Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1098 An old friend of Lan Guo visits

In the afternoon, the official rating list was updated again, and the rating of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" reached 9.6 points.

With a score of 9.6, you are about to run for the full score. Will you be able to reach the full score in the end?

People from all walks of life suddenly became very interested in this issue.

Everyone has never thought about this issue before, especially after seeing the ratings of the first issue, which are generally very low.

However, now, the rating of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has reached 9.6 points before noticing, not only throwing its opponents out of sight, but also very close to the full score of 10 points.

Moreover, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is obviously still becoming more and more exciting. If this trend continues, it can definitely be infinitely close to a full score.

The key is whether the official will give full marks? You must know that the difference between 9.99 points and 10 points is very small, but there is a big difference in meaning.

A kind of martial arts fans had a heated discussion on this, and the rest of the circles also talked about it.

The media have also expressed their views on the matter.

Some media believe that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" may eventually reach 9.99 points, but it will never reach 10 points.

Because there is no absolutely perfect work in this world, even if "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is classic, it will still have some shortcomings.

Some media also believe that the score of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is likely to reach 10 points.

Of course, this is not to say that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is perfect, but because it has a very unusual, special status and meaning.

Now it is almost 100% certain that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can promote martial arts novels to be eligible for the Times Literature Award, and it may also push martial arts novels to the highest level.

This makes its meaning and status very special, and it is this special period that gives it a special meaning and status.

This special period is only once and will never happen again.

Even if it appears in the future, more wonderful martial arts works than "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will not be able to replace "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the history of martial arts novels.

Therefore, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has absolute qualifications and a score of 10 out of 10.

Both views of the media seem to be plausible. Once again, there is a lot of discussion from all walks of life, and there are supporters on both sides.

And this topic is destined to be debated for a long time until the end of the serialization of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Updated together with the rating list, there are also official comments on "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

In this issue, the official chose two topics, the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon and the green-robed eccentric.

The Eighteen Palms of Dragon Subduing originated from the Book of Changes, and the official has launched a comprehensive introduction and analysis of it.

For example, the first palm: Kanglong has regrets.

The Book of Changes: Qian Gua: Xiang said: Shang Jiu: Kanglong has regrets.

Another example is the second palm: the flying dragon is in the sky.

Book of Changes: Qian Gua: Elephant: Ninety-five: The flying dragon is in the sky, and it is beneficial to see the adults.

Seeing that the martial arts fans are a little confused, but they feel very powerful.

In addition, the official also analyzed the identity of the green-robed eccentric, and the answer was obvious, the green-robed eccentric was Dongxie Huang Yaoshi.

His martial arts are extremely high, and he always follows behind Mei Chaofeng. Mei Chaofeng doesn't know such martial arts at all.

He helped Mei Chaofeng drive away Ouyang Ke, just because Mei Chaofeng was his apprentice.

Although Mei Chaofeng is just his deserter, he has a weird temper. He can deal with his deserter at will, but others can't hurt.

Furthermore, according to the Five Elements, Five Directions, and Five Colors, the East belongs to wood, and the main color is blue. This strange man is wearing a green robe, and he must be Dongxie Huang Yaoshi.

Although many martial arts fans also guessed that the green-robed eccentric was Huang Yaoshi, but looking at the official analysis at this time, there is still a sense of sudden realization.

On the official communication platform, a large-scale heated discussion was once again aroused.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was lounging on the edge of Dayan Pond, watching tourists go fishing.

Now, there are still many tourists fishing here every day,

Among them, there are many professional fishing masters who came to challenge from afar.

The fish here is as famous for its difficulty as it is delicious, and there is a trend of getting harder and harder to catch.

A professional fishing expert can only catch one or two in a morning. As for ordinary fishing enthusiasts, it is a common thing to catch nothing.

Of course, this does not mean that the fish in the weir pond do not take the hook, but it is difficult to pull up after taking the hook.

In fact, the fish inside are easy to catch, but the fisherman just doesn't pull them up, but it's like feeding them.

This has aroused the interest of all fishing enthusiasts, and their unwillingness to admit defeat, especially those professional fishing masters, and they are also on the fishing rod here.

And the more this is the case, the easier it is to have surprises. Of course, when someone fell a big fish, there was thunderous applause and cheers.

If the big fish caught breaks the weight record, it will be even more lively and festive.

Li Fanzheng looked excited when the phone rang, and it was Li Ru who called.

"Xiaoru, what's wrong?"

"Brother Fan, where are you? Mr. Jared from Lan is here. He wants to find you."

Jared, that's the head of Langland Sound Publishing.

The first time Li Fan met with him was at the last China-Foreign Children's Literature Exchange Summit. The two sides were not very happy.

But later, due to various reasons, the two sides released their previous suspicions and cooperated very happily in the Harry Potter series of works.

Now, Jared suddenly came to the village, which surprised Li Fan.

Because he has not yet released, the fourth Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is planned.

Jared obviously can't come for the copyright of the fourth book, so why did he come?

Li Fan is a little strange, but Jared is naturally very welcome when he comes to the village.

He said to the phone, "Xiaoru, I'm at Dayantang. You can ask Mr. Jared to wait in the lounge for a while, and I'll come right over."

"Okay, Brother Fan."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan turned around and walked towards the entrance of the village, but before he took two steps, Li Ru called again, "Brother Fan, Mr. Jared said he came to Dayantang to find you, and he knew the way."

"That's fine, then I'll wait for him here." Li Fan said.

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan stopped and continued to watch the tourists fishing, while waiting for Jerry to come over.

About half an hour later, Li Fan, who has excellent eyesight, saw from a distance that a middle-aged foreign man was coming towards him. It was Jared.

And Jared is not alone. He is holding a little girl of eleven or twelve years old, who looks very beautiful and cute.

The little girl Li Fan had seen in the video was Jared's twelve-year-old daughter, Lucy.

Seeing Jared come with Lucy, Li Fan guessed a little bit about Jared's purpose in coming to the village. Did he bring his daughter on a trip?


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