Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 746: Super large centipede, blood red all over

What surprised Zhang Yuan was that Wang Shiming and his wife were waiting for him at the gate!

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, both of their faces showed joy.

Zhang Yuan looked at Wang Shiming. After the blood transfusion, he looked much better, but not as good as after the last blood transfusion.

It was obvious that Wang Shiming's body was no longer as good as before after being sucked by blood-sucking creatures continuously in recent days.

Even though he had received a blood transfusion, his body was still very weak.

"Doctor Zhang is here!" Wang Shiming greeted with a forced smile.

"Doctor Zhang, you're finally here! If you don't come, neither of us will dare to enter the house." Wang Shiming's wife said quickly.

Zhang Yuanyi was amused. Why didn't they dare to enter their own home?

Then he figured out that the two of them were probably afraid of the blood-sucking creature at home.

"Don't worry, that blood-sucking creature shouldn't have much attack power, otherwise it wouldn't be able to secretly suck blood!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

He looked around.

Because Wang Shiming and his wife stayed at the door of their home, the nearby villagers glanced at them from time to time.

Although Zhang Yuan said this, Wang Shiming and his wife were obviously still a little scared.

Accompanied by Zhang Yuan, they dared to enter the house.

After entering, the couple hurried to the door of the main room and looked at the houses to the south with fear on their faces.

That house is the house where Wang Shiming slept these days!

Apparently, the blood-sucking creature is hiding in that house!

Zhang Yuan was not as scared as the two of them. He strode to the door of the room, opened the door and walked in.

I have to say that the lighting in the south room is poor!

Zhang Yuan's clinic was rebuilt from the south room. Even though it already had a door, two large windows had to be cut out to increase lighting.

The south room of Wang Shiming's house is a typical example of severe lack of lighting.

Even though it's not dark yet, it's already very dark inside the south room.

A little further away from the door, it's almost impossible to see clearly.

Zhang Yuan turned around and asked Wang Shiming where the light switch was, and then turned on the lights in the room.

I have to say, the lights in this room are quite bright.

The lights turned on and the whole room seemed bright.

Zhang Yuan looked around. There were many things in this room and it was very messy. It might not be easy to find the blood-sucking creature!

Thinking that this vampire creature was very bloodthirsty, Zhang Yuan immediately had an idea.

He remembered that there was a shed in the northeast corner of Wang Shiming's yard, and there seemed to be some rabbits in it, so he came out and asked Wang Shiming for a rabbit.

Compared to his own wealth and life, what does a rabbit mean?

Wang Shiming immediately told his wife to catch the fattest and biggest rabbit.

Soon, a fat and big rabbit was delivered to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan took a small basin from the kitchen and a kitchen knife, and wiped the rabbit's neck with the knife.

The rabbit kicked its legs a few times, and then there was no movement at all.

All the blood that flowed out was caught by Zhang Yuan in a basin, and almost half of the basin was caught.

When the rabbit stopped bleeding, Zhang Yuan handed the bloodless rabbit to Wang Shiming's wife.

At this time, Wang Shiming couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan, "Doctor Zhang, are you planning to use rabbit blood to attract the blood-sucking creature?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and shook his head, raised the kitchen knife again, and in the shocked eyes of Wang Shiming and his wife, he cut a small cut on his finger and squeezed a few drops of blood into the small basin.

"Doctor Zhang, why do you use your own blood?

ah! You told me earlier, wouldn't it be enough to use my blood? "Wang Shiming's wife said.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said nothing, he could only use his own blood.

If you want to attract the blood-sucking creature with the blood of ordinary people, you have to get a basin of blood.

It won't work if it's mixed with rabbit blood.

If the blood-sucking creature liked rabbit blood, it wouldn't leave so many rabbits unsucked, so it chose Wang Shiming instead.

So Zhang Yuan’s own blood must be used!

He is a person who has practiced the Taishang Xuan Jing, and the blood in his body is full of spiritual energy, which is very attractive to those blood-sucking creatures.

Even just adding a few drops of rabbit blood is enough to lure out the blood-sucking creatures! .??.

After briefly treating the wound, Zhang Yuan took the basin of rabbit blood mixed with a few drops of his own blood into the south room and placed it behind the door.

He turned off the lights in the room again and stood outside the door, staring quietly at the pot of rabbit blood through the crack in the door.

Time passed by, and a few minutes later, the vampire creature smelled the aroma of Zhang Yuan's blood, and finally couldn't help but crawl out of the darkness.

When he saw the blood-sucking creature, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This is actually a very large centipede that is almost thirty centimeters long!

That’s right, it’s a centipede!

But this centipede is different from ordinary centipedes. Its whole body is bloody, just like bright red blood!

Under Zhang Yuan's gaze, the centipede swam to the side of the small basin, and then climbed in. Its entire body was soaked in rabbit blood, and it gulped down the rabbit blood.

Of course, what really attracted it were the few drops of Zhang Yuan's blood mixed in the rabbit blood!

Zhang Yuan waited for a few more minutes and saw that no other centipede appeared, so he knew that this centipede must have sucked Wang Shiming's blood.

Don't look at this centipede, it's only thirty centimeters.

It is long, but its appetite is extremely large!

In just a few minutes, it had swallowed less than half of the rabbit blood in the small basin!

The centipede also grew in size and looked even scarier than before.

While the centipede was concentrating on eating, Zhang Yuan opened the door with lightning speed and rushed over. He used the lid of the pot that had been prepared to cover the small basin, trapping the centipede inside.

When he came out with a small basin, Wang Shiming and his wife couldn't help but come over.

"Doctor Zhang, is that thing that sucks our master's blood inside?" Wang Shiming's wife asked Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Yes, this is a centipede! Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen this kind of centipede. Its whole body is blood red. Bring a deeper container over and I'll pour it in for you to see!"

Wang Shiming hurriedly asked his wife to bring the biggest pot in the house.

After getting the pot, Zhang Yuan poured all the centipedes and rabbit blood in the small basin into the pot.

This aluminum alloy pot is very deep, and even if the centipede is thirty centimeters long, it cannot escape at all.

The centipede seemed to know that it was trapped, and it swam around desperately trying to escape.

Unfortunately, no matter which direction it swims, there is always a dead end all around.

Finally, the centipede became desperate and gave up completely.

Wang Shiming and his wife couldn't help but swallowed when they looked at the scary centipede in the pot.

"Doctor Zhang, is this centipede the culprit of sucking my blood?" Wang Shiming raised his head and asked Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuandao: "That's right! That's it! Only such a big centipede can suck so much blood from you in just a few days!"

"Oh my God, what kind of centipede is this! This is the first time I've heard that centipedes can suck human blood. And this centipede sucks human blood, and people can't even notice it!" Wang Shiming's wife exclaimed.

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