Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 830 The tooth hurts even more, plotting against Zhang Yuan

The nephew Brother Bao was taught a lesson by Zhang Yuan.

Afterwards, the nephew took all his anger out on the youngest Fang, saying that he would never send anyone to help the youngest Fang in the future, nor would he let the youngest Fang use his name to cheat.

As a result, the youngest Fang was miserable.

Seeing that the youngest Fang didn't do anything, Zhao Wei felt that his teeth hurt even more, and couldn't help but punch his cheek hard.

"This toothache is so severe! Doctor Fang, please give me a prescription to relieve the pain! Even if you give me poison, it will be fine! Toothache is really life-threatening!"

Hearing this, the youngest Fang was shocked.

Under Zhao Wei's reminder, he actually thought of a way to deal with Zhang Yuan!

The youngest Fang said to Zhao Wei in a sinister tone, "Zhao Wei, what do you think should be done if a Chinese medicine doctor prescribes medicine to a patient but the patient becomes poisoned?"

"What should I do? This is equivalent to poisoning someone! Poisoning! Hiss... my teeth hurt!" Zhao Wei said casually with a grin on his face.

The youngest Fang suddenly smiled, "I have thought of a way to deal with Zhang Yuan! But this method requires Zhao Wei's help!"

"What? Doctor Fang, do you have a way to deal with Zhang Yuan?" Zhao Wei was surprised and happy.

He was worried about not being able to take revenge on Zhang Yuan and Ge Fan.

Although Fang's method can only retaliate against Zhang Yuan alone, it can also relieve his hatred.

After all, had Zhang Yuan not been present last time, Ge Fan alone would not have been able to expose his lies.

To some extent, Zhao Wei hates Zhang Yuan even more than Ge Fan.

"Haha, this is my method..." Fang Lao Yao whispered in Zhao Wei's ear.

Soon, Zhao Wei's eyes lit up and he even slammed the table.

"Wonderful! So wonderful! I happen to have a relative who works at the police station. When the time comes, I will call him directly and ask him to rush to the scene as soon as possible and arrest Zhang Yuan into the police station.

Exit! "

Young Fang had a sinister smile on his face, "When that kid enters the police station, remember to greet him properly!"

"Humph! Don't worry, Doctor Fang, that kid will definitely not admit that he poisoned him, and he will inevitably suffer a physical torture! Later, I will bribe one or two prisoners, and it will not be easy for him in there! " Zhao Wei said with a sneer.

At this time, the youngest Fang suddenly thought of Zhang Yuan's powerful force.

Let alone one or two prisoners, I am afraid that even ten or twenty prisoners would definitely not be his opponent.

However, he did not remind Zhao Wei. If he told Zhao Wei that Zhao Wei knew Zhang Yuan's combat effectiveness, Zhao Wei would definitely be suspicious.

In this way, the two people's conspiracy plan was finalized.

At this time, Zhang Yuan didn't know that a big web of conspiracy was slowly wrapping around him.

Ever since he met Bi Kun at the aquatic products market, Zhang Yuan has paid more and more attention to paddy field fish farming.

In the past, paddy field fish farming was just a project for him to make money.

But now it is more than just a project, it also represents his dignity!

Zhang Yuan made up his mind to make a name for himself when the paddy field fish farming is harvested in the future.

When his ecological fish becomes famous, even if Bi Kun takes the initiative to beg him and wants to represent his ecological fish, Zhang Yuan will directly kick Bi Kun out!

Therefore, Zhang Yuan would come to the paddy field twice every day for the past two days.

At first Zheng Shuai thought Zhang Yuan was dissatisfied with his job.

Later he found out that Zhang Yuan was working hard to raise fish well and become famous in the county in the future!

As a result, Zheng Shuai worked harder and even started to teach himself fish farming techniques. He bought several books on fish farming alone.

With the efforts of the two of them, paddy field fish farming is progressing steadily, and it is estimated that the harvest will be available in less than a month!

It is worth mentioning that more and more patients have come to the clinic in the past two days. During this time, Zhang Yuan's clinic has gradually become famous.

At first, people just heard that there was a traditional Chinese medicine doctor Yeluzi in Xiawan Village who could use a green onion to revive people who had hanged themselves.

But now, people in the surrounding villages all know that there is a serious Zhang Clinic in Xiawan Village, where there is Dr. Zhang, whose medical skills are unparalleled.

Whenever you go there to see a doctor, no matter it is a major illness or a minor illness, they can treat you well, and the charges are very reasonable!

Why are the charges reasonable?

Naturally, when Zhang Yuan meets patients from poor families, he often charges as little money as possible.

Once he met a lonely old man from another village who came to see a doctor. In the end, not only did he confiscate a penny, but he also gave the old man several bottles of calcium tablets and vitamins for free. .??.

Once this incident came out, Zhang Yuan's reputation became more and more famous, and he has become the most famous Chinese medicine doctor in eight villages in ten miles!

While gaining fame, naturally there are corresponding troubles.

No, Zhang Yuan is in trouble today.

Looking at the "Four King Kongs" sitting in front of him, Zhang Yuan looked helpless.

"Four of you, we are all traveling together. You came here without saying a word. What do you want to do?"

Sitting in front of Zhang Yuan were the four most important old Chinese medicine doctors in the surrounding villages.

Before Zhang Yuan's rise, their status was completely untouchable.

Most of the TCM doctors with excellent medical skills

Most of them went to towns and counties, and few stayed in rural areas.

However, since Zhang Yuan's Zhang Clinic opened, the four of them soon felt that their status had been affected, and the number of patients in the clinic was also decreasing.

So the four of them joined together and came to Zhang Yuan to attack.

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, one of the old Chinese medicine doctors holding a pipe in hand couldn't help snorting.

"Young man, you also know that we are traveling together! Since we are traveling together, then don't do anything impossible!"

"That's right! Because of you, the number of patients in our clinic has dropped by more than 30% compared to before! If this continues, all of us will have nothing to eat!" The chubby old Chinese doctor next to him said with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Although the other two Chinese medicine doctors did not speak, they stared at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan was helpless, "I didn't tell those patients that they would only come to my place for treatment and not yours! I just open a clinic to treat people!"

"But don't do it so brilliantly! Look at you, it's been spread outside that you treat poor people at low prices when they come to see you! If people know about this, everyone will How many of us are there?" the old Chinese medicine doctor holding the pipe said coldly.

Zhang Yuan frowned for a moment, "I decide the cost of treatment myself! We are Chinese medicine doctors, not a business! There is no unified price! I meet patients from poor families, why don't I charge less? Already?"

"Hmph! It's okay if you charge less, but if you charge less, you take away our business!" The fat Chinese doctor curled his lips.

Zhang Yuan glanced at him, "Okay, even if I steal your business, I'm only robbing patients from poor families! How much money can you make from them? You can make money from those rich people!" "

As soon as these words came out, the four of them were immediately speechless.

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