Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1124 Perfect Scam

Readers are getting more and more excited and feel more and more that this work is not so simple.

Continuing to look down, the police have confirmed that the two things Jingzi said about eating at a ramen restaurant and singing on KTV are completely true.

Only for the incident of going to the cinema to watch a movie, no solid evidence has been found, which makes the police's suspicion of Jingzi always exist.

In the eyes of the police, as long as it is confirmed that Jingzi did not go to the movies that night, then she will have enough time to kill Fu Jian, and then go to eat and sing as if nothing had happened.

However, the police have never been able to prove that Jingzi did not go to the movies that night.

Readers are becoming more and more puzzled. Everyone knows that after Jingzi and her daughter accidentally killed Fujian, all the aftermath was done by Shishen alone.

The words of Jingzi and her daughter when they were questioned by the police were also from the Shishen religion.

Could it be that all of this was designed by the Stone God? How did the stone god do it? What method was used in the end?

The story is slowly unfolding, and the police have been investigating Yasuko and her daughter.

However, the deeper the investigation, the less likely the Jingzi and her daughter would commit the crime, which made readers tsk tsk tsk amazement and became more and more interested.

Fujian was clearly killed by Jingzi and his daughter. Now it is a strange thing to see that Jingzi and her daughter are about to be cleared of suspicion.

Shishen is a genius, and there is another person in the story who is also a genius. He is an alumnus of Shishen University, Tang Chuan.

Yuchuan has a good relationship with the police Kusanagi, and often helps Kusanagi to reason and solve cases. This time, Kusanagi naturally found Yuchuan for help.

Only this time, Yukawa didn't want to help Kusanagi too much, because he had seen through the Ishigami deception bit by bit.

If he helps Kusanagi, he will lose the alumnus Ishigami whom he cherishes.

After repeated ideological struggles, Yukawa said a word to Ishigami in a way that only Ishigami could understand.

After listening to Yuchuan's words, Shishen knew that Yuchuan had seen through his deception.

So, Shishen surrendered to the police, saying that he killed Fujian, and the details of the murder process were clearly explained, so that the police did not have the slightest suspicion.

Because, if Shishen was not the murderer, it would be impossible to tell those details exactly.

Many readers saw this, although they knew that Shishen had surrendered to the police in order to give Jingzi and his daughter a favor.

However, he was still a little confused, and he was still not clear about the scam designed by Shishen.

It was not until Yuchuan found Jingzi and told Jingzi everything that Shishen had done, and the truth finally came to light.

Although Yuchuan knew that Shishen never wanted him to tell Jingzi the truth, but Yuchuan believed that if Jingzi was not allowed to know the truth, and how much Shishen loved her and how he had bet his whole life, then Shishen how unworthy the sacrifice would be.

So, Yuchuan found Yasuko and told him everything.

It turns out that the murder case by the old Edo River embankment, which the police has been investigating, the real murderer is really Shishen, Shishen is not helping Yasukiko to wrap up the bag, that person is really him. of.

Just when the readers were a little confused, Yukawa's next sentence suddenly stunned them.

The corpse next to the old Edo River embankment is not Yasuko's second ex-husband Tomi Ken, but another person.

In order to protect Jingzi, Shishen committed another murder case, on the night of March 10, the night after Jingzi's mother and daughter accidentally killed Fujian.

Then, Shishen went through a series of sophisticated designs and arrangements, allowing the police to identify the corpse as Yasuko's second ex-husband, Fujian.

And just like that, a near-perfect scam was born.

The police believed that the body was Fu Jian, so they would naturally target Jingzi as a suspect and began to investigate what Jingzi had done that night on March 10.

And what Jingzi said about watching movies, eating, singing, etc.,

And it's all true, they did do these things that night.

Because they accidentally killed Fu Jian on the night of March 9th.

On the night of March 10th, all the things they did were done according to the arrangement of the Stone God.

Among them, watching a movie is a clever trap of Shi Shen.

Because the police have never found conclusive evidence to prove that Jingzi and her daughter did watch the movie on the night of March 10.

This makes the alibi of Jingzi and her daughter appear very fragile. The police seem to be able to find evidence at any time to prove that Jingzi and her daughter did not go to the movies that night.

In fact, the police are indeed trying to find evidence that Yasuko and her daughter did not watch the movie that night.

But the police are destined to never find evidence, because, that night, Jingzi and her daughter really went to the movies.

And it was this "fragile" alibi that made the police suspect Yasukiko all the time, and they always believed that the corpse was Fujian.

If Jingzi's alibi is too impeccable, the police may instead suspect that the body is not Fujian, and the Shishen's deception may be exposed.

Now, the police believe that the body is Fu Jian, and they will continue to investigate the details of the death of the body.

And the more in-depth the police investigation, the lighter the suspicion on Yasukiko.

Because that person was not killed by Jingzi, the police investigation was simply another murder case.

This is an almost perfect scam. Without Yuchuan, Shishen's scam would have been hidden forever, and the police's investigation would eventually come to nothing, becoming an eternal unsolved case.

However, Stone God also knows that there is no 100% crime in this world, and he is not the only genius in this world.

He also left the ultimate trump card, that is, when someone saw through his scam, he turned himself in to the police, saying that he killed Fu Jian.

His deception was finally seen through by the equally talented Yukawa, so he turned himself in.

That person was originally a homicide, and all the details were naturally explained clearly, and the police did not have the slightest suspicion.

He gave everything he had to protect his beloved Yasuko.

If Yuchuan didn't tell Jingzi the truth, everything would be perfect, Shishen won, and he protected Jingzi forever.

But Yuchuan told Jingzi the truth. After knowing the truth, Jingzi couldn't move. She never thought that there is still a person in this world who loves her so much and sacrificed everything for her.

She didn't know how the Stone God dealt with the aftermath before, and everything she did was arranged for her by the Stone God.

When the police questioned her, she answered truthfully one by one. She didn't lie at all, but she felt strange. Why did the police ask about the second night of the crime?

She also wondered why the police investigation was getting further and further away from the truth?

Now, she understood that it was the man called "Stone God" who took care of everything for her.

In the end, Yasuko chose to surrender, she couldn't enjoy what Shishen did for her, and she had to accept punishment with Shishen.

And Jingzi's surrender also made everything Shishen do fall short, and he still failed to protect the woman he loved deeply.

The stone god squatted on the ground, roaring like a beast, as if he was about to vomit his soul.

The story ends here, but the readers are stunned, and some have not recovered.


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