Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1076 Excited and looking forward to it

October 4th. ???? Burning Fiction?????`

The voices about "The Story of the West Chamber" from all walks of life and on the Internet are a little weaker than yesterday, but Guyong's most beautiful wish still has a very high popularity.

And this sentence is destined to be remembered forever.

The voice of "The Story of the West Chamber" just faded away, and the martial arts storm struck again.

Today, the sixth issue of the special edition of the Martial Arts Novel Grand Prix, the first batch of magazines is released, naturally also led by "The Great Martial Arts".

This makes people from all walks of life and the media feel a little dizzying. Fortunately, Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will not be released until tomorrow, so it can be temporarily delayed today.

Of course, a lot of martial arts fans don't want to slow down, they have long been eager to see the next chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

But there is no way, they have to wait until tomorrow to see it.

However, today there are works by Silent Fallen Leaves, Jian Yishen, Guyong and others to see, which can make them stop thinking about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" for the time being.

After all, these works can be regarded as fine products, and they still like them very much.

In the afternoon, the official rating list was updated again.

The score of Silent Leaf's "The Legend of the Misty Rain" began to rise again, reaching a score of 7.1. This made the leaves silently and secretly relieved, and finally began to rise again.

The score of Jian Yishen's "Prodigal Son Washing Swords" is somewhat surprising. Not only did it not rise, but it fell back to 6.5 points.

what's going on? A lot of martial arts fans were talking about it.

"The rating of Jian Yishen's "Prodigal Son Washing the Sword" actually dropped back to 6.5 points. Is there something wrong? I feel pretty good!"

"I didn't feel anything wrong either. However, there must be something wrong, but we haven't felt it yet."

"For the arrogant and arrogant Jian Yishen, this is probably a big blow. You know, he has always regarded Gu Yong as his opponent. He wants to compete in this martial arts novel Grand Prix. , once again defeating Guyong, this is not a secret. Of course, it is absolutely impossible to defeat "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" now. Jian Yishen himself should be aware of this. However, even if he cannot defeat "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Jian Yishen must also want to be as close as possible to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". However, now that the rating has dropped, Jian Yishen will definitely not accept it."

"Actually, Jian Yishen's strength is still very good. I don't think he should think about defeating Gu Yong now. After all, he is still young, so it's normal that he is not Gu Yong's opponent now. Er, it seems that Gu Yong is also in the rumor. Very young. Well, I guess there is no hope in the future."

"Actually, Jian Yishen doesn't need to always think about defeating Gu Yong. As long as his works are wonderful, we also support him."

"Anyway, I still hope that Jian Yishen can do well. This time, "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword" is well written. Although it can't be compared with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it is still a masterpiece."



Great martial arts fan magazine.

Wang Yang frowned slightly. Martial arts fans didn't know why the score of "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword" dropped, but he knew it.

Jian Yishen's mentality is extremely unstable these days, how can the works he created be any better?

Although martial arts fans seem to have no problem on the surface, but after careful consideration, they will find that the problem is not small.

In fact, Wang Yang was very satisfied with only dropping back to 6.5 points. He originally thought it would drop below 6.5 points.

However, Wang Yang did not talk to Jian Yishen, nor did he mean to blame Jian Yishen.

It doesn't matter that this work is not well written. As long as Jian Yishen can pass the ups and downs of this work, and finally adjust his mentality, it will be fine.

If this work is finished, Jian Yishen can find his own mentality.

Then, his next work can be expected.

If not,

That would be a real pity.


Sword One God's Creation Room.

Jian Yishen clenched his fists tightly and slammed a heavy hammer on the desk, his eyes were very unwilling.

Originally, the rating of this work of his had a trend of increasing faster and faster, but now it has suddenly fallen back to the original point.

How could Jian Yishen be reconciled?

However, after a while, Jian Yishen let out a long sigh, his emotions gradually calmed down, and the unwillingness in his eyes gradually faded.

He naturally knows the score of his works, why does it fall back to the original point?

He also knows that he should adjust his mentality in time, otherwise, the rating of this work will probably fall again and again.

He has been there for the past few days, trying to adjust his mentality, and it seems to have a certain effect.

As for when will we be able to completely adjust our mentality? He doesn't know the answer himself now.


on the official communication platform.

A group of martial arts fans, after discussing Jian Yishen for a while, slowly shifted the topic to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", just looking forward to coming sooner tomorrow.

And the time finally came to the second day, October 5th, the sixth issue of the special edition of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", which made martial arts fans eager to see.

Like the previous issues, newsstands across the country were already crowded with people waiting to buy magazines early in the morning.

The journey of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" finally continued, and the excited martial arts fans quickly turned to the serialized position of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Chapter 6: Clifftop Mystery.

Guo Jing's martial arts progressed faster and faster. At the beginning, the six monsters in Jiangnan were both surprised and delighted, only that Guo Jing suddenly became enlightened as he got older.

But gradually, the six monsters finally felt that something was wrong. They suspected that Guo Jing was secretly practicing martial arts with others.

After the first try, the six monsters were surprised to find that Guo Jing's internal strength had reached a level that was not too low.

It turned out that the way the mysterious Taoist taught Guo Jing to meditate, walk, and sleep turned out to be an internal method.

On the other hand, Guo Jing's mind is simple, with very few distracting thoughts. It is easy to improve his internal skills by practicing internal skills, and he is far better than a wise person who has all kinds of thoughts that come and go in his heart, and it is difficult to get rid of them. In addition, the mysterious Taoist is indeed a master.

In less than two years, Guo Jing's internal strength has become a small success.

Not long after I started watching this, it made all the martial arts fans feel excited for a while. The mysterious Taoist taught internal skills.

What's even more exciting is that Guo Jing's progress in cultivating internal skills has been so fast that in less than two years, it has already reached the level that surprised the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River.

It is said that Guo Jing's aptitude is dull, and his progress in martial arts is very slow, but now people's progress in cultivating internal skills is much faster than those of smart people.

And after Guo Jing's internal strength was small, the speed of his martial arts practice could obviously be accelerated.

From this point of view, it does not seem to be difficult for Guo Jing to practice martial arts well.

Thinking of these, martial arts fans are excited and looking forward to it.


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