Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1061 The question that everyone is most concerned about

After the second issue of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was serialized, its score rose to 7.3 points, which aroused heated discussions from all walks of life.

In the midst of all kinds of heated discussions, the time has come to September 20th, the third batch of magazines of the second issue of the special edition of the Grand Prix will be released, and the works of Wolong, Sima, Qingyun, Ni Ge and others will meet you again.

Wolong's "Sword of Love" ranked second only to Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the last issue with a score of 6.8.

Will the ratings go up this time around? It has also become one of the focuses of attention.

After watching the works of several people, a group of martial arts fans will naturally not be disappointed. Although it is not as amazing as yesterday's "Seven Eccentrics of the South of the Yangtze River", it is enough to make people happy.

In the afternoon, the official rating list was updated again, which made everyone even more delighted that the rating of Wolong's "Sword of Love", which lived up to expectations, has risen from the previous 6.8 points to the current 6.9 points.

Although it only increased by 0.1 points, everyone is very satisfied.

As long as there is an increase, it is good. Although there is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" ahead, everyone still hopes that the more wonderful works, the better.

In addition, the ratings of Qingyun, Sima, and Ni Ge's works have unfortunately not changed.

So far, after the end of the second issue of the serialization, all the scores of the works have been released.

Guyong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and Wolong's "Love Sword" are still in the top two, and they are also the only two works that have improved their ratings in this issue.

The scores and rankings of the works of Silent Leaves, Vigorous Brushstroke, Qingyun, Jian Yishen, Shang Buer, Guyong, etc., remain the same as in the previous issue.

The ranking of the hundreds of works that followed has changed to some extent.


"All the entries in the Martial Arts Grand Prix have been serialized for two issues so far. Guyong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" ranks first with a score of 7.3 points, which is somewhat unexpected, but it seems to be the case."

"Gu Yong's "Legend of the Condor Heroes" is at the top of the list. Is it a flash in the pan, or will it continue to be strong to the end? Let us continue to pay attention."

"Gu Yong's entry "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been serialized for two issues, and its content has been widely praised and has aroused heated discussions from all walks of life.

"Jian Yishen, an up-and-coming famous artist who has been very vocal before, is now slightly behind Gu Yong, Ye Zisheng and others in the ranking of his works. However, Jian Yishen himself said that he is confident to complete the go-ahead in the next."

"Jian Yishen Interview: My "Prodigal Son Washing the Sword" will definitely surpass it."

"Everyone who hasn't shown up for a long time has fallen silent, made a big stroke, Wolong, Qingyun and others are not old. The entries this time are all well-received."


After the second issue of the score list was released, various media also carried out relevant reports.

Among them, the report of Star Entertainment is also the report that everyone is most concerned about. Everyone has long been wondering, how will Star Entertainment report this time?

The routine of Star Entertainment this time is similar to the last time. First of all, it affirmed that the second chapter "Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan" was very successful, and also congratulated Guyong.

Next, the pen took another turn, becoming more worried about the subsequent chapters of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Star Entertainment believes that the second chapter involves the golden prince Wanyan Honglie, which makes the pattern of the work bigger, makes it more difficult to control the overall situation, and virtually increases the risk of collapse.

In addition, due to the successful description of the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, readers' expectations for this book have become higher.

This makes the subsequent chapters of this work need to come up with higher quality.

Otherwise, it's easy to disappoint readers, even if it's actually good enough.

In other words, the possibility of disappointing readers later in this work has become greater.

Star Entertainment's point of view this time,

There is some truth to it, so this time it did not attract large-scale complaints.

This includes all martial arts fans.

"I rub it! Star Entertainment's point of view this time seems to have some truth. If it doesn't say it, I haven't noticed it myself. After reading the second chapter of "The Seven Devils of Jiangnan", I have no doubts about the "Legend of the Condor Heroes". The work is indeed more expected than before. It can be said that the requirements are higher than before. Is there any problem with Gu Yong?"

"Indeed, our requirements seem to have become higher. If the later chapters are not exciting enough, I am afraid that many people will be disappointed."

"What I'm worried about now is, will Gu Yong feel more pressure after seeing Star Entertainment's report? This is not a good thing."

"I think everyone should think too much now. We have to believe in Gu Yong. Since he can shape the Seven Devils of Jiangnan so successfully, he will never disappoint us later."

"No matter what happens with the subsequent chapters of this work? Personally, I absolutely support Gu Yong. What I worry about is that some people will say something derogatory to Gu Yong when they are disappointed. You need to know, what is on the Internet? There are all kinds of people.”

"That's true, otherwise there wouldn't be so many online wars. But it doesn't matter. If someone comes out to slander Gu Yong, we will stand up and fight him back."

"That's right, if someone wants to find something, let's go back to him."


A group of martial arts fans are a little worried about Gu Yong, while the rest of the people from all walks of life are also discussing the views of Star Entertainment.

"I'll go, according to this meaning, Gu Yong wrote the second chapter so wonderfully, it may not be a good thing?"

"For others, it's an absolute good thing. Even if the later writing is not very good, as long as there is the success of the previous 'Jiangnan Seven Eccentrics', it can be regarded as a successful work with bright spots. But there are some exceptions for Gu Yong, He has a special status and belongs to the kind of person who is absolutely focused. Everyone is staring at his works. If it is not good, it will be infinitely magnified by some caring people. Therefore, as far as Gu Yong is concerned, it is not necessarily a piece of work. Good thing."

"I'm rubbing it! Wouldn't this be a little unfair to Guyong?"

"I can't say it's unfair. He is the first person in martial arts. While enjoying the honor, risks also go with it. However, I think there should be no problem with Gu Yong."

"Everyone is staring at Gu Yong, which just proves that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is a very good work. I think everyone can look forward to the subsequent chapters."

"Interesting, this time the martial arts Grand Prix is ​​getting more and more interesting."



There are discussions everywhere, and there are undoubtedly the most discussions about Guyong and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Is Star Entertainment's point of view correct? This issue has become the most concerned issue.

Of course, everyone who is concerned about this issue has different thoughts.

Different martial arts fans, different martial arts authors, or other people from different walks of life have different thoughts. ) Download Free Reader!!

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