Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1099 Little girl and Lucy

When Jared and Lucy got closer, Li Fan greeted them.

At this time, Jared also saw Li Fan and quickened his pace. After that, he laughed loudly from a distance: "Mr. Li Fan, long time no see, how are you?"

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Mr. Jared, long time no see, I'm fine, how about you? Oh, and little Lucy, so are you."

At this time, the two had approached and shook hands with each other warmly. Jared said to Lucy, "Lucy, say hello to brother Li Fan."

Lucy looked at Li Fan with wide eyes, a little embarrassed, and said, "Hello, brother Li Fan."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Alright, Lucy, you are so beautiful."

Lucy said a little shyly, "Thank you!"

Li Fan laughed and said to Jared, "She is really very beautiful and cute."

Jared was very happy after hearing this, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, did I bother you?"

Li Fandao: "No, I'm watching others go fishing. Is Mr. Jared coming to the village this time?"

Jared smiled and said: "I have always missed the food here, and I have wanted to come here for a long time. And Lucy has always wanted to come here, so I brought her here this time. Her favorite book now, It's the Harry Potter series, the three that have been released, and she's seen them multiple times."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Welcome to the village." Then he said to Lucy, "Lucy, thank you for liking the Harry Potter series."

Lucy said: "Brother Li Fan wrote so well. I heard from my father that there are several Harry Potter series works. Is this true?"

Li Fandao: "It's true. Three volumes have been released now. In my plan, there will be a total of seven releases. The fourth volume is expected to be released at the end of this year, and Lucy can look forward to it."

Lucy's eyes widened and she said, "Really? That's great, I'm looking forward to it now."

Jared's eyes are also bright, the market for the Harry Potter series is really good, and the first three have already made their publishing house a lot of money.

Now, the entire publishing house is eagerly waiting for Li Fan to release the fourth volume. He came to Sansheng Village this time, of course, for the food here, to bring Lucy to play, but he asked Li Fan about Harry Potter. The news of the fourth part of the special series is also one of his goals.

Now I hear Li Fan say that it will be released by the end of the year, and I can't help but be overjoyed, saying: "This is really good, then Mr. Li Fan, regarding the copyright issue of the fourth volume, we Sander Publishing House still have the highest sincerity."

Li Fan smiled and said, "We have cooperated very happily with the first three films, and I am naturally willing to cooperate with you on this fourth film."

Jared was overjoyed again. Although he believed that Li Fan should continue to cooperate with them, he was still a little worried after all.

Because the market for the Harry Potter series works is so good, several powerful publishing houses in Lanzhou are very keen. For the Harry Potter series of works, the copyright of the series in Languo has long been eyeing.

If they get the exclusive copyright of the fourth film in Languo, it will definitely be a very bad thing.

Now listening to Li Fan say that he is still willing to cooperate with them Sander Publishing House, Jared finally feels relieved.

After that, I just heard Lucy say again: "Brother Li Fan, where is the sister I saw in the video last time? Is she there?"

Li Fandao: "The girl is going to school, but it's about to end school. When she comes back, I'll let her take you to play. However, it is estimated that you will have some difficulties in language communication."

The little girl can't speak Lan, at most she can say a few simple sentences. However, the two girls are about the same age, and they are both very smart. Li Fan believes that they will find their own way of communicating.

Sure enough, Lucy said, "We should be able to communicate, and I have to learn Chinese from her."

Li Fan said: "This is a good idea, you teach her Lan too, you learn from each other,

good or not? "

Lucy said happily: "Okay!"

Li Fan nodded with a smile, and said to Jared, "Is Mr. Jared interested in fishing?"

Jared said: "I'm interested, but I heard that the fish here are very difficult to catch. I don't know if it's true?"

Li Fandao: "If Mr. Jared is interested, you can try it out for yourself."

Jared said: "Actually, I think so too. Mr. Li Fan, your farm is now in our country and is already very famous. As far as I know, there are many people in our country who have come to travel. I plan to taste the food. Congrats to Mr. Li Fan.”

Li Fan laughed and said, "Thank you! I welcome friends from Lan Guo. Now, Mr. Jared, please!"

Jared also smiled and said, "Mr. Li Fan, please!"

So Jared challenged the fish in the weir pond.

And the result...

"Oh! Damn it! It's so hard." This was Jared's most frequent line.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, Jared still had nothing to gain, and finally had to give up.

Li Fan laughed and said, "It's okay, Mr. Jared, I'll treat you to fish at night. You can't catch it, but you can eat it."

After listening, Jared said happily: "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, I have always been concerned about the fish here."

Li Fan said: "You can eat it tonight." Then he said to Lucy: "Lucy, let's go, I'll take you to find the sister on the video, she should have come back."

Lucy nodded and said, "Thank you, brother Li Fan, then let's go."

Afterwards, Li Fan walked home with Jared and Lucy.

On the way, I made a special trip to Yuanlaiju, and asked Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Zhang Xia, and Wu Bingrong to have dinner at home.

Last time, Jared, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng had met.

In the evening, Li Fan was going to invite Jared and Lucy to dinner at home, so he called Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng as well.

When Li Fan, Jared, and Lucy were about to reach the yard, they saw the little girl in the distance, squatting on the edge of the weir and fiddling with something.

Li Fan shouted: "Girl, come, come, meet a young lady."

When the little girl heard Li Fan calling her, she raised her head and saw Lucy. She felt a little familiar. She tilted her head and thought for a while. When she remembered it, she jumped up happily and ran to the three of Li Fan.

Li Fan said: "Lucy, she seems to recognize you."

Lucy said, "She's so pretty."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Lucy is also very beautiful, you are all beautiful."

After finishing speaking, the little girl has also run to the front, looking at Lucy, and Lucy is also looking at her.

The two girls stared at each other, as if they didn't know how to say hello? Or thinking, can she understand what she said?

It's no wonder that the two girls must still have some strangeness at this time.

Li Fan said: "Girl, this is Lucy, you can call her Lucy."

Then he said to Lucy, "Lucy, you can call her Linlin."

The two girls tried to call each other's names, and they seemed a little excited. This was their first foreign friend.

Afterwards, Li Fan and Jared entered the yard, while Lucy ran away with the little girl.

Although they do not speak the language, there should be a way to communicate.


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