Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1009 at the foot of the mountain

Listening to the various discussions of the surrounding local residents, Su Qing said a little surprised: "Is there really someone who came here for inspiration?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "There's nothing strange about this, maybe I can really find inspiration here."

Su Qing asked suspiciously, "Is it so magical?"

Li Fandao: "This is not a miracle. Sometimes it is a hint in their hearts. They believe in their hearts that they will be able to find inspiration here. , no one knows when it will come."

"Is that so?" Su Qing nodded and said again, "What about you, do you have any inspiration?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "I don't need inspiration, my works are already in my mind."

Su Qing pouted, "Dese!"

After walking for a while, Li Fan said again: "Qingqing, do you think I should buy you a sun hat with a longer brim? So many people always look back at you intentionally or unintentionally, this is not the way to go. what."

"Oh?" Su Qing turned her head to look at Li Fan and smiled sweetly: "You're jealous!"

Li Fan hehe said: "I'm not in a hurry to be proud, how can I be jealous?"

This is true, this fellow is proud of it.

Su Qing made a "cut", then went to a nearby store and chose a sun hat with a long brim.

However, after Su Qing put on the sun hat, compared with before, the situation did not seem to have changed.

The sun hat can cover most of her face, but it can't cover her figure. In addition, even if more than half of her face is covered, it is still beautiful.

After walking for a while, I found a hotel that looked good.

"Just here, let's go and see if there is any room?" Li Fan said.

Su Qing nodded and walked into the hotel with Li Fan. Fortunately, there were the last two rooms left. The two chose one, took the room card, and came to the room.

After entering the room, Li Fan scanned the entire room several times, but found no problems, and the environment looked pretty good.

Su Qing fell directly on the bed, spread out her body for a moment, and said, "It's so comfortable!"

Li Fan smiled. After rushing all day, Su Qing must be a little tired.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, while rubbing Su Qing's legs, he said, "rest for a while, then go out and find a place to eat."

Su Qing closed her eyes, softly said "um", and was about to fall asleep in a daze.

Half an hour later, Su Qing woke up from her nap.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Wake up."

Su Qing gave an "um", and then said, "Why did I fall asleep, and how long have I slept?"

Li Fan said: "Not long, half an hour. Let's go, go out to eat."

Su Qing said "um" again, went to the bathroom to tidy up for a while, and then walked out of the hotel with Li Fan.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky was a little dark, but the crowd on the street did not decrease.

The two walked into a nearby restaurant. The business of the restaurant was very good, and all the seats were filled.

The two waited for a few minutes and waited until a table of guests left before taking their seats.

Su Qing said: "The business here is very good."

Li Fan nodded and said, "It's a tourist center, there must be a lot of people."

I ordered a few more distinctive dishes at random. While waiting for the dishes to be served, Su Qing took out her mobile phone and logged into the official website of the Ministry of Education again.

After watching for a while, he said: "There are more than 200 submissions in total, and now the first-ranked work has more than 8,000 recommended votes, the second place is more than 6,000 votes, the third place is more than 5,000 votes, and there are more Many have thousands of votes. Such a high number of votes."

Li Fan nodded and said, "This is normal,

There are a lot of people who are following this solicitation, and the more people who follow it, the more votes you get for submitting your works. How about show me those works? "

Su Qing gave a "hmm" and handed the phone to Li Fan. Li Fan took the phone and looked at the top ten works for the time being. They were all of average quality.

This is also normal. Many people with ideas are still looking for inspiration at this time. It is estimated that they will have to wait until the 2nd day before there will be truly good works.

Li Fan was looking at today's submissions, and the customers at other tables in the store were also discussing.

"There are more than 200 submissions, and those at the top of the list are not low in votes. The first place has more than 8,000 votes."

"Unfortunately, the quality is really not good, they are destined to only be seen now."

"Maybe they didn't even think they would be selected by the official, and it's enough for them to be successful now."

"That's right, I even got more than 8,000 recommended tickets, so there must be at least tens of thousands of people. It's something to be proud of when they click on their works to read."

"We chose to come to Mount Tai for inspiration, and we really did it right. I haven't officially climbed the mountain yet, and I feel that my thinking is much more active, and something is about to come out."

"Yes, I also feel that my thinking has become more active. I feel that if I want to write an article at this time, it will definitely be a rush of ideas, and I can't stop it. This feeling is really good."

"I feel that many people who come here today have the same purpose as us. There are even many people who are eating in this restaurant now."

"It's nothing, the crowd is more lively, and the more people participating, the higher the attention from the outside world. Moreover, there is no competition in this competition. As long as the works are good enough, they may be selected. "

"I also think the more people involved, the better. This can make me more excited, and the works I create will probably be unexpectedly good."


The guests in the store were talking about each other, and their voices were not deliberately suppressed. After Su Qing heard it, she whispered: "It's just that there are so many people coming to Mount Tai, and there will be many people in other scenic spots. go?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "That's for sure. I think all scenic spots should thank the Ministry of Education. This collection campaign has brought them a lot of tourist traffic."

Su Qing said: "Yeah, I didn't expect the influence of this solicitation event to be so great."

Li Fan said: "It's a good thing to have great influence."

Just as he was talking, the waiter brought the dishes ordered by the two in turn.

"It looks pretty good, let's try the special dishes at the foot of Mount Tai." Li Fan said.

Su Qing nodded, and after tasting it, she said, "It's alright."

After Li Fan tasted it, he also said, "Well, it's okay."

After eating, the two did not immediately return to the hotel, but walked around for a while, enjoying the scenery at the foot of Mount Tai, before returning to the hotel to rest. ) Download Free Reader!!

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