Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1062 This plot is too hot

Sansheng Village, fate comes first.

In the small pond, Zheng Jie's baby-like big carp had grown a lot. According to Li Fan's visual estimation, its body length was already about 80 centimeters.

Zheng Jie was full of joy, while Li Fan pondered in his heart that the fish fry produced in this space mall, in addition to being delicious, also seemed to grow quite large.

As a result, after a few ponds arrive, I am afraid that there will be a lot of big guys.

Thinking about it, it will make those guys who like fishing even more excited.

"How many chapters have you written in The Legend of the Condor Heroes?" Liang Sheng asked while thinking about it.

"Half of it, but the structure of the whole book has been completed." Li Fan replied.

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "Star Entertainment's point of view this time has some truth. Now the outside world's expectations and requirements for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" must be much higher than before. Have you ever thought about this?"

Li Fandao: "I never thought of this, but it doesn't matter. No matter how high their requirements are, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will surprise them again and again."

"Oh?" Liang Sheng said, "Is your kid so confident?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Having strength means being so confident."

Liang Sheng smiled, but quickly said with a serious face: "Don't get carried away, kid, and create this work well. Can martial arts novels seize this opportunity? Basically, it depends on your "Archer" "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The works of other people are excellent, but I guess there is still a big gap with the official requirements of the Times Literature Award. These include Wolong, Silent Leaves, and Sword One God."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Boss Liang, don't worry, I think with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there shouldn't be too many problems."

Liang Sheng said: "Well, as long as it can be more and more exciting, it is indeed very possible. When is the next issue?"

"On the 23rd," Li Fan replied, "this is a special situation, and the interval between publications is short."


The question of how exciting the later stage of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been hotly debated has always been hotly debated.

The answer, after the release of the third issue of the special edition of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" on the 23rd, may be able to peep.

People from all walks of life are looking forward to it, but before that, on the 22nd, a group of magazines headed by "Great Martial Arts" will be released first.

Today, it is already the 22nd, the third phase of the works of Silent Leaves and Jian Yishen will be the first to meet you.

The ratings of the two people's works in the second issue have not changed. So, after the third issue today, will the ratings of their works change? Will it go up a little bit as they expect?

This is the biggest highlight of the day.

And a lot of martial arts fans, after watching the two people's serial today, they all feel that they should be able to rise a bit.

When the rating list was updated in the afternoon, the ratings of the two people's works finally moved up a little bit.

The silent "Legend of the Misty Rain" has risen from the previous 6.7 points to the current 6.8 points.

And Jian Yishen's "Prodigal Son Washing the Sword" also increased by 0.1 points to the current 6.6 points.

It finally started to rise, and when Ye Zisheng and Jian Yishen saw the ratings, they both breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although it has not risen much now, it has at least begun to rise. With this trend, I believe that the increase in the future will become larger and larger.

When the discussion of today's works was almost the same, the eyes of the martial arts fans once again shifted to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that will be released tomorrow.

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically, Bao Xiruo and Li Ping, who would be rescued by Qiu Chuji first? Will Xiao Guo Jing and Xiao Yang Kang be born tomorrow? After birth, what will be the different fate? Wait for a series of questions.

In addition, a group of martial arts writers who have always held grudges against Gu Yong, headed by the fingertips, are also discussing at this time, and the third issue of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be released tomorrow.

"In the first two episodes, that kid can be said to be very popular. Tomorrow will be the third episode. I wonder if there will be any signs of collapse?"

"Maybe not so fast, but it's not completely hopeless. When the time comes, I'll see if he will still be as beautiful as he is now."

"Anyway, everyone should keep an eye on it tomorrow. As long as there is even the slightest sign of collapse, we will magnify it infinitely. I really don't want to continue watching him arrogant."

"Of course, we all think like this, and we will naturally stare at it."



In this way, amid the eager anticipation of many people and the covetousness of some ill-intentioned people, the time has come to September 23, the third issue of the special edition of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" will be released.

Early in the morning, many people who bought "Xiaojianghu" appeared in newsstands and bookstores all over the country.

They really can't wait any longer. The third chapter of their "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is already waiting for them.

Chapter 3: Yellow Sand Mang Mang

The martial arts fans who had opened the magazine suddenly felt a vast and desolate atmosphere, as if they saw a scene of yellow sand and a sky in front of them.

Wasn't the previous chapter still in the picturesque Jiangnan water town?

There were some doubts in the hearts of the martial arts fans, but soon, they put aside the doubts just now, and then became very excited and excited.

Because as soon as the third chapter started, they saw a plot that made them feel like they were about to burn.

That was a gambling contract between Qiu Chuji and the Seven Devils of Jiangnan, or an eighteen-year contract.

Qiu Chuji went to find Yang Tiexin's wife Bao Xiruo, while the Seven Devils of Jiangnan went to find Guo Xiaotian's wife Li Ping.

Then, after Xiao Guojing and Xiao Yang Kang were born, Qiu Chuji taught Yang Kang martial arts, while the Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan taught Guo Jing martial arts.

Eighteen years later, Guo Jing and Yang Kang have both grown up, and the two returned to the Zuixian Building in Jiaxing Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River to let Guo Jing and Yang Kang compete.

Whoever wins, his master, Qiu Chuji or the Seven Devils of Jiangnan, will win this 18-year gambling contract.

Such a bet, let alone in martial arts novels, is unheard of and unseen in all literary works, including reality.

Moreover, this bet seems to be too interesting and too much to look forward to.

All the martial arts fans were on fire in an instant.

"Lying on the grass! Lying on the grass! This bet is really too hot, and the competition after 18 years is too much to look forward to."

"This plot is really too much. How did Gu Yong come up with it? He is indeed the first person in martial arts, and only Gu Yong can write such a plot."

"What is worth looking forward to is not only the competition after 18 years, but also the process of finding Bao Xiruo and Li Ping. Where will they be found? What will happen after they are found? These are all very exciting."

"Yes, yes, but these answers should be known soon, and this third chapter has just begun."

"The yellow sand is luxuriant? Lying on the grass! Could it be that there is one party, who will find it in the land of yellow sand? This Nima is far from the south of the Yangtze River, it can be said to be thousands of miles away!")!!

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