Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1127 Successfully won the championship

Fans of detective novels and non-detective novel fans in Huaguo finally saw "The Devotion of Suspect X".

Everyone knew about the island country as the background of this work, so it's not surprising to see it today.

Moreover, this is not the first time that Li Fan has created works with the island country as the background. The last "Slam Dunk" was also based on the island country.

In the eyes of everyone, this is called treating others with their own way. The writers of the island country have bad intentions, so I will use your island country as the background to create works to defeat you.

When everyone finished watching "The Devotion of Suspect X", they all laughed and were excited. They finally knew why yesterday's island readers had such a shocking reversal.

Li Fan's previous detective works were all based on ancient China, and everyone thought that Li Fan was only good at detective works in ancient times.

But I never thought that Li Fan is also very good at deductive detective works in the modern context.

I have to say that "The Devotion of Suspect X" is indeed perfect. In addition to the shocking scam designed by Shishen, there are still so many questions that are worthy of deep thinking.

No wonder readers in the island nation say that this work surpasses all the mystery novels in their country.

All the netizens in Huaguo were very excited. It should be a certainty that this work won the championship of this competition.

Previously, the Organizing Committee of the Island Country Competition invited Li Fan to participate with bad intentions. Everyone could see that, but now it has been accomplished. Li Fan has once again become famous in the island country.

Presumably, the members of the organizing committee of the island competition must be very annoyed and regretful at this time.

However, they should thank Mr. Li Fan, otherwise, where would they go to read such a classic mystery novel?

Of course, fans of mystery novels in the island country should also thank Mr. Li Fan.

Netizens in Huaguo thought happily in their hearts.

In addition, they are still thinking in their hearts, they saw the shocking reversal of the island nation's readers yesterday, and they should be able to see the island nation's media today, right?

Sure enough, today, many media in the island country have published their comments on "The Devotion of Suspect X".

Their evaluations are almost unanimous praise. After all, everyone's eyes are sharp. No media maliciously slandered the work "The Devotion of Suspect X". Just a place.

While praising, a group of island media also expressed regret for their country's contestants and entries.

The entries of Ichiro Suzuki, Kenta Yamano and others are actually quite exciting, but Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X" is too good.

At the same time, I also appeal to the mystery novel writers in the island country to not pay too much attention to the results, to believe in their own abilities, to actively carry out new creations, and to strive to create works that surpass "The Devotion of Suspect X" as soon as possible.

After all, the best mystery novel in the island country is the work of Li Fan from the neighboring country of China. This is not a very glorious thing for the mystery novel circle of the island country, or even the entire cultural circle.

In fact, there is no need for the media to appeal. The writers of mystery novels in the island country, especially famous writers such as Ichiro Suzuki and Kenta Yamano, have already sworn that they must create a work as soon as possible that goes beyond "The Devotion of Suspect X" .

Looking at the various evaluations of the island media, and feeling the sourness, envy, jealousy and hatred in those evaluations, netizens in China felt excited.


Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X" won the championship of the mystery novel Grand Prix in the island country. There is almost no suspense. All the media in China naturally spared no effort to report on it.

In the eyes of the public, this is undoubtedly a way to win glory for the country. For a while, Li Fan once again has a great reputation.

In fact, Li Fan's scenery seems to have never stopped.

Even during this period, Gu Yong and his "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" were in full swing, and Li Fan was still beautiful.

After the relevant reports from the media, many celebrities in China also expressed their views on the matter.

Yu Qiu, president of the National Writers Association and a famous scholar: "Mr. Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X" has written the scam to the extreme."

Zheng Jie, the king of fairy tales: "Li Xiaoyou is also very good at reasoning works in the modern context. I think it should be possible to congratulate Li Xiaoyou in advance for winning the island country's "Evergreen Cup" mystery novel Grand Prix."

Famous screenwriter Yu Hai: "Congratulations to Mr. Li Fan for once again becoming famous in the island country."


With the voices of many famous celebrities, a group of Chinese netizens became more and more excited, and they were more actively discussing the work "The Devotion of Suspect X".

There is a lot of debate about some of the issues in the book.

For example, Shishen chose to kill an innocent person for the sake of Jingzi. Is it right or wrong?

Is Shishen's love for Jingzi beyond the normal range?

Should Yasuko turn himself in at the end? After all, when she turned herself in, everything Shi Shen did was in vain. Even if Shi Shen killed an innocent person for her, he still failed to protect her.

For these questions, everyone's understanding and answers may be different, and they are destined to be debated forever.


Readers from the island country are also arguing about those issues on the Internet.

Some comments from Chinese netizens and reports from Chinese media have also spread to the Internet on the island country.

After reading it, the readers of the island country all seemed aggrieved and depressed, but there was nothing to do. Who made Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X" really so classic.

They can only hope in their hearts that the mystery novel writers in their own country can create a work earlier than "The Devotion of Suspect X".

In the voting channel of the official website, the number of votes for "The Devotion of Suspect X" has also surpassed that of "Two Glasses of Water" by Ichiro Suzuki, reaching 150,000 votes.

Readers in the island country did not deliberately not vote for "The Devotion of Suspect X", which also made a group of netizens in China silently give them a like.


Time has passed. In the past few days, whether in China or in the island country, the Internet has always been full of voices about "The Devotion of Suspect X".

The time is up to the island country time. At 12:59 pm on November 6th, the official voting channel will be closed on time.

"The Devotion of Suspect X" won more than 1.5 million votes, far ahead of the second-place "Two Glasses of Water" with 700,000 votes.

In addition, Kenta Yamano's "The Promenade Under the Night" also received 500,000 votes.

For the results of this competition, the number of votes for each work has almost explained the results.

The next day, on November 7, the Organizing Committee of the "Evergreen Cup" Mystery Novel Grand Prix officially announced that the champion work of this competition was "The Devotion of Suspect X" by Li Fan.

The second title is "Two Glasses of Water" by Ichiro Suzuki.

The third is "The Promenade under the Night" by Kenta Yamano


The tenth title is "The Ring" by Murakami.

A total of the top ten.

So far, the competition has come to an end.


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