Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 480 Puppet Master Ling Chenggang (3200 words, please subscribe)

After just half a stick of incense, the two masses of medicinal liquid turned into entities, and two strong aromas of elixirs and the breath of second-level high-grade elixirs also spread out from their bodies.

Ling Cheng listened to the fragrance of elixirs that drifted into the tip of his nose, and felt the smell of two second-level high-grade elixirs coming from the alchemy furnace. A trace of disappointment appeared on his pale face due to the excessive consumption of spiritual power.

"It's a pity that there are still only two pills! There is still a long way to go to reach the qualified pill probability of three pills. This time the pill cost the family another three to four hundred spiritual stones."


"It's still my spiritual consciousness that is holding me back. If my spiritual consciousness can enter the realm of perfect foundation building, refining this furnace of second-level high-quality spirit-gathering pills can at least stabilize the probability of forming pills to three or four."

"My current cultivation level is only in the middle stage of foundation building. If I want to rely on my cultivation level to increase the intensity of my consciousness to reach the stage of perfect foundation building, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it in a short time."

"Under such circumstances, the only thing left is to comprehend the Explosive God Forging Technique that the Eighth Uncle used to find his family. If I can comprehend this method to the fifth level and increase the intensity of my consciousness by 150%, I will The strength of his spiritual consciousness will definitely be raised to the perfection of foundation building.”

"It's better to stop this crazy refining of the second-level high-grade spirit-gathering elixir, and first comprehend the Explosive God Forging Technique to the fifth level."

The limit for ordinary elixirs to become elixirs is five, and three elixirs are considered qualified. Only by refining a batch of elixirs with a probability of three elixirs can the elixir be repaid.

As for the probability of success in refining the elixir, it is two different things than the probability of the elixir becoming a success.

One is success and failure, and the other is the number of pills made after success.

Ling Chengxin, who is a second-level mid-level alchemist, forcibly refined the second-level high-level spirit-gathering elixir because Ling Pengyun entrusted him with the Ling family name a few months ago after the Lingxiao auction. The only second-level alchemist currently in charge of the family is supporting the family's alchemy.

And let him master the refining of Xiaobailing Water and Pulse Protection Pill, two second-level top-grade sub-first-class foundation-building spiritual objects as soon as possible.

The refining methods of these two spiritual objects are extremely difficult, and even experienced second-level high-grade alchemists will not have a high success rate in refining them.

As for Ling Chengxin, a second-level mid-level alchemist, if he wants to master refining, he can only frantically refine second-level high-level elixirs. Relying on refining second-level high-level elixirs, he can quickly improve his alchemy skills in order to improve his skills. In the future, I will master the refining of Xiao Bai Ling Water and Pulse Protection Pill more quickly.

This method is indeed effective. In addition, with the fifth level of Foundation Establishment, he has comprehended the Explosive God Forging Technique to the fourth level. The strength of his divine consciousness is comparable to that of a strong person in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. In the past three months, it is enough to With the help of dozens of second-grade high-grade spirit-gathering elixir materials, his level of alchemy increased.

The success rate of refining the second-level high-quality spirit-gathering pills has increased to 20%, and the probability of completing the pills can barely reach two.

However, this method is effective, but the cost is really high.

Even the main late-stage foundation-building monster inner elixir needed by Ling Cheng to refine this second-level high-grade spirit-gathering pill was obtained by killing the late-stage foundation-building monsters when the Ling family conquered the muddy swamp realm.

Those auxiliary medicines were also grown by Ling himself.

But Ling Cheng's refining of the Spirit Gathering Pill in the past three months still resulted in a loss of raw materials worth nearly two to three thousand spirit stones.

This loss of valuable raw materials is also a huge sum for the huge Ling family.

If Ling Chengxin does not increase the success rate of the second-level high-grade spirit-gathering pill to 30% as soon as possible and the probability of the pill to three, the Ling family will also lose more spirit stones.

This incident also caused increasing pressure on Ling Chengxin.

