Little Farmer Big Star

1126 Shocking reversal

Time goes back to the morning of the month issue. Regarding the announcement of the entries for this mystery novel competition, there are also a lot of people in Huaguo who are paying attention.

Not only detective novels, but many other people don't like to read detective novels, but they are very curious to know if Li Fan has submitted a manuscript for the competition? If you participate, what will be the final result?

When Changqing Publishing House officially announced the names of the participating authors and works, Huaguo also quickly got the news, and it quickly spread on the Internet.

Many media also reported it at the first time. Anyone who paid attention knew that Li Fan participated in this competition. The title of his work was "The Devotion of Suspect X", and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Haha! Mr. Li Fan really still participated in the competition. I knew that Mr. Li Fan would not be afraid of those guys in the island country, and he was done."

""Devotion of Suspect X", good! The title of this book is good, although I don't quite understand what it means, but it is good! To win the championship of this competition, there should be no suspense."

"That's necessary. Ichiro Suzuki, Kenta Yamano and other writers in the island country are of course very strong, but if you meet Mr. Li Fan, you can only fight for the second place."

"Unfortunately, we can't see this work for the time being, we are very curious and looking forward to it!"

"I don't know how the book fans in the island country evaluate Mr. Li Fan's works? I hope it can be fair and just."

"I should be able to see it later, there are experts who will translate their comments."


Before, a group of detective fans both hoped that Li Fan would participate in the competition, but also worried that Li Fan would participate in the competition.

Now, after confirming that Li Fan has participated in the competition, everyone must fully support Li Fan. No matter whether he can win the championship or not, first of all, he can't lose in terms of momentum.

In addition to wanting to see the work "The Devotion of Suspect X", what everyone wants to know most is how the media and readers of the island country will evaluate Li Fan's work?

The evaluation of the media should not be seen today, but the evaluation of the readers should be able to see by noon and afternoon.

There is great power on the Internet, which can translate the comments of readers in the island country on the Internet and share them on the Internet in China.

Everyone is waiting patiently on the Internet.

When it was a little after noon, the comments from the readers of the island country really came over.

It's just that the netizens in Huaguo were all angry after watching it.

"Lying on the grass! What kind of vision do the so-called fans of mystery novels in the island country have? They dare to say that Mr. Li Fan's works are garbage. Will those people read mystery novels?"

"Can't those guys be more objective and fair? Even if they don't like Mr. Li Fan's reasoning work, how can Mr. Li Fan's reasoning work be garbage?"

"What's the situation? Those guys in the island country used to feel that they could still be fair and just. Why can't they be this time?"


Netizens in Huaguo are very puzzled. If readers from island countries don't like Li Fan's reasoning works too much, they can still understand.

After all, there will always be some differences in the style of works that readers in two countries like.

But no matter what, Li Fan's works can't be said to be garbage, just like they wouldn't say that the works of Ichiro Suzuki, Kenta Yamano and others are garbage.

They agree with the strength of Ichiro Suzuki, Kenta Yamano and others.

Could it be that Mr. Li Fan's work this time is really bad?

Netizens will never believe it. It's a pity that they can't see the work "The Devotion of Suspect X" now. They can't give a substantive response to the readers of the island country, but they can be anxious.

Of course, at this time, there are always voices of schadenfreude, such as "Li Fan overestimated himself", "Knowing that the islanders invited him with bad intentions, but stupidly sending ***" and so on.

These untimely voices will appear every time they encounter such a situation, which makes people very unhappy and depressed.

But netizens know that those voices will never disappear, the only thing they can do is to ignore it and let those people entertain themselves.


Netizens were unhappy and anxious, but who would have guessed that in the evening, it would turn a corner. The evaluation of "Suspect X's Devotion" by readers in the island country suddenly took a sharp turn.

It changed from a junk book to the most wonderful mystery novel they have ever seen, a work that surpasses all the mystery novels in the island country, a great mystery novel.

In the voting channel on the official website of Evergreen Publishing House, the number of votes for "The Devotion of Suspect X" also caught up with the peers.

Such a shocking reversal left a group of Chinese netizens stunned and inexplicably surprised, and there was once again a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Wow, haha! What happened? The attitude of the readers of the island country has changed too quickly and too thoroughly."

"It seems that the readers of the island country are still very fair and just. We blamed them this afternoon, haha!"

"However, I am very curious now, why did the readers of the island country have such a shocking change?"

"Indeed, this is too strange."

"Actually, you can also guess. It is estimated that some people only read the previous point and thought it was garbage, so they didn't read further, and then set the rhythm on the Internet, and everyone said that. In fact, many people simply I haven’t read it yet. But after some people read it and found it good, more and more readers have read it, and the situation has changed abruptly.”


This kind of analysis is quite reasonable, which also makes a lot of netizens, especially detective novels, look forward to "The Devotion of Suspect X".

What kind of work is it that everyone thinks it's garbage at first, and then thinks it's a great work after reading it?

Everyone was desperate to know the answer, and they didn't have to wait long.

"Legend", a magazine owned by Fun Kids, has been officially announced. Tomorrow, the latest issue of "Legend" in the monthly issue, will feature Mr. Li Fan's latest mystery novel "The Devotion of Suspect X".

As soon as the news came out, netizens were very excited. Detective novels must be read tomorrow, and some very detective novels are now also full of interest in the work "The Devotion of Suspect X", and decided to buy a copy of "Legend" tomorrow. Come find out.



Readers in the island country are still hotly discussing "The Devotion of Suspect X" on the Internet.

In the official voting channel, since the early hours of this morning, the number of votes for "The Devotion of Suspect X" has been climbing, and by this morning, there have been more than 10,000 votes.

On the Huaguo side, the latest issue of "Legend" was released, and countless fans of detective novels, as well as some non-detective novels, finally saw the work "The Devotion of Suspect X".


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