" to her.

Even though she was just reciting lines, it still stabbed her heart lightly.


The man's indifferent order brought her back to her senses in an instant.

She took a deep breath and stared straight at him, "But I love you more."

Sheng Shimo, who was striving for perfection, was still not satisfied, so he said to her again, "But I love you more."


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