Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1007 Everyone Must Create Couplets

As the parents had guessed, couplet lovers all over the country were very excited after seeing the solicitation from the Ministry of Education.

This is an event organized by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. If my couplet can be selected, it will definitely be promoted all over the country. It is not just a dream to become a celebrity in an instant.

And in a big way, this is making a contribution to the country and the broad masses of the people. It is not too much to say that it is honoring the ancestors.

Therefore, what everyone sees is a supreme honor. In comparison, the bonus of 100,000 yuan seems unimportant.

Of course, there are also some people who are gearing up for the 100,000 yuan bonus. Everything else is fake, and only the bonus is the most real.

You know, 100,000 yuan is not a small amount.

But whether it is for honor or for bonuses, the enthusiasm and positive attitude of each couplet enthusiasts are the same.

They immediately threw themselves into the creation of the couplets of persuading learning with a very high enthusiasm.

The submission deadline will be at 12:00 p.m. on September 2nd, and there are only five days to complete the full calculation, which is not enough.

Of course, everyone is not blind, and everyone thinks hard. Everyone knows that couplets are more about inspiration than poetry.

When inspiration comes, a good couplet may appear instantly. If there is no inspiration, even if you hold it for ten days and a half months, you may not be able to get a pair of couplets that you have seen a little bit.

Therefore, everyone has their own way, either chatting in the circle of couplet lovers, and sometimes someone else's unintentional words will make their own inspiration emerge.

Either go out and walk around, noisy streets, a quiet place, or beautiful mountains and rivers, tourist attractions, anywhere, and it doesn't matter.

Perhaps, walking, watching, an inspiration suddenly burst out.

Belongs to the circle of couplet lovers.

"Haha! Have you all seen the news? The event organized by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me."

"Absolutely, this news is definitely a huge surprise for us. Once selected, it will definitely spread across the country in a very short period of time. This alone makes people extremely excited."

"The last collection of Mengtong's reading materials completed Li Fan's "Three Character Classic". This time, we finally have such an opportunity."

"I rub it! Li Fan is also a couplet master, there is no need to say more about the phrase 'smoke locks the pond willow'. Earlier, he cooperated with Zheng Jie and Zheng Lao, 'Don't be humiliated, just watch the court Blossom.

Going or staying has no intention, and the clouds are full of clouds outside the sky. ’, and it has already been passed down as a good story. This time, if Li Fan also participates, where are we his opponent? "

"Upstairs is pessimistic. Li Fan is naturally a master of couplets, but even if he is a master, a pair of good enough persuasion couplets does not mean that creation can be created. He also needs inspiration. He still has no inspiration? Of course, the most important thing is that this time the collection activity did not say that only one couplet was collected. As long as your work is good enough, you may be selected. Will Li Fan participate in the competition? Is the quality good? It has no effect on us at all."

"Uh, why did you forget about this. That is to say, even if there is Li Fan in the competition, we don't have to be afraid. Wow!"

"Upstairs, you have to be more confident. What you should think about is that in this collection competition, you must overwhelm Li Fan's works and become famous in one fell swoop. Couplets pay attention to an inspiration, which is not entirely impossible. Well, we can also The only chance to overwhelm Li Fan's works."

"I rub it! Is it true or false? Is there such a possibility? That is Li Fan. If he really can suppress his works, he will definitely become famous in one fell swoop!"

"Do you still have this dream?

What if it does happen. Besides, it's really possible, and it's not songwriting, writing. "

"Hey! So, even if our work cannot be selected, as long as we can overwhelm Li Fan's work, we can also become famous in one fell swoop. It's just so beautiful."

"Well, it's beautiful to dream. I think it's better for everyone to stop thinking about it and look for inspiration. Sigh! I don't have the slightest clue now."

"Yes, looking for inspiration, when you say this, I find that I am even more burned."

"Hey! My home is not far from Mount Tai. I decided to stare at Mount Tai. May my majestic Mount Tai give me inspiration."

"I wipe! Upstairs is so cruel, then I will go to West Lake. May the beautiful West Lake give me inspiration."

"You are cruel enough!"


Couplet lovers are even more gearing up, and each one is full of confidence, vowing to create a classic couplet and become famous all over the world, well, domestically.

Moreover, those who are gearing up are not just couplet lovers.

Some people who don't usually get in touch with couplets can't help but be moved after seeing the solicitation activity.

Either for the highest honor, or for 100,000 yuan, or just because of a sudden interest, wanting to create a couplet, to pass the addiction of creation, and there is no purpose.

A classic couplet is not easy to create, but getting started with couplet is relatively simple.

Moreover, in the eyes of many people, it's not important to be flat and square, as long as the number of words in the upper and lower couplets is the same, the structure is the same, and the meanings expressed are correct, then it is a couplet.

Of course, if you are not careful, there is no problem in saying it is a couplet.

Therefore, it is very easy to create a couplet without considering the quality.

Therefore, many people enthusiastically devote themselves to the "project" of creating couplets to encourage learning.


Sansheng Village, fate comes first.

Li Fan and Su Qing had just come over from home, and Li Fan said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liang, are you two elders going to show their talents this time?"

Zheng Jie said with a smile, "If there is a good couplet for encouraging students to learn, I will naturally be willing to do some positive works."

Liang Sheng also laughed and said, "Speaking of couplets, although I have dabbled in couplets, I'm not good at it. Lao Zheng is a master at this, and you guys, I can't compare to you."

Zheng Jie shook her head and said, "There are no satisfactory works for the time being. How about you, boy, do you have any satisfactory works?"

Li Fan also shook his head and said, "I have no inspiration, so I plan to go out with Qingqing tomorrow to see if I can find some inspiration?"

Zheng Jie scolded with a smile: "You kid is all bullshit. Didn't you plan to go out to play with your love girl? What about going out to find inspiration."

Li Fan smiled and said, "This can only be said to be a coincidence. I really want to find inspiration."

Zheng Jie nodded and said, "It's true that you are looking for inspiration while traveling. It's a bit of a coincidence."

Li Fan added: "It can also be said that there is God's will in the dark. It is to let me go out this time and come out with a classic couplet of persuasion."

Zheng Jie laughed and said, "Okay, it's God's will, then I'll wait to see how classic your persuasion to learn the couplet is?"

Liang Sheng also smiled and said, "Yes, we will wait.")!!

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