Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1041 Expectations of each entry

At the same time, in the distant Xiangjiang.

The four masters of Xiangjiang martial arts, Wolong, Qingyun, Sima, and Ni Ge, who have not appeared in the public eye for a long time, are also discussing the matter of Gu Yong.

Consistent with the views of the four mainland martial arts masters, they also believe that Guyong should not miss this martial arts event.

And this time, the martial arts event also made them gear up, excited, excited, and looking forward to it.

"I didn't expect martial arts to have such a scene. The official competition held by the Times Literature Award is really exciting."

"This kind of martial arts event is the first time in history. The current martial arts novels are really different from before."

"We Xiangjiang Wuxia must not lose this time!"

"That must not be lost. Although we have a small number of people, we are taking the elite route. Their most threatening Gu Yong is now obviously in a bottleneck period. This competition is an excellent opportunity for us to surpass Gu Yong. "

"They've also had a lot of momentum recently, and we also need to be careful. Of course, our old rivals, Ye Zisheng and others, needless to say."

"Let's go all out, if this martial arts novel can successfully qualify for the selection, it is precisely because of a work from our Hong Kong, which is definitely the most powerful evidence that our Hong Kong martial arts are still ahead of the mainland martial arts, even controversial. The sound will disappear."

"Yes, that's what happened."


Wolong and others are very confident this time. They want to use this opportunity to prove to everyone that regardless of the rapid development of mainland martial arts, their Hong Kong martial arts are still ahead of mainland martial arts.

The biggest reason why they are so confident is that their most feared opponent, Gu Yong, is obviously in a bottleneck period. In a short period of time, it is difficult to make a big breakthrough, and they have a great chance to defeat Gu Yong.

As long as Gu Yong is defeated, those other opponents, although they attach great importance to it, but they are confident that they will be superior.


Guyong's Weibo made everyone look at him. After that, everyone's eyes returned to the martial arts novel Grand Prix this time.

not just now,

In the next two months, this Grand Prix will be one of the focuses of everyone's attention.

Because everyone is very curious, can martial arts novels seize this opportunity and successfully qualify for the Times Literature Award?

If so, which person's work, or which few people's works, made martial arts novels seize this opportunity?

Martial arts novels have become the focus of attention from all walks of life, and it has also made many martial arts authors and fans very excited and restless.

Now, because of the need to register first, everyone's greatest interest is to stare at the registration status on the official website of the Times Literature Award, which is specially opened for this martial arts novel competition.

"Haha! Someone has signed up again, Tai Yishui, and his work is called "Man of the Sword". Well, this Tai Yishui is a newcomer who has recently emerged, and his works can still be looked forward to."

"Gu Yong? I'll wipe it! This kid dares to take a pseudonym with the same sound as 'Gu Yong', isn't this Nima looking for scolding?"

"I'm going, it's true, I haven't heard of it before, it should be a pure rookie, and I also want to show a face in this Grand Prix. He named him 'Gu Yong', presumably to attract attention. However, the effect I'm afraid it will backfire!"

"However, even if the effect is counterproductive, he is equivalent to success. Because, no matter what the purpose is? Everyone will definitely see his works because of his pseudonym."

"I wipe it! It seems like this is the case. I want to see what his works are like now. He even dares to take the pseudonym 'Gu Yong'. This kid is smart."

"Let me see what his work is called, um, "Heroes of the Wilderness", hey, the name is a bit interesting, and it's a bit tantalizing."

"'Heroes of the Wilderness'? Well, I remember this name. I want to see how brave he is to take such a pseudonym."

"Haha! Is there any martial arts fan friend who can help me to say how the author's strength is called 'Crazy Snail'? I didn't read martial arts novels before, so I didn't understand it. Now I see his name. Interesting, I want to know more about it.”

"First of all, welcome this friend above, and pay attention to our martial arts novel Grand Prix this time. This crazy snail has just made his debut, and his strength is not bad. It's medium strength. You can pay attention to his works."

"Thank you for the explanation from my friend upstairs. I guess there are still many people like me this time, and I may have questions to ask you in the future."

"Haha! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We martial arts fans are very enthusiastic, and the most important thing in the world is to make more friends."

"Yes, our martial arts fans welcome and thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, just ask."


On the communication platform, there are such voices everywhere.

There are many non-wuxia fans who are also paying attention to this time the Wuxia Novel Grand Prix.

They are unfamiliar with most wuxia writers except for a few very famous wuxia writers.

At the registration office on the official website, I saw the names of those martial arts authors, and I wanted to know how this author is? Is it great?

So, there are all kinds of problems.

As for their questions, the martial arts fans were very happy to answer. Seeing that there are so many non-martial arts fans paying attention to this competition, they were very excited and answered the questions with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Whenever a new registered martial arts author appears on the official website, martial arts fans will comment on the special exchange platform.

What is the author's strength and reputation? What kind of work have you published before? What are your expectations for this competition?

To this end, martial arts fans have also compiled a reference rating for their expectations. The expected reference value ranges from half-star to five-star, with half-star being the lowest and five-star being the highest.

For example, in Tai Yishui's "Swordsman", martial arts fans rated the expectation value as two stars.

As for Guyon's "Heroes of the Wilderness", although Guyon is a pure rookie, with his courage to be like this pseudonym, the expectation value given by martial arts fans is three and a half stars, and this expectation value is not low.

The reason why martial arts fans engage in such an expectation is not only to express their excitement and excitement, but also to provide a reference data for non-wuxia fans.

Non-wuxia fans only need to see what the expectation value of each work is, and then they can roughly know the strength and reputation of this author?

Still very intuitive and convenient.

Of course, the values ​​of these expected values ​​are given by the martial arts fans themselves, which are not authoritative, and also contain their own subjective factors, so everyone is just a simple reference.


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