The war between the two emperors Yan and Huang finally broke out in the wild of Banquan, and all the readers couldn't help but take a deep breath.

They knew that this war would be as earth-shattering as the previous Zhuolu battle.

For this war, Emperor Yan and Huang have made full preparations, not only mobilizing all the strength of this tribe, but also uniting other tribes as allies to fight together.

Among them, the Yellow Emperor led the tribes that used "bear", "tiger", "wolf", "leopard", "" and "tiger" as tribal totems to fight together.

After the war, the tribes of "Bear", "Zhi", "Wolf", "Leopard", "" and "Tiger" each held a banner marked by their own worship objects. The flag of 纛" was set up.

On the other hand, Emperor Yan was preemptive, besieging with fire, and burning the fire outside Xuanyuan City, causing thick smoke to billow outside Xuanyuan City, obscuring the sky and the sun.

The Yellow Emperor dispatched Yinglong to extinguish the flames with water, then led his troops to attack, and drove Emperor Yan back to the Valley of Banquan.

In the Banquan River Valley, seven flags were erected, and the Star Dou Seven Flags battle method was set up to fight Emperor Yan.

The two sides have come and gone, and each other has won and lost. There have been three large-scale battles in total, and numerous small and medium-scale battles.

In the end, the strength of the Yellow Emperor's tribe was still stronger, and the Yan Emperor tribe gradually lost to the enemy. In the end, the Yan Emperor was defeated and surrendered to the Yellow Emperor.

In the battle of Banquan between the two emperors Yan and Huang, the Yellow Emperor finally won the final victory.

After the Yellow Emperor defeated the Yan Emperor, the other tribes also surrendered, and the Yellow Emperor became the only leader, completing the unification of the tribes.

The original two tribes of the two emperors of Yan and Huang merged with each other to form the Huaxia Tribal Alliance, and the other tribes that surrendered were gradually assimilated by the Huaxia Tribal Alliance and became a member of the Huaxia tribe.

Since then, the Huaxia people have entered a new historical period under the leadership of the Yellow Emperor.


The war between the two emperors of Yan and Huang is over, and this myth and legend called "The Great War between Yan and Huang" is also drawing to a close.

In the end, the Yellow Emperor realized the unification of the Chinese nation and led the Chinese nation into a new era.

After reading the long piece of "The Great War of Yan and Huang", all the readers felt a stirring in their minds that they had never had before.

Looking back on Wei Wei, they found that the content of this work is too much and too rich.

It can be called a brief history of the development of the Yanhuang period.

Starting from the various contributions and inventions of Emperor Yan, to the various inventions and contributions of the Yellow Emperor period.

Cangjie's creation of characters, the origin of the technique of Qihuang, Dukang's winemaking, the first silkworm of the ancestors, Li Shou's arithmetic, the creation of strange pictures after the wind, the creation of a guide car, Linglun's determination of the twelve laws of five sounds, the invention of the pestle and mortar by the Yellow Emperor, the boat and the car, the house, Drums, wells, etc.

And then there is the story of Chiyou, another ancestor of the Chinese nation.

Until the outbreak of the earth-shattering "Battle of Zhuolu" and the "Battle of Banquan", and finally the Yellow Emperor unified the Chinese nation.

This series of stories has given readers who were originally ignorant of the stories of the Yanhuang period a clear understanding of the general development of the Yanhuang period.

They finally knew the story of the ancestors of China, Emperor Yan and Huang.

On the Internet, excited readers have already been talking about it.

"What a great piece of "The Great War of Yan and Huang". It was really enjoyable to watch. I'm so reluctant to end it like this."

"The Yellow Emperor has completed the unification of the Chinese nation, and the story is indeed over. However, I think this should only be the end of the story of the 'Yanhuang War'. It is not the end of the story of the Yanhuang period, and there should be many more stories to come. "

"There should indeed be stories in the future, but I don't know if Mr. Li Fan will continue to tell us the following stories?"

"I hope Mr. Li Fan will continue to tell the story of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. It's really wonderful."

"Indeed! All kinds of great people appear in succession, making people dizzy, and all kinds of creations and inventions make people very excited.


"The 'Battle of Zhuolu' and the 'Battle of Banquan' are definitely the two most classic battles in the Yanhuang period. These two major battles have great significance and effect on the unification and development of our Chinese nation."

"Alas! I finished reading it by accident. This piece of "The Great War of Yan and Huang" is definitely worth cherishing. Well, no, all the myths and legends released by Mr. Li Fan are worth cherishing. I don't know. Finally, will Mr. Li Fan publish these collections of myths and legends? If so, I will definitely buy them as soon as possible."

"It should be published in a collection. Even if Mr. Li Fan does not publish it, the Ministry of Culture should organize and publish it."



The readers were excited and excited, and the historians headed by Cen Geng and Shen Cong, or historical researchers, were equally excited and excited.

This "Yanhuang War" has a very important meaning and function for them.

It is very helpful for them to study various contents of the Yanhuang period.

In the past, there are many places that were not sensible, but if you study them now, you will definitely have unexpected results.

All historians and historical researchers, watching this piece of "The Great War of Yan and Huang", is like a treasure.

Even for Cen Geng and Shen Cong, the same is true.

Cen Geng's face was full of excitement that could not be concealed, and he said, "It turns out that, the battle of Zhuolu and the battle of Banquan, these two battles are really important to us."

Shen Cong was also overjoyed, nodded and said, "It's really very important, this "War of the Yellow Emperor" by little friend Li Fan is really surprising. In the article "Shen Nong Tastes a Hundred Herbs", we will study various contents of the Yan and Huang period, and we will definitely have unexpected results. When the time comes to organize and publish the research results, it is also time for the people of our country to re-understand the Yan and Huang period. "

Cen Geng said: "It is indeed time, and I don't think that Li Fan's story about the Yanhuang period is over yet. The work to be updated tomorrow may still be the content of the Yanhuang period."

Shen Congdao: "It is indeed possible. Although the Yellow Emperor has unified China now, the integration of his tribes obviously requires a long process. During this period, there will definitely be big events worthy of Li Fan's creation of works."

Cen Geng said: "Yes, continue to wait for tomorrow's update."

Shen Cong nodded with a look of anticipation on his face.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was also very happy to see the various heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

The length of this "War of the Yellow Emperor" is not short. The reason why he arranged it this way is that in addition to the fact that there are too many things worth writing about the War of the Yellow Emperor, it also means that readers will be addicted to reading it at one time.

And readers really enjoyed it.

It's just that readers have already enjoyed it very much, but they still keep saying on the Internet that they are not addicted to it at all.

This made Li Fan have no choice.


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