Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 481: Encountering a special fire python (please subscribe)

On this day, at noon.

In the outer area of ​​Baiyun Mountain Range, in the core of the Five Elements Market, there is an inn called "Lingxiao".

The aura in the backyard of this inn is extremely rich, especially in a quiet room in the backyard. There is a second-level medium-grade spirit gathering formation in this quiet room, and a large number of spirit stones support the operation of this formation at all times.

This also makes the aura in the quiet room extremely rich, comparable to the aura produced by the second-level upper-grade spirit vein.

In the center of this quiet room, there is a beautiful young female cultivator who is sitting cross-legged on the ground, constantly absorbing aura into her body, with a plump figure and fair skin.

Not long after, a sound of breaking suddenly came from the dantian position of the abdomen of this beautiful female cultivator.

Immediately afterwards, her breath rose rapidly and entered the ninth level of foundation building.

She also opened her eyes, a smile appeared on her face, and she muttered to herself.

"Finally I have reached the ninth level of foundation building. I wonder if my husband has opened up new territory for the family."

This beautiful woman is Yan Siyi, the wife of Ling Pengyun. After she followed her husband Ling Pengyun from Luoxia Mountain in Huaishui County to Baiyun Mountain Range, she was arranged by Ling Pengyun to retreat in this Lingxiao Inn to break through her cultivation.

In order to break through her cultivation as soon as possible, she has not come out of retreat for more than a year and has been staying in this quiet room. Therefore, she is not aware of the fact that the family has occupied the muddy swamp.

Thinking of this, the joy on Yan Siyi's face suddenly disappeared, and a worry appeared instead.

She also walked out of the quiet room and found her mother "Yang Qiuyun" who was in charge of the counter of this Lingxiao Inn, and asked her about the situation of her husband Ling Pengyun and his people occupying a piece of territory in Baiyun Mountain Range.

When Yan Siyi learned that her husband Ling Pengyun had led the Ling family to a great victory half a year ago, and successively occupied the Lingxiao Ridge and the muddy swamp, she finally put down her worries and was delighted by Ling Pengyun's achievements.

Then, she hurriedly said goodbye to her mother Yang Qiuyun and her father Ling Xiaoshun, who was the manager of another store in the family, and left the Five Elements Market built on the outskirts of the Baiyun Mountains alone, and flew away in a boat, rushing to the muddy swamp.

Because the monster gathering places around the Five Elements Market were occupied by the Yan Kingdom's Jindan forces, Yan Siyi did not encounter many monsters along the way, and she also arrived at the muddy swamp very smoothly.

But not long after entering the muddy swamp, she felt several spiritual power fluctuations coming from the front.


She groaned, and with a vigilant heart, she cast a qi-seeing technique on her body, and her eyesight was enhanced several times in an instant.

She could also see clearly the scenery of the place where the spiritual power fluctuations came from a few miles ahead.

There was a small island there, and a small lake in the center of the island.

By the lake, there were three mid-stage Qi training monks wearing green Taoist robes, who were besieging a fire python with red scales all over its body and a slight bulge on its head.

Although the three mid-stage Qi training monks each had a first-level medium-grade attack and defense magic weapon, they were very powerful.

But the mid-stage Qi training fire python was good at using fire magic, and it continuously spewed out fire magic from its mouth. The defensive power of the scales on its body was also good. It barely blocked the attacks of the three monks of the same level with the power of a snake.

This situation made the three mid-stage Qi training monks wearing green Taoist robes very anxious.

One of the old monks with white hair looked helpless and called out to the other two monks around him.

"Two junior brothers, use the talismans directly. With the strength of the three of us, it will probably take a long time to exhaust the spiritual power of this python."

"If we drag on, the noise of our battle will probably attract the brothers stationed in the surrounding spiritual veins. This island is a deserted island, not a place for us to guard. It will be difficult for us to take this middle-stage Qi training red cloud python with a stronger bloodline than ordinary ones."

After saying this, the old middle-stage Qi training took out nearly ten first-level low-grade and medium-grade talismans he had saved over the years and threw them at the middle-stage Qi training fire python that was fighting with it not far away.

The fire python was shocked when he saw this.

But this fire python was also amazing. In just three breaths, it condensed three fire shields in front of it, blocking nearly half of the incoming magic attack.

Just when the old monk thought that he could definitely hurt the fire python this time, he didn't expect that the fire python, which was only in the middle stage of Qi training, actually mastered the "fire source armor technique" that only fire monsters in the foundation building stage could master.

Through this technique, it transformed a thick layer of fire armor on its body, blocking all the remaining magic spells cast by the old monk, without hurting it at all.

"Foundation building spell?"

"This fire python really has extraordinary potential, but it is indeed a trouble for us now."

The old Qi training monk sighed.

The other two middle stage Qi training monks who were still hesitating whether to use the magic talisman were afraid that they would hurt the fire python with rich blood and a chance to turn into a half-dragon body, making it difficult to sell the fire python for a good price. Seeing this, their eyes flashed with brilliance.

At the same time, they all frowned.

The bloodline of this fire python is already strong, and it has the potential to become a half-dragon. Its price on the market is extremely high, and it can be sold for at least a thousand spirit stones.

Now, this fire python has comprehended the extraordinary magic of the foundation-building period in the middle stage of Qi training, which can at least increase the price of this fire python by 50%, and it is no problem to sell it for 1,500 spirit stones.

However, this fire python has now shown stronger strength, which means that they can hardly capture this fire python alive in a short time by their own strength.

In order to avoid attracting fellow disciples stationed in several surrounding spirit veins, the two cultivators in the middle stage of Qi training had to follow the instructions of the old cultivator and each took out several first-level lower and middle-grade spirit talismans to cast.

In a moment, dozens of spell attacks appeared in the air, turning into dozens of spiritual lights and killing the fire python.

Although the fire python cast several fire shields in time, they were all shattered by the dozens of spell attacks.

The thick fire source armor on its body consumed most of its remaining power to resist the spirit talisman attacks cast by the old cultivator, and it was simply unable to resist the remaining power of the dozens of spell attacks.

The dozen or so spell attacks also easily broke through the fire source armor on the fire python and bombarded the fire python's body.

It must be said that the scales on the fire python's body are strong. The dozen or so spell attacks consumed a lot of spare energy to break the scales on the fire python's body and bombarded its flesh and blood, causing dozens of wounds the size of a human head.

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