Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1132 A work of conferring gods

As soon as the official announcement of the Times Literature Award came out, the entire martial arts world was completely boiled and plunged into a sea of ​​carnival.

Countless martial arts writers laughed excitedly. The status of martial arts, their status, has officially stepped on a new level, and martial arts has entered a new world since then.

The martial arts writers said excitedly that they now have unprecedented passion for the creation of martial arts, and they also have unprecedented confidence in the development of martial arts.

For Gu Yong, he was already the first person in martial arts. Now, he and his "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" are already like gods in the hearts of martial arts writers.

From then on, Gu Yong's position in the martial arts world will be unshakable.

And for countless martial arts fans, they are equally excited at this time. Martial arts have been recognized by the Times Literature Award. Who would dare to say that martial arts are not popular in the future?

They like to watch martial arts, and naturally they hope that the higher the status of martial arts, the better.

Moreover, the status of martial arts has improved, which obviously will greatly stimulate all martial arts authors, as well as newcomers who intend to create martial arts.

It is foreseeable that in the future, there will be more and more wonderful martial arts works, and there will be more and more new martial arts authors.

Looking at the days of martial arts in the future, there will undoubtedly be more and more happiness.

The reason why martial arts can get the qualification of the Times Literature Award is undoubtedly all because of Gu Yong and his "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After this, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will undoubtedly be a work of gods, which also makes a lot of martial arts fans very excited.

Because they like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" so much, the higher the status of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the more excited they will undoubtedly be.


In addition to martial arts authors and martial arts fans, other people from all walks of life are also full of emotions and have a lot of discussions.

Before, at the beginning of this martial arts grand prix, many people were actually not optimistic, and martial arts could seize the opportunity to be eligible for the Times Literature Award.

However, as the ratings of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" are getting higher and higher, and the recognition of the outside world is getting higher and higher, those who were not optimistic before are slowly changing their views.

Finally today, all the dust has settled, and martial arts has entered a new world.

"Gu Yong and his "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" actually did it. It only took two months. It's really a miracle. Well, maybe in Gu Yong's opinion, this is not a miracle, it's just a miracle It's just a normal thing."

"After the martial arts, it's amazing! It was already booming, and now it's going to be turned upside down."

"There's no way, who let people come out with a Gu Yong, it's really enviable!"

"Also, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is not over yet, and it has already been consecrated before it is over. You can't accept it."



The official news of the Times Literature Award has just been announced, and many media can't wait to report it in the first time.

"The Times Literature Award is officially announced: Wuxia has officially won, and it is eligible for the selection of the Times Literature Award!"

"From the call of the Times Literature Award, martial arts will open a new era from now on!"

"The martial arts world is completely in a carnival, and the rest of the world is also talking about it!"

"Who made martial arts successfully seize this opportunity? It's Gu Yong and his "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

"Full score, 10 points! The special historical opportunity has created an unrepeatable legend of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

"Feng Shen! "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is a god, and Gu Yong is also a god!"


Various reports from many media have come out one after another. Guyong and his "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" have once again become the object of public praise.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is called a work of conferred gods and has been recognized by all walks of life.

Even those who didn't pay attention to the martial arts grand prix knew about the martial arts world in the indiscriminate bombardment of various media.

A work of Fengshen came out, called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan and Su Qing were walking in the village. Li Fan saw the official announcement of the Times Literature Award on his mobile phone, and then smiled lightly: "Now, Mr. Liang can finally put his mind down. You don't know, Mr. Liang. From yesterday to now, I have been quite nervous, and this is the first time I have seen Mr. Liang nervous."

Su Qing rolled her eyes at Li Fan, but she was very excited and said, "My grandfather, grandfather and the others must be very happy now."

Li Fan hehe said, "Isn't that so, such a trivial matter can make their second old man happy? It's too simple."

Su Qing rolled her eyes and said, "Don't be complacent."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go to Yuanlaiju for a while, maybe Mr. Liang will be treating guests to dinner tonight."

Su Qing gave Li Fan a "poof" smile and gently twisted it on Li Fan's arm, then followed Li Fan to fate.

Fate to live.

At the moment when the official news of the Times Literature Award was announced, Liang Sheng's always hanging heart finally landed.

Afterwards, he clenched his fists very excitedly and murmured: "It's great! It's great! In my lifetime, I can actually see martial arts and be recognized by the Times Literature Award. It's worth it, it's worth it, everything is worth it. !"

As he said that, his eyes seemed to be a little wet.

Zheng Jie looked at the excited Liang Sheng, and was also very emotional. It was unimaginable that martial arts could have the current development.

Since that kid published "The Sword of the Yue Girl", it has developed to such a degree in more than a year, how can it not make people feel emotional?

After a while, Zheng Jie said with a smile, "Old Liang, finally let go of your heart."

Liang Sheng had already calmed down some of his excitement, and when he heard the words, he said, "Put it down, let it go completely."

Zheng Jie said again: "Today is a good day to remember, Lao Liang, do you have to put on a table?"

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "Old Zheng, it turns out that you have been thinking about this all the time. However, I really want to set up such a table. Make a phone call to that kid and ask him to call his father and mother together at night. Come over for dinner, um, and little girl Linlin."

"You don't need to make a phone call, I already know." Liang Sheng heard Li Fan's voice coming from a distance as soon as he finished speaking.

Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie looked at each other and muttered "this kid" at the same time, then looked in the direction from which the voice came, and sure enough they saw Li Fan and Su Qing walking towards them.

As he walked, Li Fan giggled and said, "How is it? I just said that Mr. Liang wants to treat a guest, and I will save money for a dinner!"

Su Qing rolled her eyes, and twisted it lightly on Li Fan's arm.


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