Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1118 Start reading the manuscript

After hearing this, Qingshan Yongzhi pondered for a moment, and said, "Opportunities will always arise. This time, the Chinese media and the Internet did not create public opinion and criticism against Li Fan, which does not mean that the next time will not be wrong. Moreover, even if It is Li Fan who did not accept the invitation to participate this time, and we also have a lot of chapters to do, as long as the operation is good, it will achieve good results."

Mrs. Yongwei nodded and said: "That's right, Li Fan doesn't accept our invitation to participate. No matter what the reason is, we can create many reasons for him. If the operation is done, the effect will indeed be very good. For example, We can do this..."

Mrs. Nagao and Eiji Aoyama struck while the iron was hot, and began to discuss how to do it so that Li Fan could refuse to participate in the competition and achieve the most satisfying results?

The two were discussing vigorously when the assistant knocked on the door and said, "I'm sorry, President, I just received an email, and Li Fan's entry has been sent."

The assistant's words made Kazuo Nagao and Eiji Aoyama stunned at the same time. We are doing the chapter here, and we can discuss it vigorously. That kid's entry has come over? It's too coincidental, isn't it?

Mrs. Yongwei confirmed: "You mean that Li Fan's entry has been sent?"

The assistant replied, "Yes, President."

Mrs. Yongwei and Aoyama Yongzhi looked at each other, and Mrs. Yongwei said, "Qingshan, what do you think?"

Aoyama Yongzhi quickly reacted and laughed: "Yongwei, this is a good thing! Haven't we been expecting him to participate in the competition?"

Nagao thought to himself, "Yeah, haven't we been waiting? Now the good news is coming. However, the ones we just discussed are useless, um, it's a pity."

I thought it was a pity, but he calmly said to the assistant, "Please ask the translator to translate Li Fan's manuscript, and let the translator translate as quickly as possible. After the translation is completed, print it out and print 20 copies. Right. After printing, take it to the conference room, and notify the editors in charge of reviewing manuscripts for this competition to have a meeting in the conference room."

"President, I don't think translation is needed, because Li Fan's submission was written in Dao," the assistant said.

"Island wrote it?" Nagao Kazuta was a little surprised. "Could it be that he specially asked someone to translate the manuscript before submitting it? This saves us a lot of time. That's it, just print it out."

"Okay president, I'll do it here." The assistant agreed and went out.

After the assistant went out, Mrs. Yongwei smiled and said, "It seems that the kid has a heart too, saving us a lot of time. It's just that the ones we just discussed are useless."

Youth Yongzhi said: "It doesn't matter, now a better opportunity is coming, and we can do better operations."

Mrs. Yongwei nodded and said: "That's true, but there is no public criticism in Huaguo, and Li Fan still participated in the competition, which is actually a bit unexpected."

Qingshan Yongzhi said: "I'm still a young man after all. I want to be competitive. To be honest, this makes me look down on him a little bit."

The two were in a good mood. After about ten minutes, the assistant knocked on the door again and came in and said, "President, Li Fan's entry has been printed out and placed in the conference room, and the editors have already passed."

Mrs. Yongwei nodded and said to Qingshan Yongzhi: "Qingshan, let's go too."

Aoyama Eiji nodded, got up and walked to the conference room with Mrs. Nagao.

In the conference room, more than 20 editors who were in charge of reviewing the manuscript for this competition were all sitting, and they were discussing in a low voice.

"It's a bit surprising that Li Fan of Huaguo actually submitted a manuscript. I don't know what era and background he chose for his work this time?"

"You don't need to look at it to know that it is still based on the ancient Chinese kingdom. The quality of those works is really good, but unfortunately, they are not very popular in our island country. This time, Li Fan will be embarrassed. Alas! Why come to the competition? ?"

"Maybe he has enough self-confidence to win this competition. People do have this strength,

It can only be said that he does not know much about our islanders, and his preference for mystery novels. "

"Yes, actually, even if Li Fan lost to the writers in our island country this time, we are not qualified to laugh at them. It's just a pity that many people and some media don't think so."

"Shh! It's not good to say this in a low voice."


While the editors were discussing, Ichita Nagao, Eiji Aoyama, and Ichita Nagao's assistant entered the conference room.

The editors immediately fell silent.

After Mrs. Nagao and Eiji Aoyama sat down respectively, there was no opening remarks. Mrs. Nagao said directly: "The purpose of this meeting is known to everyone, so I won't say more. Zesheng, please send the manuscript to everyone. "

The assistant agreed, picked up the manuscript he had put here before, and sent it to each editor.

Ao Nagao and Aoyama Naiji naturally have a share.

After taking over the manuscript, the first reaction of the editors was to be stunned, why is it so thick? Is it a long story?

So far, they have not received a long-form submission.

Of course, it's not impossible to use a long novel. After the editors were stunned, they read the title of the book, "The Devotion of Suspect X", well, it's a bit weird.

However, the editors didn't care and continued to watch.

"At seven thirty-five in the afternoon, Shi Shen walked out of the apartment as usual. Although it was March, the wind was still quite cold, and he buried his chin in the scarf.

Before walking down the street, he glanced at the place where the bicycles were kept. There were a few cars parked there, but no green bikes he cared about.


At the beginning, I couldn't see anything, but soon, the editors were surprised.

They found that Li Fan's work called "The Devotion of Suspect X" turned out to be based on the modern island country.

Also, it looks a bit like an island country in the 1990s.

Is this really the work of Hua Guo Li Fan? In the hearts of the editors, there was a trace of doubt.

Nagao and Aoyama Naiji naturally have the same doubts in their hearts.

Mrs. Yongwei frowned slightly and said to his assistant, "Zesheng, is this really a manuscript submitted by Li Fan of Hua Guo?"

The assistant replied very affirmatively: "Yes, President, there is absolutely no mistake."

Mrs. Nagao nodded and said, "Everyone continue to look back. The reason why Li Fan chose the 1990s as the background of the novel in my country is that he also knows the preference of the Chinese people for mystery novels. It is not surprising."

The editors nodded, and it really wasn't worth the fuss.

It's just that, in order to cater to the preferences of the people of their island country, Li Fan deliberately put the background of the novel in the modern age that he is not good at, and it is still the modern age of their country. Is there really no problem?

Is there any attraction to this long work with a lot of words?

The editors shook their heads. They did not think that Li Fan made a correct choice.


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