Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1123 I'm afraid it's not that simple

A large number of readers are looking at today's entries, and the authors of the detective novels are also looking at them, whether they are participating authors or those who have not participated in the competition.

They also pay special attention to Li Fan's works. After all, Li Fan's identity is special.

Ichiro Suzuki and Junichi Takano are also watching Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X".

Since Ichiro Suzuki heard Aoyama Yongji say that Li Fan should not be invited to participate in the competition a few days ago, he has been a little apprehensive. He is afraid that his works will not match Li Fan's works, so he is the first person in the island country mystery novel. But it's lost.

Early this morning, he went to a nearby bookstore to buy two collections of works, one of which was naturally for Jun Takano.

After reading the first two chapters, they were overjoyed at first, thinking that Li Fan's writing style was purely self-defeating.

But soon, they were shocked again. They didn't believe that Li Fan would use this self-defeating writing technique.

Is there any mystery behind it? With doubts in their hearts, they continued to look behind.

It took more than two hours to watch it, and after reading it, Ichiro Suzuki was silent for a long time without saying a word.

The eyes are very complicated, some are unbelievable, some are amazed, some are angry, and more are unwilling and helpless.

Takano Junichi was also very unwilling and helpless. He looked at Ichiro Suzuki, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something? But not a word was spoken.

He can understand Suzuki Ichiro's mood at this time, because he has had such a mood before.

However, he didn't know what to say? In the end, he could only sigh in frustration in his heart.


Ichiro Suzuki and Junichi Takano have finished reading "The Devotion of Suspect X", and the rest of the mystery novel authors have almost finished reading it.

Almost all of them chose to look at Li Fan's works first.

Their mood is actually quite complicated. Although they haven't seen the works of Ichiro Suzuki, Kenta Yamano and others, they know that "The Devotion of Suspect X" should have won the championship in this competition.

In the competition held by their country, the only author from another country won the championship. This is undoubtedly a very humiliating thing for these mystery novel authors.

How will the outside world and the media evaluate them? It's not known yet, but I wouldn't praise them by any means.

Such a result was something they never expected.

Originally, they knew that it was impossible for all the participating writers from the island country to win against Li Fan, but Ichiro Suzuki, the first person in the island country's mystery novel, to win against Li Fan, should be a sure thing.

However, Li Fan has written works like "The Devotion of Suspect X", a work that amazes and stuns them, and a work that writes the deception so perfectly.

Ichiro Suzuki lost, and the gap is probably not small.

The authors of mystery novels have nothing but sighs, helplessness and unwillingness.

Of course, aside from other factors, their hearts were very excited and excited. They never thought that mystery novels could be written like this, and they never thought that they could see such a perfect mystery novel.

Sighing, helpless and unwilling on the one hand, excited and excited on the other hand, such complex emotions intertwined, it is really too difficult for them.


Many readers have already read "Two Glasses of Water" by Ichiro Suzuki, or "The Promenade in the Night" by Kenta Yamano.

Their mood at this time is very excited and excited. Whether it is "Two Glasses of Water" or "The Promenade in the Night", it is really wonderful.

Among them, "Two Glasses of Water" is slightly higher than "The Promenade in the Night" as a whole, and it can be said to be the most exciting mystery novel so far.

Excited, they decided to share their feelings on the Internet, so that those who haven't watched these two works, hurry up and watch them.

When they get to the computer,

However, I saw some people first. After reading the evaluation of Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X", they laughed.

"I'm going! I've finished reading Mr. Suzuki's "Two Glasses of Water", and I was talking about going to see Li Fan's work. Forget it, I'd better not read it and go to other people's works."

"Thank you to those who watched "The Devotion of Suspect X" first, good man, for not letting me waste my time."

Everyone's evaluation of "The Devotion of Suspect X" is so poor, which makes many readers secretly glad that they didn't choose Li Fan's work first.

But some people questioned, "How bad is Li Fan's work? It's impossible. Even if it can't compare to the works of Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Yamano, it can't be worse. Have you read it seriously?"

"Hey! Is it that bad? You can see if you go to see it. You only need to read the first two chapters, you don't want to read any more, and it won't take much time." Someone replied immediately.

"Cut! Just look at it, I really don't believe Li Fan's work, it's as bad as you say." Some people didn't believe it at all, so they turned to "The Devotion of Suspect X" and started reading.

However, after just reading the first two chapters, their brows furrowed.

At this time, they also understood why those people had such a bad evaluation of this work. This kind of writing technique that made the truth of the case clear from the beginning really lacked a kind of motivation for people to continue watching.

So some people gave up. If there are no other works of reasoning at this time, they may continue to watch.

But there are still dozens of works waiting for them, and they naturally want to read the others first.

However, some people choose to continue watching. After all, how did the police find evidence of the murder of Jingzi's mother and daughter? Still has some appeal.

However, looking at it, they felt that something was wrong.

The police found a body next to the embankment of the old Edo River. It was confirmed that it was Yasuko's second ex-husband Tomi Ken, who was killed on the night of March 10.

Moreover, Jingzi was also identified as a criminal suspect and began to investigate Jingzi.

The police came to the door to ask, what did Jingzi do on the night of March 10?

Yasuko replied that after get off work that day, she first went to see a movie with her daughter Miri. After watching the movie, she went to a ramen restaurant for dinner, and then went to KTV to sing a song.

After that, the police went to investigate whether what Yasushi said was true?

What made readers puzzled happened. After the police investigation, in addition to whether the movie watching is true or not, it remains to be confirmed that Yasuko said about eating at a ramen restaurant and singing with KTV, all of which are true.

The staff of the hotel and KTV confirmed that on the evening of March 10, Jingzi and Miri did spend in two places. The time and the time that Yasuko said can also match.

All the readers were puzzled. That night, Jingzi and her daughter killed Fujian by mistake at home. How could they be watching movies, eating, and singing?

When Jingzi said this before, they all thought that Jingzi was talking nonsense, and when the police investigated, the lie would be exposed.

However, after the police investigation, what Yasuko said turned out to be true.

what's going on? Many readers do not understand.

At the same time, they also became more and more excited, and this work is not so simple.


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