Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 686 Date plan, overnight in the county

After Zhang Yuan left, Chen Weijun walked over to collect Zhang Yuan's test paper, and while the female examiner was going to the toilet, he exchanged the test paper that he had prepared to replace with Zhang Yuan's test paper!

Chen Weijun's plan was perfect. The test paper he used was the test paper of a candidate who was absent from the exam, and he casually wrote the answers while the female examiner was not paying attention.

Of course, these answers are all wrong. How could Chen Weijun help Zhang Yuan answer the questions?

As for Zhang Yuan's replaced test paper, Chen Weijun also had his name and exam number obliterated.

In this way, this test paper is no different from a blank test paper, and it just serves as the test paper for the absentee candidate.

After doing all this, Chen Weijun looked in the direction of the entrance of the health school with a sneer, thinking we will wait and see in a few days!

Originally, it took a long time for the results of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Licensing Examination to be released, but this time it is a special situation. The results will be released in a few days, and candidates need to go to the examination center to collect their score sheets.

Chen Weijun made up his mind to humiliate Zhang Yuan in front of Liu Ruolan when Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruolan came to collect their transcripts!

He also wanted to tell Zhang Yuan that Liu Ruolan was not happy after marrying Zhang Yuan!

This was not made up by Chen Weijun, but revealed by Liu Ruolan while chatting with a former female classmate.

Later, when Chen Weijun asked the female classmate, he learned about this.

But even so, when Chen Weijun contacted Liu Ruolan, Liu Ruolan still refused to reply to him.

This made Chen Weijun very angry. His dissatisfaction with Liu Ruolan had long been accumulated in his heart, and it was not until this morning that it suddenly broke out.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan left the examination room and when he walked to the gate, he immediately saw Liu Ruolan standing at the door looking in.

Zhang Yuan told Liu Ruolan that he would hand in the paper in advance, so Liu Ruolan calculated the time in advance and was waiting for him here!

Pedestrians passing by could not help but take a few more glances when they saw Liu Ruolan's sexy and proud figure.

As for the two security guards at the door, one old and one young, the older security guard had long lost interest in women and just sat there with his eyes closed and meditating.

The young security guard was too embarrassed to stare at Liu Ruolan. He only dared to peek at her from the corner of his eye occasionally, for fear that she would catch him peeking.

At this time, Liu Ruolan saw Zhang Yuan coming, and immediately showed excitement and waved to Zhang Yuan.

The little security guard subconsciously turned his head to look. After the beautiful woman waved to Zhang Yuan, he couldn't help but feel a little more envious in his eyes.

He knew that the sexy and touching beauty was Zhang Yuan's woman!

When Zhang Yuan walked out of the door, Liu Ruolan immediately greeted him.

Zhang Yuan didn't live up to her enthusiasm. He directly picked up Liu Ruolan by the waist and carried her towards the car amidst her exclamations.

People around him couldn't help but cast glances at him.

Men naturally envy Zhang Yuan's beauty and happiness, and women also envy Liu Ruolan for finding such a tall and handsome boyfriend.

Back in the car, Liu Ruolan blushed.

"Brother Yuan, you were too high-profile just now! What should you do if an acquaintance sees you?"

Zhang Yuan shrugged, "Let's do it! Even if the villagers know that you are my woman now, so what? Even if Lin Zhongfei knows, it doesn't matter! Am I still afraid of him? Then it will be time to reveal our identities so that we can avoid being so secretive all day long." !”

Hearing Zhang Yuan say that he was willing to disclose their identities so that everyone in the village knew that she was his woman, Liu Ruolan felt very sweet in her heart.

But after the sweetness passed, she still shook her head

"Now is not the time! Brother Yuan, I will always be

Your woman, whether she makes it public or not, can't change the result! The important thing now is that I haven't divorced Lin Zhongfei yet. When we get divorced, it won’t be too late to make it public! "

Zhang Yuan thought about it. If the relationship between the two was disclosed in advance, what would happen if Lin Zhongfei jumped over the wall and refused to divorce Liu Ruolan?

"Lan Lan, you are right, then let's do what you want! When you and Lin Zhongfei divorce, then move to my clinic in a high-profile manner! By then, everyone will know about our relationship! I believe it. Lin Zhongfei was so angry that he died on the spot!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

He wanted to know how Lin Zhongfei would react when he learned that half of the Chinese medicine clinic he opened was for Liu Ruolan.

Liu Ruolan rolled her eyes at Zhang Yuan angrily, "Why didn't I realize before that Brother Yuan, you are so bad!"

"Is it bad? Compared with me in bed, which one is worse?" Zhang Yuan said with a bad smile.

Two red clouds fluttered across Liu Ruolan's pretty face, and her tone was filled with shame.

"I won't tell you anymore! The exam is over, go home quickly! Otherwise, uncle and aunt will worry!"

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "Go home? It's still early! Let's have dinner together tonight to celebrate! I know a particularly delicious restaurant, let's have a big meal there. Tonight... we won't go home!"

Before going out today, Zhang Yuan told the old couple that he would not go home at night.

He also found the reason early in the morning.

He just said that he would have a drink with a friend in the county to reminisce about old times, and he would spend the night at his home.

This reason is so legitimate that even Chu Xueqi can't say anything.

Knowing that Zhang Yuan decided to spend the night in the county tonight, Liu Ruolan blushed even more, but she was very excited in her heart.

This is the first time for both of them to book a room in a hotel!

Since it wasn't time to eat yet, Zhang Yuan first drove Liu Ruolan around the county.

Usually, the two of them spend most of their time in the village and have no time to visit the beautiful scenery in the county.

When it was getting dark, the two of them came to the restaurant Zhang Yuan mentioned. It was the same restaurant called Home Cooking where Zhang Yuan, Zheng Qiuyue and Wang Shaoqiu had eaten together.

I ate here once that time and Zhang Yuan thought the food was pretty good.

When he arrived at the hotel, Zhang Yuan opened a private room and ordered a few of the restaurant's signature dishes.

When the dishes were served, the entire private room was filled with aroma.

Liu Ruolan tasted it twice and couldn't help but praise it.

"Brother Yuan, you are indeed right. The food in this restaurant is really delicious!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Of course. If it wasn't delicious, why would I bring Lan Lan here for a date?"

Liu Ruolan's long eyelashes trembled, "Is this a date?"

She had never been in love when she was in school. She followed her elder brother's orders and married Lin Zhongfei within two years of working after graduation.

But there is no love between Liu Ruolan and Lin Zhongfei, so naturally they won't talk about love.

In fact, she has never even dated!

This is Liu Ruolan’s first date!

Zhang Yuan smiled, "Of course it's a date! After dinner, I'll take you to a movie! How about it?"

Not only has Liu Ruolan never dated, but Zhang Yuan himself has no experience in this area.

Just in time to catch up today!

Liu Ruolan's face was full of emotion at this moment.

When she first married Lin Zhongfei and learned what he was, Liu Ruolan originally thought that she might never have love in her life.

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