Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 744: Came to the door again, vitality and blood were severely damaged

Zhang Yuan nodded, "No wonder! By the way, Director Wang, let me take your pulse again!"

"Okay!" Wang Shiming said and stretched out his hand in front of Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan checked Wang Shiming's pulse and couldn't help but nodded.

"Judging from the pulse, it is indeed much better than before. But if you want to fully recover, you will have to have another blood transfusion in a few days! You should also pay attention to your daily diet. You should eat light and eat more blood-enhancing foods such as red dates and longan. You can also fry pig’s blood and eat it!”

Zhang Yuan said.

Wang Shiming nodded repeatedly and wrote down everything Zhang Yuan said. .??.

At this time, Zhang Yuan hesitated, wondering whether to ask Wang Shiming to check at his home and try to find out the cause of his excessive blood loss.

But then he thought about the fact that he was not familiar with Wang Shiming, so Zhang Yuan did not say anything in the end.

It's really unreasonable to ask you to look around at someone else's house for the first time.

Zhang Yuan immediately stood up and said goodbye.

Wang Shiming also wanted to keep Zhang Yuan at home for dinner, but Zhang Yuan declined.

"Director Wang, please treat me to dinner when you fully recover one day!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Wang Shiming's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw that Zhang Yuan did not object to his invitation to dinner.

The students he had disciplined before looked like enemies when they saw him.

Only Zhang Yuan was different and was actually willing to eat with him.

"Okay! Doctor Zhang, when I recover, I will treat you to dinner!" Wang Shiming said with a smile.

Then Zhang Yuan left.

When he was driving back to the village, he happened to meet Zhang Weimin who was coming back from outside.

Zhang Yuan recognized Zhang Weimin's car, an Alto worth more than 50,000 yuan.

In fact, Zhang Weimin had money to buy a more expensive car, but he often had to go to the town for meetings. In order to show off in front of his leaders, he bought an Alto.

Speaking of which, fortunately Zhang Weimin was not here when the clinic opened this time.


If Zhang Weimin were here and joined forces with Lin Zhongfei, the two of them would definitely come up with even more damaging ideas!

Of course, no matter how sinister the two of them were, Zhang Yuan was not afraid at all.

When facing the enemy, we must despise the opponent strategically, but value the opponent tactically.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while, then opened the car window and said hello to Zhang Weimin.

"The village chief is back! What a coincidence. If you had come back two days earlier, you would have caught up with the opening of my clinic!"

Zhang Weimin naturally noticed Zhang Yuan, but he didn't want to talk to Zhang Yuan.

But when he heard Zhang Yuan talk about the opening of the clinic, his face immediately turned green.

Zhang Yuan's clinic opened, but he was not in the village!

What a great opportunity, just missed!

Zhang Weimin was angry and complained, but no one reported to him.

Especially Lin Zhongfei. If Lin Zhongfei and Zhang Yuan don't deal with it, they will definitely cause trouble while Zhang Yuan's clinic is opening.

But why didn't he say hello to himself in advance?

What Zhang Weimin didn't know was that since the last time the two of them teamed up to plot against Zhang Yuan failed, Lin Zhongfei didn't pay much attention to him as the village chief.

In Lin Zhongfei's view, Zhang Weimin is already old!

Otherwise, how could Zhang Weimin be fooled by Zhang Yuan during the previous rat plague?

In addition, Lin Zhongfei felt that his strategy was foolproof, so he did not say hello to Zhang Weimin.

Zhang Weimin had a cold face and said nothing.

Zhang Yuan didn't bother to talk to him anymore. He just laughed and stepped on the accelerator, directly surpassing Zhang Weimin.

Being left behind by Zhang Yuan, Zhang Weimin's

Zhang Lao's face suddenly turned red.

When people in the village meet him, who wouldn't let him, the village chief, pass first?

But Zhang Yuan overtook his car without giving him, the village chief, any face.

Seeing Zhang Yuan leave in a hurry, Zhang Weimin was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred, but he couldn't do anything to Zhang Yuan.

The best opportunity has been missed, and now it's useless even if he wants to take issue with the clinic!

In the next two days, Zhang Yuan stayed in the clinic every day.

There are not many patients coming to see the doctor, but the clinic is inseparable from people!

Zhang Yuan made up his mind, three days at the latest!

If he couldn't find a suitable person at the medical school after three days, he would go to Chen Xuancheng and ask for a guy.

It’s too much trouble to look after the clinic alone!

Three days later, in the morning, after Zhang Yuan finished his meal, he was urged by Chu Xueqi to go to the clinic to open the door.

After the helpless Zhang Yuan went out, he became furious and decided to call Feng Youdao, the principal of the medical school, this evening and ask him if he could find a suitable guy!

If Feng Youdao hasn't found it yet, he will go to Chen's Pharmacy early tomorrow morning to "rob" a clerk!

What Zhang Yuan didn't know was that as soon as he walked out the door, Chu Xueqi took out a book of Chinese medicinal materials from behind the sofa and started reading it with gusto.

Wang Hui saw Chu Xueqi reading a book on Chinese medicinal materials, a smile appeared on her face and did not disturb her.

In fact, this is not the first day Chu Xueqi has read this book.

Since Zhang Yuan's clinic opened, she has been secretly reading this encyclopedia of Chinese medicinal materials every day when Zhang Yuan was not at home.

Wang Hui knew exactly why Chu Xueqi wanted to read the Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicinal Materials.

Zhang Yuan runs a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, and Chu Xueqi studies Chinese medicinal materials all day long. Is it so obvious that she still needs to guess?

It just so happens that Zhang Yuan has been complaining recently that there is no assistant in the clinic. What if Chu Xueqi learned Chinese medicinal materials and worked as Zhang Yuan's assistant.

By then, wouldn’t this Chinese medicine clinic become a mom-and-pop shop for the two of them?

Wang Hui, who had always wanted Zhang Yuan to get married as soon as possible, was happy to see such a scene.

Although Chu Xueqi's family is prominent, Wang Hui firmly believes that Zhang Yuan will definitely achieve a great career in the future, and will definitely not be worse than the Chu family!

Wang Hui would be very happy if the two of them could be together. She liked the little girl Chu Xueqi very much.

Zhang Yuan came to the clinic feeling sullen. He had just opened the door and entered the room. Before he could sit down, he heard the horn of an electric tricycle outside.

Then he saw Wang Shiming's wife helping him into the clinic!

When he saw Wang Shiming, Zhang Yuan's expression changed instantly, and he could hardly believe what he saw in front of him.

Wang Shiming, whose face was red two days ago, turned pale again, and looked even weaker than before!

The last time he came, he could still walk normally.

But this time, he could only walk with the help of his wife. He was obviously much weaker than before!

"Doctor Zhang, please show our leader quickly! What's going on with him?" The woman's tone was anxious.

A smile appeared on Wang Shiming's pale face: "Doctor Zhang, please show me! I feel even worse now than before!"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to help Wang Shiming sit down, grabbed his wrist and checked his pulse.

After checking his pulse, Zhang Yuan's face looked a little ugly.

"Director Wang's pulse is a symptom of severe loss of qi and blood! Has he suffered any trauma or bleeding in the past two days?"

Wang Shiming's wife hurriedly shook her head, "No! Our leader has been at home for the past two days without even going out. How could he be injured and bleeding?"

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