After wandering around the village, Li Fan returned home, walked into the study, and turned on the computer.

It was still early, so he decided to code for a while, not "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but a new work.

A work that participated in the "Evergreen Cup" mystery novel competition of the island country, "The Devotion of Suspect X".

That's right, the work Li Fan chose this time is the classic inference work of Keigo Higashino, a famous inference novelist in the island country in his previous life, "The Devotion of Suspect X".

Since the islanders don't like the reasoning works in the ancient background, then choose the background they like.

The background of the story of "The Devotion of Suspect X" took place in the 1990s of the island country, and there is no more perfect work than this work.

The main story of this work is that Shi Shen, a math genius who has never met in a hundred years, fell in love with his neighbor Jingzi, and the only joy every day was to go to the fast food restaurant where Jingzi worked and buy some breakfast.

Jingzi has been divorced twice and now lives with her daughter Miri, the daughter of Jingzi and her first husband.

One day, Jingzi and her daughter, Miri, accidentally killed their second husband, Fu Jian.

In order to save Jingzi and his daughter, Shishen proposed that he take care of the aftermath.

With his genius mathematician and meticulous logical thinking ability, Shi Shen designed an incredible situation and provided Jingzi and his daughter with seamless evidence of alibi.

So that the police can only beat and beat on the periphery, and can't get involved with the case at all.

However, in the end, the police found the truth with the help of the famous detective Yukawa Gaku, who was also called a genius.

The Devotion of Suspect X is different from general mystery novels in the way of reasoning and narration.

The book has nineteen chapters and more than 150,000 words. However, in the first two chapters, who is the culprit, the process of committing the crime, and the results of the crime, these three important factors of mystery novels are all presented to the reader.

It can be said that this work presents the general logical mystery to the reader from the very beginning, and the whole case has been revealed from the very beginning.

From the very beginning, readers already know who the murderer is and how the murderer committed the crime.

If you think this work, there is no need to read it anymore.

Then, you will miss a wonderful work of reasoning.

Because the truth at the beginning is revealed, it is the author's subtlety about the layout of the book.

When the real mystery is revealed and the true meaning of the word "devoted" is revealed, you will be amazed and admired by the author's meticulous arrangement.

This is a work that takes deception to the extreme.

What's more important is that this work is different from ordinary works, which are so black and white, which praises justice and criticizes evil.

In this work, it is more about the thinking and interpretation of human nature. The detective is not the embodiment of justice, and the prisoner is not necessarily the representative of evil.

No matter which side it is, they all have the weakness of human nature, and they all drift between legal justice and moral emotion.

The key to solving the mystery is not limited to scientific reasoning, but lies in the observation and thinking of human nature.

After reading the work, it is difficult for readers to judge the good and evil of many characters in it.

Is it good or evil? Or is the good greater than the evil, or the evil greater than the good?

Each reader may have their own different opinions, but it is certain that many emotions such as sadness, sympathy, and regret are intertwined.

Such a work, in this world, will definitely completely conquer the media and the public in the island country.

Even with their very critical eyes.

A faint smile appeared on Li Fan's mouth, and he tapped the keyboard with both hands fast.

150,000 words, if Li Fan wants to, he can write all of them before going to bed today, but he obviously does not intend to do so.

After coding for more than an hour, after coding out the first five chapters, Li Fan stopped,

Sneak out of the study.

At this time, my father and mother had also returned, and my mother was picking vegetables on the ground in front of the yard, preparing to make dinner.

And the little girl and Lucy have also returned. The two girls are chatting, and the communication is obviously smoother.


Time is passing, in a hurry, and it seems to be slowly and leisurely.

Jared and Lucy, after staying in the village for more than a week, finally left on October 27th.

This day happened to be Saturday, and Li Fan, Su Qing and the little girl sent Jared and his daughter off at the entrance of the village.

The two girls were reluctant to part with tears in their eyes.

Lucy asked the little girl to go to Lan Guo to find her. The little girl looked at Li Fan with tears in her eyes. Li Fan laughed and said, "I will definitely take you there."

The little girl said to Lucy excitedly: "Lucy, I will definitely come."

"Brother Li Fan, sister Su Qing, Linlin, you must come!" After Lucy got into the car, she stuck her head out of the window and shouted to the three of Li Fan.

"It will definitely be, goodbye Lucy." Li Fan and Su Qing said at the same time.

Lucy left, and the little girl was rather gloomy, but after a while, she slowly became happy again.

During this period, two more issues of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" were released, and the more and more exciting plots made the "poisoning" of martial arts fans more and more deeply.

The media are also scrambling to report, and the praise continues.

It's just that the official score has not changed, still 9.6 points.

Of course, this was as expected by everyone, and did not cause much discussion.

"The Devotion of Suspect X", Li Fan has also finished coding all, and has also coded two versions, the Chinese version and the island version.

It's not that Li Fanxin can't translate from Changqing Publishing House, but he wants to keep the work as original as possible.

Even the most accurate translation will still be slightly different from what he wrote himself in the island language.

The rest only need to send the electronic manuscript of the island version to the Changqing Publishing House, and the e-mail for receiving the manuscript is fine.

On the invitation letter, what is the e-mail address of the recipient?


Island State, Evergreen Press.

President Ichita Nagao asked his assistant, "Has Li Fan submitted a manuscript?"

The assistant replied: "Not yet, President."

Mrs. Yongwei nodded and thought: "The deadline for submissions is coming soon, don't you think you really don't plan to participate?"

At this time, Aoyama Yongzhi walked into the president's office and said, "Yongwei, hasn't Li Fan submitted his manuscript yet?"

Mrs. Yongao said: "Not yet, I guess it is unlikely that he will contribute."

Qingshan Yongzhi sighed: "Unfortunately, this should have been a very good opportunity. The media and the Internet in China did not issue public criticism against Li Fan, which is really unexpected."

Mrs. Yongwei said: "That can only prove that Li Fan's honor and influence in China is much greater than what we know. This opportunity is missed, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to have another opportunity in the future. Because, as long as If Li Fan ignores him, he will be invincible."


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