Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 328 A Strange yet Familiar Woman

How can people wake up, she is still sitting here!

What the hell is going on!

Wen Churan opened his mouth to ask, but Sheng Shimo's figure had already rushed out of the villa, got into the car, and sped away with a whoosh.

She hurriedly dropped the bread in her hand, and rushed upstairs to find Bai Youning.

Bai Youning was still sleeping late, listening to Wen Churan roaring in her ear in a daze, "It's over! Bai Youning! My body has been taken over by other souls!"

"Ah? What?" Bai Youning was startled awake immediately, "What do you mean?"

I just fell asleep, why did something happen again?

Wen Churan stomped her feet anxiously, "Someone informed Sheng Shimo just now that my body was not only found, but also revived! My soul is here now, how could my body wake up!"

"Impossible!" Bai Youning vetoed it straight away, "The matching rate of body and soul must reach more than 95% before they can be combined into one. Finding a suitable body for a soul is simply equivalent to picking one out of ten thousand. How could one suddenly appear? The soul has taken over your body!"

"If it wasn't for other souls to occupy my body, how did my body wake up?"

Bai Youning was also confused, "I don't know what's going on, let's wait until Sheng Shimo takes your body back, I want to see who has such a great ability!"

Sure enough, after a while, Sheng Shimo came back with a woman by his side.

Wen Churan ran directly downstairs, and the moment she saw the woman head-on, she suddenly felt the blood flow backwards all over her body, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and she was cold from head to toe.

The woman was wearing a white dress, light and elegant, with a small face the size of a palm, exquisite facial features, and even her every move, she was so familiar with it.

Those picturesque eyebrows, that straight nose bridge, that cherry-like lips, and that pair of piercing, incomparably smart and shrewd eyes are exactly the same as hers, exactly!

The woman standing in front of her is her body, a body that has awakened!

This feeling is even scarier than watching a horror movie!

Wen Churan tightly covered his mouth, and managed to keep himself from screaming.

Her whole body is numb now, and she can't even function normally with her head.

Bai Youning at the side looked at the woman carefully, his dog eyes suddenly became deep.

"Is this the place where I used to live?" The woman raised her head and looked at the villa with her beautiful eyes, her voice was sweet and delicate.

Fuck! Even the voice is the same, there must be nothing wrong with her body!

Sheng Shimo looked at the woman beside him with tenderness in his eyes, "This is our home."

As he spoke, he took the woman by the hand and walked in slowly.

The two stopped in front of Wen Churan, Wen Churan remained motionless, just blocking their way.

The woman stared at Wen Churan, then raised her eyes to Sheng Shimo, and asked ignorantly, "This is..."

I am Wen Churan! The upright Wen Churan!

Wen Churan wished he could roar like this.

Sheng Shimo glanced at her, did not answer, but helped the weak woman to pass her by.

Bai Youning hastily bit Wen Churan's trousers, "Don't be dumb, follow me back to the bedroom! Quick!"

Only then did Wen Churan come to his senses, and led Bai Youning straight to the bedroom. During the period, he turned around and found that Sheng Shimo was leading a woman to visit the villa.

The man's movements and eyes are full of joy and tenderness.

Back in the bedroom, as soon as the door slammed shut, Bai Youning said in a very firm tone, "That's not your body, I can guarantee with my life that the woman just now is definitely not your body!"

What exactly did Bai Youning discover? It will be revealed tomorrow~

Be merciful, dears who carry big knives!

There are also exam babies, take the exam well, come on!

Good night, go to bed early~

Ask for tickets~

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