Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1119 Silence after reading the manuscript

Some of the editors felt sorry for Li Fan. They thought that Li Fan made a wrong decision, but as editors reviewing the manuscript, they must read this work.

Otherwise, all their evaluations can only be speculation, everyone understands this.

Then, keep looking down.

The genius mathematician Shi Shen is a math teacher in a high school. Every morning he leaves the apartment where he lives, and on the way to school, he goes to a fast food restaurant and buys a takeaway.

Just to take a look at his neighbor, Yasuko Hanaoka, who works there.

Yes, he fell in love with Jingzi, but he didn't dare to express it, and he never thought to express it. He was very satisfied just by looking at it every day.

As for why he didn't think about expressing it? There are many reasons, and he thinks that he is ugly, which of course is the case, and it should be one of the reasons.

Jingzi is very beautiful, but she is a miserable person. She has been divorced twice. After the divorce, her second ex-husband, Fujian, has been struggling with her, asking her for money, and wanting to remarry her and bring Jingzi back. Tormented and exhausted.

That day was March 9th, and Fu Jian came to entangle Jingzi again, and also followed Jingzi after get off work to the place where Jingzi lives now.

Jingzi and his daughter Miri depended on each other for life. Fu Jian entangled in Jingzi's house for a long time, and finally decided to leave temporarily after receiving 20,000 yuan.

But he said he would come again next time.

And just when Fujian was about to go out, Miri smashed a vase into the back of Fujian's head.

This blow did not knock Fu Jian unconscious, but made Fu Jian angry and madly beat Miri.

Jingzi was terrified, afraid that his daughter would be beaten to death by Fu Jian.

Finally, she used a wire to strangle Fu Jian's neck...

After a long time, Yasuko and Miri, mother and daughter, worked together to kill Fu Jian.

Seeing this, the editors looked at each other, what does this mean?

If the case of this work is the murder of Fu Jian, then this is only the second chapter. Who is the murderer? Don't readers already know the process of the murderer's murder?

The truth of this case has been revealed, do readers still have the desire to continue reading?

There should be, that is to see how the police solve the case? How to lock Jingzi and her daughter as murderers?

But his desire is definitely no longer strong, and when the real culprit is finally caught, there will not be the kind of surprise and emotion that suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this, and so on.

And these are undoubtedly the most attractive places of mystery novels, and they are also the most important reasons why fans of mystery novels love to read mystery novels.

When everyone reads mystery novels, the most anticipated and most important thing is, of course, the final truth.

But what about this work? This is the second chapter, and the truth is already revealed.

Qingshan Yongzhi laughed and said: "This Li Fan is really not good at mystery novels in the modern context. How can anyone write mystery novels like this? It's worth noting this novel."

Mrs. Nagao frowned and said: "No, even if he is not good at speculative novels in a modern context, his writing style cannot be written like this. I have seen his "Youth Bao Qingtian", and it is not written like this at all. Approach. There's something eccentric about this work."

Qingshan Yongzhi said: "Weird? What can be weird?"

Yongwei said: "It's not clear yet, in short, keep reading, don't jump to conclusions lightly."

The rest of the editors also nodded secretly, and they agreed with Ichita Nagao.

They did not believe that the famous Li Fan would write such an inexperienced mystery novel.

The only explanation is that the work is odd.

What kind of weirdness? Of course, you can only find out after watching it.

Aoyama Yongzhi finally nodded, and he admitted that there was some truth in what Mrs. Yongwei said.

So, the crowd continued to look down.

When Jingzi and her daughter killed Fujian, the noise made by the neighbor, Shi Shen, who lived next door, was noticed.

Shishen proposed to help Yasukiko to deal with the following things.

The panic-stricken Yasuko wanted to surrender and take responsibility for killing Fu Jian alone, but she was afraid that the police would find out that her daughter, Miri, was also an accomplice, and she did not want her daughter to take the blame.

In the end, Yasuko, who was at a loss, accepted the request of her neighbor's absent-mindedness to help her deal with the aftermath.

So, Shishen began to deal with Fu Jian's body.

On March 11, the police found a severely disfigured male body next to the embankment of the old Edo River.

According to identification, the body was killed on the evening of March 10.

After multiple verifications, it was found that the identity of the body was Jingzi's second ex-husband, Fu Jian.

And Jingzi naturally became a suspect in the eyes of the police, and began to investigate Jingzi...


Time passed, but the more editors looked at them, the more solemn their expressions became, including Aoyama Yongzhi.

No one has spoken since just now.

It was not until a long time later that Nagao Ichita read the last word of this work.

He didn't speak and didn't know what to say? None of the other editors spoke, even though they had already finished the work called "The Devotion of Suspect X".

After a while, Ichita Yongwei sighed and said, "Okay, let's end the meeting."

This is undoubtedly a special meeting. After the editors read the draft, they ended the meeting without saying a word.

The editors nodded silently, what did they really want to say? But also know that now is not the time to speak.

The editors got up and left the conference room one after another. The manuscripts of "The Devotion of Suspect X", without exception, were all held by the editors.

Finally, Mrs. Nagao said, "Qingshan, let's go too."

Qingshan Yongzhi sighed in disappointment and nodded.


In the home of Ichiro Suzuki, Junichi Takano is here again and again as a guest.

Ichiro Suzuki laughed and said, "Brother Takaya, good news! Mr. Aoyama just sent me a short message saying that Li Fan has already submitted the manuscript."

After hearing this, Jun Takano was also overjoyed, and said, "Is it still a submission at last? I thought he would not submit it. Brother Suzuki, congratulations, you can defeat Li Fan in an open and honest way this time."

Suzuki Ichiro was excited in his heart, but he said, "It's too early to say this. After the game, who knows the result until the end."

Takano Junichi: "Brother Suzuki is humble again, I have already seen your entry this time, it's perfect! This should be Brother Suzuki's best work so far, it's really perfect. To be honest, I really envy Suzuki-san's amazing logical reasoning ability."

Ichiro Suzuki was proud and laughed, "What is Takaya-san talking about? Our fields are different, don't forget, you are called the most talented manga artist in our country, and I am equally envious!"

Junichi Takano waved his hand and said, "Alas! It's a pity that I still lost to that Li Fan. However, now Brother Suzuki has finally avenged me."

Ichiro Suzuki said, "Brother Takano, you're welcome, he is our common enemy."

Takano Junichi: "Yes, Brother Suzuki is right. By the way, what is the name of Li Fan's entry?"

Suzuki Ichiro said: "This is not clear for the time being, and Mr. Aoyama didn't say anything. However, he is now at Evergreen Publishing House, and he should see the manuscript soon. After reading the manuscript, he should contact me again."

Jun Takano nodded, with some anticipation in his heart.


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