Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1133 Conceive the legend about the snake demon and the tower

Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming's mood is also quite good. Regarding whether this martial arts novel is eligible to be selected for the Times Literature Award, after all, he won.

Seeing the wave of people headed by Li Bo, from the strong opposition at the beginning to the full support now, Yang Qiming's heart is very comfortable and proud.

Just smug, Li Bo walked into Yang Qiming's office, looked at Yang Qiming's smugness, and couldn't help saying: "I said Lao Yang, look at your smugness, I don't think Gu Yong is as proud as you. , The reason for the current results is that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is really well written, and it has nothing to do with you Lao Yang."

Yang Qiming laughed and said, "How can it be okay? Without me, there would be no martial arts novels Grand Prix. Then, there would be no "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" by Gu Yong. Where do you Lao Li go to see? Such an excellent martial arts work? I said Lao Li, should you thank me for coming?"

Li Bo said, "It's the same without me. Is this the Martial Arts Novel Grand Prix? I said Lao Yang, you should be thanking me."

Yang Qiming shook his head and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's thank Guyong. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is now conferred a god, and it does have this qualification."

Li Bo nodded and said: "That's right. Now, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been serialized to the thirtieth chapter, it must have about 900,000 words. But it seems that the trend is not over yet, at least more than A million words."

Yang Qiming said: "There is no doubt about this. No one wants to end such a wonderful story so quickly. I don't know how many words Gu Yong expected?"

Li Bodao: "No matter how much, we have always opened the competition interface of this Grand Prix, the communication platform for martial arts fans, and the exclusive appreciation column for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", we will not close it until "The Condor Heroes" The biography is over."

Yang Qi said: "This is natural, and, I don't know what the finale arranged by Gu Yong looks like? For such a wonderful work, everyone's requirements for the finale must be very high, and the finale must be well arranged. However, I believe that with Gu Yong's skill, the finale will definitely not disappoint everyone."

Li Bo nodded and said, "The finale really needs to be arranged. With Gu Yong's skill, there is really no problem. We can just wait quietly."


Regarding the exclusive page of the Grand Prix, the official communication platform, the exclusive appreciation column of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", etc., the news will not be officially closed until the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The official also made an announcement. This also excited a lot of martial arts fans.

They are used to discussing the content of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" on the official communication platform. If it is closed now, they will probably be a little uncomfortable.

Well now, they can continue to discuss the content of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" on the exchange platform.

In the appreciation column, the official also updated the appreciation of this issue, and also chose two topics, one is naturally one of the world's five best masters.

The other is Guo Jing and Huang Rong. When they were blocked by Yu Qiao Gengdu, Huang Rong managed to break through the barrier through wit.

Among them, Huang Rong was particularly fond of talking about when she passed the stage of being a scholar.

At first, the scholar quoted a passage from Master Mencius, "It is a matter of etiquette for men and women to give and receive," and wanted to embarrass Huang Rong a little.

However, Huang Rong said that Master Meng also likes to talk nonsense sometimes, so his words may not be trusted.

The scholar was furious, saying that Mencius was a great sage and a great sage. How could he not believe what he said?

Huang Rong said, "Why did the beggar ever have two wives? Why did the neighbors get so many chickens? When there was Zhou Tianzi, why did you talk about Wei Qi?"

This sentence made the scholar stunned and speechless.

It turned out that Master Meng once told two stories. The first story was that there was a beggar who had a wife and a concubine, but went out begging for food all day, and even showed off to his wife and concubine after returning home.

Then, since they are all beggars, how can they have a wife and a concubine?

The second story is that there is a man who steals a chicken from his neighbor every day.

Then, where do the neighbors have so many chickens that people come to steal them every day?

These two stories are obviously "nonsense" by Mencius.

And "there was Zhou Tianzi at that time, and everything was said about Wei Qi." What he said was that during the Warring States Period when Master Meng lived, it was the Zhou Dynasty, and Zhou Tianzi was still there. Master Meng did not assist the Zhou Dynasty, but he did To assist Wei, Qi and other vassal states, this would be contrary to the way of the sages.

The scholar was speechless by Huang Rong's words. Although he knew that Huang Rong was arguing, he had to admire Huang Rong's eccentricity. In the end, he obediently let the two pass.

In today's appreciation, the official also focused on the appreciation of this place, which made a lot of martial arts fans talk about it.

Don't even mention it, Huang Rong's three points are certainly arrogant, but they are really irrefutable.


The sky was getting darker, and the lively atmosphere that had been noisy all day, finally calmed down a little.

Many martial arts writers and martial arts fans call friends and friends, and prepare to have a big meal in the evening to celebrate.

For them, today is definitely a day to celebrate.

Li Fan's dinner tonight was also settled, and Liang Sheng also set up a table tonight.

In the small courtyard, there was a big round table, Liang Sheng and his wife, Zheng Jie and his wife, Mom and Dad, Li Fan, Su Qing, and the little girl, all of them were enjoying themselves.

During the meal, Liang Sheng said: "Now the matter of the martial arts novels Grand Prix has been settled, and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has also been serialized. After "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it seems that you will continue to write martial arts?"

Li Fandao: "Wuxia naturally wants to continue to write, but, in addition to martial arts, I am also thinking about some other themes."

"Oh?" Zheng Jie said, "But when you spent the night at the top of Baiyun Mountain last time, you told the legend about the snake demon and the tower?"

Li Fandao: "The story is naturally conceived, and I have some other ideas."

Zheng Jie said: "I really don't know how you can control so many subjects at the same time?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "There's no way, it's a genius, it's natural to be different."

At this time, Dad suddenly said, "The snake demon and the tower? But about the legend of the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain?"

Li Fandao: "That is indeed a good material, but the legend is too simple, and it's okay to write a short story, it is not suitable for writing a long story. What I conceived is a long story, and the legend of the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain has already been It doesn't matter. Of course, the origin of the idea can be said to come from this."

Dad nodded, didn't ask more, just said, "Think well then."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Naturally."


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