Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 687 Strawberries are in danger, the brain is deprived of oxygen

But the appearance of Zhang Yuan gave her a second life!

"Okay! Let's go watch a movie later!" The corners of Liu Ruolan's eyes became moist.

After a cozy dinner, the two went to a nearby movie theater.

Today's movie is a comedy, of average quality, and at best a popcorn movie.

After eating the popcorn, I almost forgot about the movie.

However, both Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruolan watched it with gusto. This was the first time for them to watch a movie alone with members of the opposite sex.

At the end of the movie, Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that something was wrong. In the dark cinema, there were inexplicably many gasps and gasps!

He looked around and realized that there were several couples hugging each other and kissing passionately.

The gasping and breathing sounds were also made by them!

Zhang Yuan looked at Liu Ruolan who was watching the movie intently beside him, and couldn't help but lick his dry lips.

I almost forgot that you can do this in a movie theater!

Zhang Yuan immediately put Liu Ruolan in his arms and kissed her passionately like those young lovers.

Even though Liu Ruolan was watching a movie seriously just now, she was actually aware of those affectionate young lovers.

At that time, her heart was pounding, wondering if Zhang Yuan would be like those young lovers and want to kiss her.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan actually did this!

Leaning in Zhang Yuan's arms, Liu Ruolan was as supple as a gentle cat.

Zhang Yuan lowered his head and leaned over, and the two of them kissed passionately.

I don't know how much time passed, but before the two of them finished kissing passionately, there was sudden movement from behind and the girl's scream.

Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruolan were also startled and hurriedly separated.

Just when they separated, the lights in the cinema suddenly turned on.

Zhang Yuan stood up and turned around, only to see a short-haired girl screaming loudly a few rows back.

On the chair next to her, a boy was leaning on the chair, his face pale and foaming at the mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the cinema was in an uproar.

Those who were close quickly took a few steps back, fearing that they would be implicated.

The cinema staff also hurried over and asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

The short-haired girl cried, "I...I don't know! I was kissing my boyfriend just now, but he suddenly twitched all over, foamed at the mouth and passed out! I don't know anything! I don't know anything! Woohoo! "

The staff member looked at the boy on the seat with an ugly expression on his face.

If this boy died in their cinema, they would also be implicated!

"Call 120! Call 120!" the staff shouted outside.

At this time, a well-dressed square-faced man in his thirties stood up, "No! There is no need to call 120! According to my opinion, this boy's brain was deprived of oxygen because he kissed for too long! There is no need to call 120." , just give him artificial respiration!"

After a pause, the square-faced man said again, "I'm a doctor!"

I heard the square-faced man claiming to be a doctor, and then said that the boy just kissed for too long and was deprived of oxygen.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and some even couldn't help laughing.

"It seems like we can't kiss for too long in the future! Otherwise, we might end up comatose from lack of oxygen like him!"

"That's right, when you kiss, isn't it enough to just kiss on the mouth? Can't you breathe through your nose?"

"Maybe he just caught a cold and his nose is blocked, right? But at such an old age, don't you know how to cherish your body?"



Everyone was talking about it.

The staff also breathed a sigh of relief and shouted outside.

"No need to call 120! There are professional doctors here!"

He turned to the man with the opposite face and said, "Thank you, doctor! Fortunately, there is a professional doctor like you here! Otherwise, we really don't know what to do! Doctor, do you think you should help this boy with artificial respiration?" "

"Haha! I don't need it! Who, you are his girlfriend, just come and give him artificial respiration! I can guide you from the side!" the square-faced man said with a smile.

The short-haired girl nodded quickly, pretending to give the boy artificial respiration.

But at this moment, Zhang Yuan's steady voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't do artificial respiration carelessly! This boy is not simply hypoxic! You should call 120 first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Yuan.

The square-faced man just now stared at Zhang Yuan.

"Are you a doctor too?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "That's right! But I haven't obtained my professional qualification yet!"

Before obtaining the qualification to practice traditional Chinese medicine, Zhang Yuan was indeed not officially a formal doctor.

Hearing this, the square-faced man didn't say anything, but the movie theater staff started shouting in dissatisfaction.

"You're not even a doctor. Why are you yelling here? You're still calling 120. The ambulance will come later. Will you pay me?"

Zhang Yuan glanced at the staff member, "This boy is definitely not suffering from a simple lack of oxygen! That little girl, how long do you think you were kissing just now?"

The short-haired girl thought for a while and said, "It should only take two or three minutes! We usually kiss for more than ten minutes!"

Hearing what she said, the square-faced man also frowned.


If you only kiss for two or three minutes, then the probability of a boy suffering from hypoxia due to kissing is not high.

But if it wasn't for lack of oxygen, why was he frothing at the mouth and unconscious?

Zhang Yuan smiled lightly and said, "This boy did not fall into a coma due to lack of oxygen due to kissing. The real cause of his coma was the strawberries planted on his neck!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Strawberries growing on boys’ necks?

They all looked at the unconscious boy's neck, and sure enough they saw several "strawberries" on it.

At this time, the staff sneered and said, "Strawberry planting can also make people comatose? None of the people here are children. Who hasn't been planted with strawberries while kissing? Why don't we see us unconscious?"

Unexpectedly, the face of the square-faced man changed drastically, and he couldn't help blurting out, "Is it because he used too much force when planting strawberries that the boy's blood vessels ruptured, affecting the blood supply to the brain? That's right! There is indeed a possibility of capillary rupture!"

After saying that, he hurried to the boy and carefully inspected the strawberry mark on his neck.

"That's true! Hurry! Call 120! This boy's problem is serious!" The square-faced man yelled at the staff.

The staff was startled and couldn't help mumbling.

"You were the one who just said not to call 120, and now it's you who are clamoring to call 120! What on earth do you want to do?"

Seeing the staff dragging his feet and refusing to move, the square-faced man became furious.

"Didn't you hear what I said? If the ambulance arrives a minute later, this boy will be in more danger! If you don't want people to die in your cinema, call 120 immediately!"

The staff was so frightened that they ran out and shouted to call 120, their voices changing with urgency.

Because of the square-faced man's sudden change of attitude, the atmosphere became tense.

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