Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 831: Relying on the old and betraying the old, don’t accept this trick

Why would those rich people seek medical treatment from them?

Rich people's bodies are precious.

If you get sick, you have to either go to a big hospital in the county or see a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor like Zhang Yuan.

The four of them are not qualified!

At this time, the thin Chinese medicine doctor who had been silent until now suddenly said, "Young man, we are all in the same industry. I will not make any difficult demands on you. From now on, if you treat the poor, you can charge as much money as possible! This is a common disease." Take a look at the price list!”

As he spoke, he took out a handwritten form from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan took it and glanced at it, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

The prices here are too bad!

A very common disease actually costs two to three hundred!

How can ordinary people accept such a high price?

Zhang Yuan bets that this so-called price list is just for him. It is impossible for the Chinese medicine doctors in front of him to use this price list.

"I treat the four of you as seniors, so why don't you treat me like a fool?" Zhang Yuan slammed the table with a cold face.

The four old Chinese medicine doctors were shocked by Zhang Yuan's sudden change of face.

Zhang Yuan had always been polite to them before, but he didn't expect that his face suddenly changed now.

"Boy, don't be ignorant! Just follow the price above. After a while, you can keep the same price as us! This is an industry rule!" said the fat Chinese doctor hurriedly.

Zhang Yuan sneered, "Rules? Where are the rules? Are you the ones who set the industry rules? Get out now, or if you don't, I will call someone to take you out!"

"Okay, I want to see how many people you can call!" The thin Chinese doctor suddenly sneered.

In his opinion, Zhang Yuan is just a clinic operator. How much energy can he have?

Seeing that they were stubborn, Zhang Yuan casually took out his mobile phone and dialed Zheng Shuai's number, asking him to call all the paddy field employees.

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