Then, Ling Chengxin immediately made a secret to remove the earth fire that was pouring out of the earth fire mouth. He waved his hand and used the art of controlling objects to take out the two second-level high-grade spirit-gathering pills that had just been made in the blazing alchemy furnace. He held it in his palm, looked at it carefully, and commented.

"This second-grade high-grade spirit-gathering pill has a mild effect and a good blend of various medicinal liquids. It should be classified as medium quality."

"This second-grade high-grade Spirit-Gathering Pill is a bit inferior. The breath alone is unstable, and the fusion between various medicinal liquids is also somewhat poor. However, the efficacy of this Spirit-Gathering Pill is estimated to be as good as that of a medium-quality Spirit-Gathering Pill." It’s about 90%, which is not far from the medium-quality spirit-gathering pill.”

"This can barely be considered a happy event."

After putting the two second-level high-quality spirit-gathering pills in his hands into medicine bottles, he closed his eyes and began to comprehend the fifth level of the clan's spiritual consciousness cultivation method, "Explosion God Forging Technique".

The other side.

In the muddy swamp, within the medium-sized first-grade high-grade Huangyan steel vein, there were constant and harsh sounds of metal and iron.

The ones who inspired these sounds were fifteen mining wooden puppets whose entire body was made of spiritual wood, six feet tall, and holding a first-level low-grade spiritual iron pickaxe.

The monk who controls these fifteen mining wooden puppets is a young monk with a resolute face who looks like a teenager.

This young tribesman's name is Ling Wanxu, and he ranks twenty-first among the Ten Thousand Zi generation. He is one of the thirty-one Ten Thousand Zi generation tribesmen who followed Ling Pengyun to conquer the muddy swamp realm a year ago.

This Ling Wanxu has the fourth spiritual root qualification, and his cultivation level has just broken through to the fourth level of Qi training a few days ago.

He can be sent here to control the fifteen mining puppets to do the easy work of mining, instead of following Ling Pengyun and others to perform the art of controlling objects and move the black mud in the muddy swamp. The artificial island built on top of his spiritual veins was all due to the fact that as his cultivation level improved, his talent for spiritual consciousness first appeared.

Now, although he only has the fourth level of Qi training, his spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a fifth-level Qi training monk.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to control fifteen mining puppets with the fourth level of Qi training to mine the ore in the Huangyan Steel Vein.

Of course, there is not much spiritual consciousness required to control the mining puppets, but a normal fourth-level Qi training monk can only control a maximum of twelve mining puppets.

In addition, because of his initial talent for spiritual consciousness, he was valued by Ling Pengyun and was given the method of cultivating his spiritual consciousness "Explosion God Forging Technique" in advance.

Ling Pengyun sent him here with the intention of letting him master the Explosive God Forging Technique as soon as possible and then increase the strength of his divine consciousness.

The strength of spiritual consciousness is of great use to monks. For ordinary monks like Ling Wanxu who have not mastered the talent of hundreds of arts, strong spiritual consciousness can master more magic weapons in battle.

With more magic weapons in hand, you will naturally have a greater advantage in battle.

at the same time.

Not far from this mineral vein, there is a simple cave.

Inside this cave, fire is radiating.

In the place where the fire shines, there is a strong young man with a strong body and yellow skin sitting cross-legged on the ground, relying on the flames made from a pile of first-level firewood to burn the bottom of a huge floating black refining furnace. The temperature inside the heating furnace.

I don't know how much time passed, but the breath of a first-order low-grade magic weapon came out from the weapon refining furnace.

The young man's face was filled with joy, and he immediately used the art of controlling objects to lift off the lid of the refining furnace, and took out a fist-sized puppet from the huge refining furnace.

Looking at the puppet, the young man smiled and said.

"A wooden puppet again."

"Now, the clan can speed up the development of this medium-sized, first-grade, high-grade Huangyan steel vein."

This young and strong man is Ling Chenggang, the only first-level high-grade weapon refiner among the "three" weapon refiners of the Ling family, ranked twenty-fifth in Cheng Zi's generation.

