Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 745: Blood sucked, strange creature

Wang Shiming also said, "Doctor Zhang, I really haven't suffered any trauma or severe bleeding."

"This..." Zhang Yuan frowned in thought.

He really can't think of any disease that can cause a person to lose a lot of blood in a short period of time. This is almost impossible in traditional Chinese medicine!

The only possibility is that Wang Shiming suffered a trauma and bled excessively!

But both of them insisted that Wang Shiming had not been injured, so what on earth was going on?

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment and suddenly thought of a possibility.

He asked Wang Shiming, "Director Wang, I want to ask a private question. Do you two sleep in the same bed or in separate rooms?"

Hearing Zhang Yuan ask such a question, Wang Shiming and his wife were a little embarrassed, but they still answered.

"The head of the house has been busy recently, and the weather is hot in summer, so he goes to sleep in the cool south room at night. That is my son's room. My son works out of town and only comes back occasionally." Wang Shiming's wife said .

Hearing what she said, Zhang Yuan strengthened his suspicion.

He walked to the door of the clinic, pulled down the rolling shutter door outside, and drew the curtains.

The room suddenly became dark.

Just when Wang Shiming and his wife were confused, Zhang Yuan turned on the light, and the room lit up again.

Zhang Yuan turned to Wang Shiming and said, "Director Wang, I have a cruel request! I hope you take off all your clothes! Including your pants!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Shiming and his wife were completely stunned.

How can a traditional Chinese medicine doctor directly ask the patient to take off his clothes and pants when treating a disease?

Wang Shiming looked at Zhang Yuan in shock, "Doctor Zhang, do you still doubt that I have trauma? But if there is trauma, I will definitely find it myself!"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "Let's check it out! Otherwise, I really can't imagine how you could lose so much energy and blood in just two days! Trauma is the only possibility!"

Seeing that Zhang Yuandu had spoken to this extent, Wang Shiming's wife immediately made the decision.

"Master, listen to Dr. Zhang! Last time you listened to Dr. Zhang and went for a blood transfusion, didn't your health get better?"

Seeing that his wife said the same thing, Wang Shiming hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Anyway, Zhang Yuan is also a big man, so it doesn't matter if he takes off his pants in front of him.

The only thing that made Wang Shiming a little embarrassed was their former identities.

In the past, Wang Shiming was barely Zhang Yuan's teacher, but he just never taught him.

After Wang Shiming agreed, with the help of his wife, he took off his clothes and pants, wearing only a pair of underpants.

Zhang Yuan glanced at his back and legs, and there were no wounds.

At this time, he asked Wang Shiming to take off his pants again.

Wang Shiming was embarrassed, "Doctor Zhang, there's no need to take off your pants, right?"

The wife next to him glared at him, "Doctor Zhang said it's necessary, then it's necessary! Take off your pants quickly! Just treat it like going to the bathhouse to take a bath! Don't you have to take off your underwear when you enter the bathhouse?"

Wang Shiming had no choice but to take off his pants.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and Wang Shiming's wife even exclaimed.

"What is this? Master, why do you have two wounds on your butt?"

Wang Shiming was also surprised when his wife said that she had two wounds on her butt.

"Is there a wound? Why didn't I know?"

He touched it subconsciously, and his expression changed instantly. Sure enough, he touched two things that looked like wounds!

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "Okay.

Got it! Director Wang, put on your clothes! I think I already know why! "

After Wang Shiming's wife hurriedly helped him get dressed, the couple asked Zhang Yuan in unison.

"Doctor Zhang, what's going on?"

Zhang Yuan did not answer directly, but walked over, opened the curtains, and opened the clinic door.

After turning off the light, Zhang Yuan slowly spoke.

"Director Wang lost too much blood. It was indeed due to trauma! To be precise, he was sucked by some kind of creature!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Shiming and his wife turned pale with fright.

Of course, Wang Shiming's face was already very pale, so there was no visible change in his face.

"Doctor Zhang, are you saying that our head was sucked in blood?" Wang Shiming's wife's voice trembled as she spoke.

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Yes, the one that sucks blood should be some kind of small creature. It is very lucky, and the place it chooses is the superior gluteal artery, which is the least easy to find! It sucks blood here, and ordinary people will not easily notice it!" "

Wang Shiming and his wife slept in separate rooms, so Wang Shiming alone could not see the wound.

At this time, Wang Shiming couldn't help but asked, "Doctor Zhang, why do I have two wounds on my butt, but I can't feel it at all! I don't feel any pain at all!"

"That's because the blood-sucking creature injects venom into the wound while sucking blood."

"If I guess correctly, this venom should have a very strong paralysis effect. The range of paralysis is not large, but it lasts for a long time. You can't feel the pain of the wound now because the nerves at the wound are paralyzed!"

Zhang Yuan said.

Fortunately, he learned something about Western medicine from Liu Ruolan when he was preparing for the Traditional Chinese Medicine Licensing Examination some time ago.


Then Zhang Yuan absolutely couldn't say the word "superior gluteal artery".

Zhang Yuan's words made Wang Shiming and his wife feel frightened.

There are actually creatures that can suck blood in their house!

And this kind of creature sucks blood, and most people can't even notice it!

Not to mention how grateful the two of them were to Zhang Yuan at this moment.

If Zhang Yuan hadn't reminded them, how would they have known that there was a blood-sucking creature at home?

If they continue to let it go, the blood-sucking creature will suck both of them dry!

"Doctor Zhang, you have to save our head!" Wang Shiming's wife begged.

Zhang Yuan smiled calmly, "Don't worry, Director Wang will be fine! He just lost too much blood! You will take him to the county town for a blood transfusion later, and he won't be so weak after that!"

After a pause, Zhang Yuan said again, "As for that blood-sucking creature in your house, I will go there again in the evening and I will definitely find that blood-sucking creature!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Wang Shiming and his wife felt even more grateful. They thanked him profusely and then left the clinic.

Before leaving, Wang Shiming's wife wanted to leave a thousand yuan to Zhang Yuan, but Zhang Yuan refused and asked them to use the money to give Wang Shiming a blood transfusion first.

As for the consultation fee, we will discuss it later.

This made Wang Shiming and his wife even more grateful to him!

After the two left, Zhang Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he has been thinking about Wang Shiming for the past two days.

But he racked his brains and couldn't think of any disease that could consume so much blood from the human body in a short period of time.

Now the truth is finally revealed. Wang Shiming did not lose blood because of illness, but because his blood was sucked by a vampire creature!

In the evening, Zhang Yuan went to Wang Shiming's house as scheduled.

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