Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1008 Looking for inspiration

East of Magic City, Qingyuewan, Qin Family Villa.

In the tea pavilion, two spirited old men were drinking tea and playing chess.

These two old people are the patriarch of the Qin family, Qin Lie, and Qin Lie's old friend, Lin Liangquan.

Lin Liangquan took a sip of tea, and smiled proudly: "Brother Qin, you are much better than me in terms of poetry and couplets. But in terms of playing chess, you will be inferior to me."

Qin Lie did not deny it, and also smiled: "Playing chess is just a pastime, just a pastime."

Lin Liangquan shook his head with a smile, and said, "You said that Li Fan, this time, the couplet of persuading students to study can really beat the group?"

Qin Lie shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, a unique couplet like 'Smoke Locked Pond Willow', after all, can't be found, even for that kid himself, it's hard to write such couplet again. In the solicitation activities, the group will be overwhelmed, so there should be no need for such top-level couplets. The possibility that the boy will overwhelm the group is still relatively large. "

Lin Liangquan nodded and said, "That's right, I always feel that the kid is a little unfathomable, including his skills. I hope this time, he can bring another surprise."

Qin Lie said, "He's a miraculous boy, indeed worth looking forward to."


On August 30, early in the morning, Li Fan and Su Qing left the village.

They were going to go out to play for a few days, and the reason for going out was not what Li Fan said to find inspiration, but it had already been planned, taking advantage of the few days before the start of school, to go out with Su Qing for a walk. change.

It's just that the Ministry of Education, this time this collection activity, really came very coincidentally. If you go out this time, maybe you will meet some people who come out to find inspiration.

Many couplet lovers on the Internet have said that they want to go here and there to find inspiration, some of them are just for fun, but there must be many people who really plan to go out to find inspiration.

The first stop of Li Fan and Su Qing was Mount Tai, which is known as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains and has the reputation of "the first mountain in the world".

Neither Li Fan nor Su Qing have been there, so this time they are going to appreciate the majesty of "the first mountain in the world".

On the bus from Longshan Township to the provincial capital, Su Qing leaned on Li Fan and logged on to the official website of the Ministry of Education on his mobile phone. After watching it for a while, he said, "Someone has already uploaded the couplets for the competition, I'm afraid there are more than 100 pairs. A few of them seem to be pretty good.”

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, let them pass it on, I'm not in a hurry. You are very interested in this competition!"

Su Qing said: "That's natural, I'm a teacher, and if I have a good couplet to encourage learning, I think I can save a lot of heart. Also, my grandfather has requirements for you. If you can't complete it, see what his old man will do. Pack you up."

Li Fandao: "To be honest, it's a lot of pressure. Is the couplet good? There is no absolute standard. It's not easy to write a good couplet that most people recognize."

Su Qing said, "I know now that I'm afraid. I'll see if you'll have to worry about it in the future."

Li Fan smiled and said again: "Low-key is my motto, how can I dare to be shy?"

The car was Mercedes-Benz, Su Qing was talking, and then fell asleep on Li Fan's shoulder.

When she woke up, she had already arrived at the provincial passenger station.

After the two got off the bus, they ate something, took a taxi to the airport, and boarded a plane to Jilu Province.


When Li Fan and Su Qing flew to Jilu Province, there were many couplet lovers all over the country, and they went to their own places to find inspiration. They didn't just talk about it, but really in action.

It's definitely worth it for this competition.

Even those who didn't plan to go far, went to some nearby places, and inspiration sometimes really came out.


Another way is to look for relevant materials on the Internet, or go to the library to find relevant materials.

Sometimes an unintentional material can also inspire inspiration.

This is also the way many people choose.

In addition, some people have already uploaded their works to the submission channel of the official website of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

Most of them are people who have no purpose and just have a creative addiction.

Regardless of the quality, they have created it anyway. Taking advantage of the fact that there are few submissions now, I submitted my works to the submission channel early.

It is only at this time that their works will be viewed by others. If they wait until later, their works will definitely be submerged in the vast sea.

And when they saw their work being read, or someone voted for a recommendation, or even wrote a comment like "okay" or "not bad", they seemed very excited.

Even though they knew it was absolutely impossible for their work to be officially selected, they were still excited.

It's a good feeling just for the readers' recognition of them.

"It's no wonder that so many people like to create. The feeling of being recognized turns out to be such a great feeling." They thought happily in their hearts, constantly refreshing the data of their works, looking forward to being recognized by more people.

Of course, as the saying goes, it is difficult to tune in, and some voices are inevitably not very friendly, which makes them very depressed.

Overall, though, they're still very excited.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Fan and Su Qing walked out of the airport in Lunan City, Jilu Province.

After tossing and turning, at 6 pm, we arrived at a distribution center at the foot of Mount Tai.

After tossing and turning for several times, Su Qing looked a little tired, but she was in high spirits and was quite new to everything in the week. This was a completely unfamiliar place.

"Let's go, let's find a hotel first, there seem to be quite a few hotels nearby," Li Fan said.

Su Qing nodded and followed Li Fan to the front.

Although it is no longer an urban area, it is quite prosperous, with a large number of hotels, restaurants and other facilities.

There are also quite a lot of people, and they should be more, temporarily lingering tourists from all over the place.

Of course there are also local businesses and residents.

The voices of the people around them continued to enter the ears of the two of them.

"Why do I feel that there are more tourists coming today than in the past few days. Could it be that someone really came to our Mount Tai for so-called inspiration?"

"Who knows, anyway, I saw a lot of people on the Internet saying that they want to come to our Taishan to find inspiration. I just don't know if they are just talking, or they are really here."

"It must be true, I see that most of them are young people. Since ancient times, our Mount Tai has been worshipped by the people and worshipped by emperors. There is a saying that 'Taishan is safe, the world is safe'. They come to our Mount Tai. Looking for inspiration, that's definitely the right place."

"That's a good thing to say. I hope to see some good couplets to encourage learning this time. I'm quite interested in couplets."

"Well, the most important thing is that this time it is the couplet of persuasion to study, which can be said to have something to do with us. After all, we all have to get married and have children, and the children in the future will definitely want to study. If there is a good couplet for persuasion, maybe it can save us some money. heart.")!!

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