Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 329 Another Her in the World

"Really?" Wen Churan was dubious.

After all, the woman just now really looks exactly like her, without the slightest deviation.

"Of course it's true! Because I took your soul, no one knows your body better than me! The woman just came from an unknown place, and she didn't use your body, but pretended to be your identity!"

"You mean...she is an independent person!" Wen Churan frowned, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, "Then why does she look exactly like me, even the same height, weight, skin color, and even movement and demeanor! ...Are there really two people who look the same?"

"Either she really looks exactly like you, or..."

Bai Youning and Wen Churan looked at each other, and said the answer in their hearts in unison, "Face-lifting!"

"Yes!" Wen Churan slapped his thigh, and immediately figured it out, "With such advanced technology, it would not be difficult for that woman to have plastic surgery to look like me! But..."

She suddenly fell into another deadlock, "The movements and demeanor can imitate me, but how can the height and skin color be so the same?"

"Why don't we make a bold guess." Bai Youning analyzed, "If there is a person who wants to create another Wen Churan in this world, then the first thing he needs to do is to pick one out of ten thousand, pick out a person with the same height, skin color and weight as you. The same woman, and then train that woman to imitate your movements, demeanor and even your character, but such ingenious imitation and plastic surgery cannot be completed overnight, it will take a long time, so..."

"So, this is a conspiracy that started a long time ago!" Wen Churan continued Bai Youning's words, "If you want to make a face look exactly like mine, if you want to imitate my movements and demeanor to It will take at least several years to not reveal any flaws! is this possible!"

Wen Churan couldn't believe it, it was so unbelievable, "With such careful planning, it took several years to create another me in the world. What is the purpose of that person! Just want to completely replace me with that woman?"

Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps.

It seems that in the past few years, a pair of eyes have been secretly peeping at her, trying to replace her all the time!

Seeing that Wen Churan's face was pale, and even started to break out in a cold sweat, Bai Youning hurriedly comforted him, "Calm down! Listen to me, that person first stole your body, and then made a woman pretending to be you to approach Sheng Shimo, it can be seen What he did was not only aimed at you, but also at Sheng Shimo!"

Up to now, all the mysteries have finally been solved, but the only thing that puzzled both Wen Churan and Bai Youning is - what is the purpose of that person's meticulous planning of all this!

This is not just a conspiracy, but a huge conspiracy that has been meticulously arranged over the past few years!

It is unfathomable and daunting.

Wen Churan calmed down a little, she can't panic now!

"From this point of view, that person should not be Sheng Yuanhan. Sheng Yuanhan is only for the treasure map. He doesn't need to go through so much trouble! It's even more impossible to plot against me a few years ago!"

Bai Youning rested the dog's paw on Wen Churan's knee, "For now, the only way to do it is to start with that unknown woman outside!"

Wen Churan's face darkened, he stood up suddenly, and pulled Bai Youning's dog by the leash, "Go! Let's meet that fake woman for a while!"

The body is not occupied! The woman who is showing up now has plastic surgery to look like Wen Churan!

Scary? Is it exciting? hey-hey…

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