Although his cultivation has reached the ninth level of Qi training, he is still sixty-one years old and has exceeded the limit of foundation building. However, Ling Pengyun is improving the secret method that can enhance the age limit of cultivation.

There is currently a shortage of talents in the family, and Ling Chenggang is lucky enough to be included in the talents that the family focuses on cultivating.

The other two weapon refiners are Ling Pengyun, a second-level high-grade weapon refiner, and Wen Nianling, a second-level mid-level weapon refiner.

Ling Chenggang was not good at fighting. Ever since Ling Pengyun brought back the complete set of first-level puppet inheritance from the boundless sea realm in his early years, he had been very interested in the first-level puppet inheritance.

On weekdays, he often saves some spiritual iron and refines iron puppets.

It's just that because the amount of spiritual materials required to refine the puppet is too large, his success rate in refining the puppet is not high.

However, he had some foundation in refining puppets, so he was entrusted with the important task by Ling Pengyun, relying on the spiritual shrubs obtained by the family to refine wooden puppets.

He did not live up to Ling Pengyun's expectations. He had been here for only half a year, relying on the large number of spiritual bushes in the clan and the existing foundation of puppet refining.

Now, he has increased the success rate of refining auxiliary first-level low-grade mining wooden puppets to as high as 30%.

The fifteen first-level low-grade mining wooden puppets that are mining iron ore in the Huangyan Steel Vein were also made by Ling Chenggang.

Ling Chenggang, who had just made a mining wooden puppet, took the mining wooden puppet in his hand and walked out of the simple cave with a smile on his face, and found Ling Wan, who controlled the fifteen mining puppets. Virtual.

"Uncle Cheng Gang!"

When Ling Wanxu saw Ling Chenggang arriving, he immediately stood up and raised his hands to Ling Chenggang.

"Wanxu, this is a mining puppet I just refined. Can your consciousness be able to sacrifice this mining puppet and use it to control mining?"

Ling Cheng just handed the newly refined mining puppet in his hand to Ling Wanxu, and then thought that although Ling Wanxu's spiritual consciousness was strong, it could only be compared to the fifth level of Qi training at most, so he asked again and again.

The spiritual consciousness of a fifth-level Qi-training monk can only control a maximum of fifteen first-level low-grade mining puppets.

"Uncle Cheng Gang, in less than three days, I will be able to comprehend the Explosive God Forging Technique to the first level. By then, my consciousness will be comparable to that of a sixth-level Qi training monk, and I will be able to sacrifice this mining puppet. ”

When Ling Wanxu saw this, a look of confidence appeared on his resolute face and he spoke.

"That's very good. Uncle Peng Yun is indeed right about you kid. Back then, it took me more than a year to comprehend the Explosive God Forging Technique to the first level."

When Ling Cheng heard this, he immediately felt happy for Ling Wanxu, a smile appeared on his face and he said.

However, after saying this, Ling Chenggang saw a trace of complacency on Ling Wanxu's face. The smile on his face disappeared and turned serious, warning fiercely.

"But you kid, don't be arrogant, practice hard for me honestly, and don't forget Uncle Peng Yun's expectations for you."

"In order to avoid the Explosive God Forging Technique in the clan, only people in the clan who have reached the late stage of Qi training can comprehend the Explosive God Forging Technique in the clan. Like you, you can comprehend it in advance in the middle stage of Qi training. There are not many people who can master the Explosive God Forging Technique.”

Ling Wanxu nodded lightly, and the complacency on his face disappeared in smoke.

Ling Pengyun, the ancestor who appreciated his talent, held a very important place in his heart.

He didn't want to disappoint Ling Pengyun, nor did he want to miss this opportunity to potentially advance to a higher level.

Then, he nodded solemnly and responded.

"Understand Uncle Cheng Gang, I will definitely practice well."

Thank you: Breaking through the heavy circle, weaving dreams unintentionally, and labor and management are just a monthly ticket.

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