Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1077 Is there a surprise behind?

The excited martial arts fans continued to look down, and it didn't take long for Wu to be surprised again. ranwen??????`?

Because Mei Chaofeng appeared again, to be precise, it marked the appearance of Mei Chaofeng, and the stacked nine skulls appeared again.

The place where he appeared was the top of the cliff where the mysterious Taoist taught Guo Jing inner strength.

It turned out that Mei Chaofeng was not dead, just blinded.

In the past ten years, the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River have searched all over, and there has been no trace of Mei Chaofeng in the nearby area of ​​hundreds of miles.

Now that it suddenly reappears, it is most likely that the comer is not good.

Martial arts fans can guess that Mei Chaofeng should have been hiding somewhere in the past ten years to concentrate on martial arts.

Now, the martial arts are probably not what they used to be. This is to come back to seek revenge for the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River and Guo Jing.

The martial arts fans were a little worried about the Six Eccentrics of Jiangnan and Guo Jing, but at the same time they were very excited and looking forward to it. They hoped to see another earth-shattering battle.

I just don't know if the mysterious Taoist will help Jiangnan Six Monsters and Guo Jing.

If he is willing to shoot, then Mei Chaofeng should not be an opponent.

After all, Mei Chaofeng is blind, how can he be so powerful?

Soon, though, martial arts fans knew they were wrong.

The mysterious Taoist and Guo Jing hid on the top of the cliff and caught a glimpse of Mei Chaofeng's martial arts practice.

The mysterious Taoist was quite surprised. Mei Chaofeng's martial arts are no trivial now, far more powerful than ten years ago. Even he is not an opponent.

Even if he adds the six monsters of Jiangnan and Guo Jing, he may not be able to win. Even if he wins in the end, his own side will definitely suffer casualties.

"I'm rubbing it! It's so powerful! Even experts are no match for it." All the martial arts fans were shocked, and now they became even more worried.

How should this be good?

Just when the martial arts fans were worried, the mysterious Taoist thought of a way to scare Mei Chaofeng away, so that she would not dare to come back to seek revenge for Jiangnan Six Eccentrics and Guo Jing in a short period of time.

Is there any way to scare Mei Chaofeng away? A lot of martial arts fans couldn't help but be very curious.

Before that, the mysterious Taoist told Guo Jing his identity, and went with Guo Jing to see the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River.

It turned out that the mysterious Taoist was called Ma Yu, whose Taoist name was Danyangzi, and he was the elder brother of that Changchun Ziqiu Chuji.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Qiu Chuji, and he is also Qiu Chuji's senior brother. No wonder he is so powerful." All the martial arts fans thought so in their hearts.

At the same time, I couldn't help but look forward to what Ma Yu said could scare Mei Chaofeng away.

Soon, they knew the answer.

It turned out that Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji were both disciples of the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Chongyang. Ma Yu was the senior brother, and now he is the head teacher of the Quanzhen Sect.

And Wang Chongyang has a total of seven disciples, who are known as the Seven Disciples of Quanzhen in Jianghu.

The seven sons of Quanzhen under Chongyang Gate are very famous in the arena.

"Wang Chongyang? The Seven Sons of Quanzhen?" The hearts of all the martial arts fans ignited. It turned out that Qiu Chuji's master was called Wang Chongyang, and there were seven other brothers, who were called the Seven Sons of Quanzhen by the Jianghu people. It gave people a very powerful feeling, right? ?

It's just a pity that Wang Chongyang has passed away and it is impossible to play again. Martial arts fans feel very sorry.

The method Ma Yu said was to use the name of the Quanzhen Seven Sons to scare Mei Chaofeng away.

He asked the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River to pretend to be the Seven Sons of Quanzhen with him, and waited for Mei Chaofeng to come to the place where Mei Chaofeng placed the skull.

Then, pretending to be talking to the seven Quanzhen sons, Mei Chaofeng mistakenly thought that the seven Quanzhen sons were gathered here.

Even if Mei Chaofeng is confident in his own martial arts, he would not dare to be the enemy of the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

This method actually lost the reputation of the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, but after all, life is more important, and the six monsters are grateful to Ma Yu for worrying about them and Guo Jing. After hesitating for a while, they agreed.

that's it,

Ma Yu, the six monsters of Jiangnan, and Guo Jing went to the top of the cliff, where Mei Chaofeng placed the skull and waited for Mei Chaofeng to come.

And they didn't wait long, Mei Chaofeng really came.

In the end, after some turmoil, Mei Chaofeng really receded.

"The name of the Quanzhen Seven Sons is really no trivial matter." A group of martial arts fans thought so.

At the same time, I am very curious about the other five sons, and I don't know when they will be able to play?

Later, in a conflict between the Temujin tribe and other Mongolian tribes, Guo Jing made great contributions to Temujin. He was recruited by Temujin as the concubine of the golden sword and betrothed his daughter Huazheng to Guo Jing.

In fact, Guo Jing has no personal feelings for Huazheng. He doesn't know what to do about Temujin's betrothal of his daughter to him.

After that, the date of the date of Zuixianlou's appointment was approaching, and the six monsters of Jiangnan returned with Guo Jingnan.


Before I knew it, the sixth chapter had been read, and all the martial arts fans just felt that they were still unfinished.

In this chapter, the excitement continues, Mei Chaofeng reappears, and then is scared away by the "Quanzhen Seven Sons", the identity of the mysterious Taoist is finally revealed, and Wang Chongyang and the Quanzhen Seven Sons are also introduced.

This world of rivers and lakes is becoming more exciting.

What excites and expects martial arts fans the most is that the six monsters of Jiangnan and Guo Jing have finally returned to the south.

Martial arts fans have been talking about Zuixianlou's appointment for a long time, and it is finally coming.

Official communication platform.

"Quanzhen seven sons, it sounds like they are very powerful. Now that Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji have already appeared, just look at the remaining five sons. When will they appear?"

"The Quanzhen Seven Masters are powerful, but Mei Chaofeng is even more powerful. Even if he is blind, he can practice martial arts so well. Although people are cruel, they seem to have to say admiration."

"Mei Chaofeng was scared away this time, and the scene is definitely not over yet, and he will definitely appear again in the future. At that time, he will not become more powerful, right?"

"Golden sword consort, Guo Jing is a good boy, and can be seen by Genghis Khan. Moreover, Huazheng sister obviously likes Guo Jing very much, but Guo Jing has no personal feelings for Huazheng. I guess most Guo Jing doesn't know what it means to be a child. Intimacy? I don't know if he and Huazheng have any results?"

"Hey! It's hard to say. If Guo Jing meets a lady in the Central Plains, the little lady he really likes, and Hua Zheng, there will probably be no drama."

"Cut! With Guo Jing's simple and honest character, he can meet a fart little lady! I think he will still be with Hua Zheng, and feelings can be cultivated."

"By the way, the six monsters of Jiangnan and Guo Jing have finally returned to the south. Who will they meet on the way back? What will happen? It's really exciting."

"It's really exciting. I don't know which martial arts characters will appear? It's a pity that we can only see it in the next issue. In other words, there are really too few chapters in this issue!"

"Hey! Who said you have to wait until the next issue to see the story behind?"

"I wipe! What do you mean upstairs?"

"You guys, continue to turn the page and take a look. Is there any surprise?"



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