Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1040 I really won't go back

Fans of pure love novels also saw Gu Yong's Weibo for the first time. Everyone was excited and a little sad.

The excitement is naturally that a few days later, they can see Gu Yongxin's pure love works again.

It's just that the title of the book this time feels a bit strange. "The Story of the West Chamber" is too different from the titles of the previous three works.

The faint sadness is because of Gu Yong himself. They know that it is impossible for Gu Yong to completely let go of martial arts in his heart.

This time, the Wuxia Novel Grand Prix is ​​definitely not small for Gu Yong, but Gu Yong finally chose not to go back.

What made Gu Yong choose not to go back? Is it because the current martial arts novel world is no longer his era? Or is it because he knows that his martial arts novels won't make a big breakthrough in a short period of time, and even if he goes back, it doesn't make much sense, so why not go back?

Pure love novels don't know the answer, they just feel a little sighed and a little sad.

"Gu Yongda doesn't go back this time, and may not go back in the future. I feel very sorry."

"There is nothing to regret. Gu Yongda's position in the martial arts novel world is already there, and no one can take it away."

"That is, it's better if you don't go back. In the future, you can create pure love works with peace of mind. Let those people continue to toss about martial arts novels."

"It's too early to draw conclusions, and Gu Yong has not said that he can't go back. What if Gu Yong chooses to write martial arts novels and pure love novels together? Although the possibility is small, it is still possible after all."

"Alas! Whatever it is, we can watch the new pure love work again soon, we should be happy. It's just that this "The Story of the West Chamber" is too different from the previous name. Instead, it feels like "The Peony Pavilion" Some like. Isn't this "The Story of the West Chamber" not a work of pure love?"

"When you said that, I remembered a detail. In the past, when Gu Yongda was in the preview, he said 'the next pure love work', but this time he said 'the next work', less." The word "pure love". Could it be that it is not a work of pure love?"

"I rub it! Isn't it a pure love work? However, it is still too early to draw conclusions. Besides, even if it is a work like "The Peony Pavilion", then I have to watch it."

"Nonsense, of course I have to read it. I'm still waiting to buy the physical book of "The Peony Pavilion". Besides, "The Peony Pavilion" can also be regarded as a work of pure love, but it is just an ancient work of pure love."

"So to say,

This "The Story of the West Chamber" is very likely to be an ancient novel of pure love like "The Peony Pavilion"? Seems to be pretty good too. "

"Come on, in a few days, the answer will be revealed."


I have to say that sometimes the reader's vision and judgment are really terrifying.

Fans of pure love novels, just based on the title of "The Story of the West Chamber", have guessed that this book is likely to be an ancient pure love work like "The Peony Pavilion".

Even if Li Fan knew about it, he probably had to say "admiration".


Pure love novels are excited and a little sad, while the situation of martial arts fans is more complicated.

Most martial arts fans are disappointed, sighed and regretted.

They were disappointed. First, they still hoped that Guyong would come back. Guyong once created a miracle. Maybe this time, he will create another miracle?

But if Gu Yong doesn't come back, it is natural that there will be no miracles.

Second, there are a large part of the reason why Gu Yong did not come back. It may be true as some people said that Gu Yong did not dare to come back because he was afraid of losing.

The first person of the dignified martial arts did not even have the courage to come back and fight again, and the martial arts fans were a little disappointed.

But at the same time, reason tells the martial arts fans that it is the most correct choice for Gu Yong not to come back. He no longer needs to prove himself in the martial arts novel world. The name of Gu Yong has been written into the history of martial arts novels, and no one can erase.

In this case, where does Guyong need to come back?

There are some contradictions in the hearts of martial arts fans. They clearly know that it is right and the most correct choice for Gu Yong not to come back, but they are inevitably disappointed.

Of course, there are also martial arts fans who think that Gu Yong is not without the courage to come back, he just thinks that he has no need to come back.

The "Jian Family Army" seemed very excited. In their opinion, the reason why Gu Yong didn't come back was definitely because he was afraid, afraid of being defeated by Jian Yishen again.

"Alas! It's a pity, I'm still looking forward to Gu Yong's return this time, so that he can be defeated by our Sword God once again."

"It's okay if he doesn't come back. Anyway, he is no longer qualified to be our Jian Yishen Dada's opponent. This time, Jian Yishen Dada is destined to be alone."



Writers in other fields also quickly learned the content of Gu Yong's Weibo.

"Look, I said Gu Yong won't go back. Not going back is the right choice."

"It's a pity, I'm still looking forward to his return. In that case, the Grand Prix this time will definitely be more lively. Let's watch the fun too."

"It can't be said that he will definitely not go back. What if he chooses two works to be serialized at the same time? Let's wait until the registration period ends."


For authors in the romance novel world, it's a little depressing.

Although they also knew that Gu Yong should not go back, they still hoped that Gu Yong could take this opportunity to go back, so as not to continue to "disaster" their romance novels.

But now it seems that it is almost impossible for that fellow to go back.

"So I told everyone not to have any hope before, it's impossible for that fellow to go back." An author said.


Most people think that Gu Yong will not go back, but there are exceptions.

Magic City, a residential area.

The leaves silently frowned and said in his heart, "You really don't plan to come back? Or are you planning to serialize two works at the same time?"

Leaves silent has always believed that it is impossible for Guyong to leave the martial arts novel world just like this, and he will definitely come back at the right time.

And this time the Grand Prix is ​​obviously the most suitable opportunity. Just when he thought that Gu Yong would definitely take this opportunity to return, Gu Yong predicted his next new work, and it was still in a few days. After that, the serialization began, which made the leaves silent and could not help but have some doubts.

In the exchange group of the four martial arts masters, the leaves silently said: "What do you think about this?"

He didn't say what it was, but everyone clearly understood.

Meniscus said: "It's very simple, two works are serialized at the same time, and he will definitely come back. Moreover, I also hope that he can come back. Without him, this time will not be so fun."

He vigorously said: "Oh? It seems that Brother Moon Moon is very confident in his work, but I don't want him to come back. To be honest, I also have no chance of winning him this time. However, I also think that he should back."

Qin Sheng said: "Brother Dali is not confident? Who believes this? Only I should be here. I ask everyone to be merciful and not let me lose too badly. Speaking of Gu Yong, I also think he will definitely come back. He will not be just a spectator at this martial arts event."

Fallen leaves silently: "Does everyone think he will come back? It seems that I shouldn't have doubts about my judgment. This time it's finally time for me to wait for the shot. If we don't do it, we will all be forgotten.

Meniscus said: "It shouldn't be forgotten, but the newcomers are very powerful now, especially Jian Yishen, who is so sharp. If I lose to him this time, will it be embarrassing?"

With a vigorous stroke, he said, "Brother Moon Moon, don't be humble, this should be my consideration."


The four martial artists are sitting at home, chatting on the computer, and everyone's attitude can be said to be lower than the other.

As for whether they really think so? Only they themselves know.


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