Readers feel that they are not addicted to reading it, and Li Fan has nothing to do. As for many people, they are saying that after the Yanhuang War, there should be many stories, and I hope Li Fan can continue to write.

On this point, Li Fan can satisfy everyone.

In fact, Li Fan did write an article after the Yan-Huang War, briefly introducing some stories after the Yellow Emperor defeated the Yan Emperor and unified China, and this article will naturally be updated tomorrow.

After browsing the Internet for a while and the comments of netizens, Li Fan turned off the computer and prepared to go for a walk in the village.

As soon as he walked out of the yard, he saw the village chief Li Fu walking towards him. After seeing him, he shouted from a distance, "Fanzi, are you going out?"

After Li Fu approached, Li Fan said, "Yes, Uncle Fu, are you looking for me?"

Li Fu said with a smile: "Well, there is something wrong. During this time in the village, isn't the construction of small rental courtyards? Now, in a few days, all fifty small rental courtyards will be completed. These fifty buildings will be completed. The newly built small courtyard has already been rented out. Moreover, it is a long-term contract of more than one year. Therefore, I plan to hold an inauguration ceremony, and invite everyone to a meal or something in order to seek auspiciousness. What do you think? Fanzi."

Li Fan nodded and smiled: "Of course you can, Uncle Fu."

Li Fu added: "I plan to send an invitation to all the tenants. They will be neighbors from now on. Although this is not their usual place to live, they can always meet each other and invite them to have a meal together. It's to let them get to know each other. I don't know if it will be abrupt? Is there anyone who would be reluctant to accept an invitation?"

Li Fan thought for a while and said, "This shouldn't be the case. It is our intention to invite them, and it won't be abrupt. Moreover, since they are willing to sign the rental contract in advance, it proves that they are very willing to come and live here. If they can't come to the inauguration ceremony for various reasons this time, they don't have to worry about what other people think. Therefore, no one should be unwilling to receive an invitation."

Li Fu nodded and said, "I thought about it like this before, so I decided to invite them. Now if you say the same thing, Fanzi, then there's really no problem. If you do, then set the time in five days. November On the 22nd, it happens to be Saturday, so they can arrange the time."

Li Fandao: "No problem, Uncle Fu can go to Fengzi for help with the invitation letter and other operations."

Li Fudao: "This uncle knows. Besides, Fanzi, uncle still wants to invite Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang to sit in battle. Do you think this is suitable? Will they be reluctant?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "Uncle Fu, you think too much. If you invite them, they will only be happy. How can there be any reluctance?"

Li Fu also smiled and said, "It seems that uncle really thinks too much. Then, I will find them two old people now."

Li Fan said: "Sure, I'm planning to go out for a walk, let's go together."

Li Fu said: "Okay, let's talk while walking."

Li Fan nodded and went to live together with Li Fu.

On the way, the two discussed some details.

After a while, outside the courtyard of Yuanlaiju, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were both there.

When Li Fu explained his intention, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng happily agreed.

Li Fu rejoiced in his heart, thinking to himself that he had really thought too much before.

After a few people chatted for a while, Li Fu left first.

After that, Liang Sheng asked: "This time, you have finished writing the battle of Yanhuang and Huang. How much do you plan to write later?"

Li Fandao: "There are still a few more stories, it's almost the same when I'm done."

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "These myths and legends of your boy this time are invaluable. Lao Cen and Lao Shen are probably excited now."

Li Fan smiled proudly, and pretended to be understatement: "It's okay, that's the same thing."

Liang Sheng laughed and scolded: "You kid just be proud.



November 17.

After the Yan-Huang War, will Li Fan continue to write stories about the Yan-Huang period?

This issue has been discussed since everyone watched "The Great War of the Yellow Emperor" yesterday.

Almost all readers believe that after the Yan and Huang wars, the story of the two emperors of Yan and Huang will not end there.

The key is whether Li Fan will continue to write?

The answer will be revealed at two o'clock this afternoon.

Now, it's almost two o'clock.

Countless readers have been waiting on the dedicated page early. They continued to read yesterday's "Yanhuang War" while discussing the works that will be updated today.

"I don't know what it will be? I'm really looking forward to it."

"I hope it will continue to be the story of the Yan and Huang period. I really can't bear the end of the story of the two emperors of Yan and Huang."

"Hopefully, even one more issue will be good, let us know the story after the Yellow Emperor unified China."

"It's almost two o'clock, and I'm feeling a little nervous now."

"I'm also a little nervous, this is no one anymore."


Many readers waited a little nervously, and the time finally arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon. When the page was refreshed, all readers saw that there was a new myth and legend.

It's called "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi"!

"Xing Tianwu is a relative? What do you mean?" The vast majority of readers are completely ignorant of these words, and the only word they can understand is the word "dance".

What does "Xing Tian" mean? It's a bit like a person's name, a mythical character, and the name is a bit weird.

What does "Qianqi" mean? Is it also a person's name? It's just unlikely that there are two names in a title.

Only a very small number of readers felt a surprise in their hearts, but it didn't mean that they knew what "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi" meant?

But they know that there is such a myth and legend as "Xingtianwu Ganqi".

Maybe it's because the words "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi" are a bit deep and difficult to understand, making it not as famous as "Hou Yi Shooting the Sun", "Chang E Flying to the Moon" and other materials.

Therefore, the vast majority of people do not know there is such a material.

Of course, those who know it only know that there is such a material.

As for what does "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi" mean? I don't know at all.

Not only did they not know, but even those historians and historical researchers also did not know.

"Great, it turned out to be 'Xing Tianwu Gan Qi', now I can finally know what is 'Xing Tian Wu Gan Qi'?" Someone said excitedly on the Internet.

"It's great? Do you know 'Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi'? Is it a story from the Yan and Huang Dynasties?"

"Is it a story from the Yanhuang period? This is not clear. However, I know that there is a mythological material such as 'Xingtianwu Ganqi'. Maybe because it is relatively deep and difficult to understand, it is not as famous as 'Houyi Shooting the Sun'. You probably haven't heard of it."

"I'm going, there is such a myth material? I don't even know. Good! I can't wait to click on the text now."


There is actually such a mythological material, and everyone who doesn't know it is greatly surprised, and they no longer worry about whether it is a story from the Yanhuang period, and they all can't wait to click on the text.


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