Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1152 This is a romantic and tragic story


With strong curiosity, all the readers can't wait to click on it. The latest work is called "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi".

"Xing Tian, ​​a minister under Emperor Yan, is tall and brave."

At this point, the first sentence makes all the readers more excited.

"Xingtian" was indeed a personal name, and it turned out to be Emperor Yan's minister.

This work turned out to be a story from the Yan and Huang period, and Li Fan actually continued to write the story of the Yan and Huang period.

Moreover, a new character appeared.

Although the name "Xingtian" is a bit weird, it has a rather extraordinary feeling. How can all the readers not become more excited?

Keep looking down.

Emperor Yan lost to the Yellow Emperor in the Battle of Banquan, confirming the leadership of the Yellow Emperor. Emperor Yan cherished the world and knew that the Yellow Emperor had extraordinary abilities, and was willing to hand over the world to the Yellow Emperor. He no longer served as the leader and retired to the south.

However, some of Emperor Yan's descendants and ministers were not convinced. They believed that Emperor Yan should be the leader of the world.

Xing Tian was one of the most dissatisfied ministers.

One day, Xing Tian held a rectangular shield in his left hand and a large axe in his right hand, and went straight to the palace of the Yellow Emperor. He was going to compete with the Yellow Emperor.

Xing Tian went all the way, cut through the many defenses, and killed him in front of the Yellow Emperor's palace.

When the Yellow Emperor saw Xing Tian wielding his shield and axe to kill the general,

Immediately furious, he picked up the sword and fought against Xingtian himself.

Both of them are very human, and both have the ability to fight bravely and fight in darkness.

From the palace has been fighting to the side of Changyang Mountain.

Changyang Mountain is the place where Emperor Yan was born, and not far to the north is the Xuanyuan Kingdom, where the Yellow Emperor was born.

The two of them fought even more bravely here, but in the end, the Yellow Emperor was the one who came out ahead.

I saw the Yellow Emperor staring at the flaw, and slashed at Xingtian's neck with a sword, slashing Xingtian's huge head directly, and the head rolled down to the foot of Changyang Mountain.

However, Xing Tian, ​​whose head was beheaded, did not die. He moved the axe to the left hand holding the shield, and stretched out his right hand to touch the ground.

He wanted to find his unyielding head, put it on his neck, and then fight against the Yellow Emperor.

However, his head rolled to the foot of Changyang Mountain, and he couldn't touch it for a long time.

The Yellow Emperor saw that Xingtian could not stop touching his head, for fear that Xingtian would touch his head and come to trouble him again after his body recovered.

He raised the sword in his hand and slashed towards Changyang Mountain, splitting Changyang Mountain into two halves, causing Xingtian's huge head to fall into the mountain.

Afterwards, the two halves of the mountain merged into one and returned to its original state, but Xing Tian's head was buried at the bottom of the mountain.

In this way, Xingtian would never be able to touch his head.

And at this time, Xing Tian also felt that his head was buried at the bottom of the mountain, and he would be in a different place forever.

Xingtian was very angry, and he was unwilling to be defeated by the Yellow Emperor like this.

Suddenly, he held a shield in one hand and raised a big axe in the other, slashing and dancing toward the sky, and he would continue to fight against the Yellow Emperor.

He lost his head, so he put his upper body naked, using his two ruts as eyes, his belly button as his mouth, and his body was his head.

With a shield in one hand and a big axe in the other, he wields it so fiercely that he has to fight all the time.

Seeing that Xingtian had lost his head, the Yellow Emperor was still facing the sky, waving his shield and axe forcefully, as if he wanted to compete with him again. Xing Tian, ​​quietly returned to the palace.

After the Yellow Emperor left, Xing Tian was still facing the sky, waving the shield and the big axe in his hand.

This is exactly: Xing Tianwu is a relative, fierce ambition is always there.


This is the story of "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi", and after reading this story, all the readers finally understand the meaning of the words "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi".

"Gan" means shield, and "Qi" means weapon.

Specifically in this work, it is the big axe used by Xing Tian.

And the name "Xingtian" obviously means something.

Heavens, Dian also. Punisher, kill also. Heaven is the Yellow Emperor, and "Xing Tian" means slaying the Yellow Emperor for revenge.

It turns out that this is the story of Xing Tian, ​​this is the story of Xing Tian Wu Qianqi, all the readers can't help but feel very sad and emotional.

Although Xingtian had his head cut off, he never lost his resolve. That was a fighting spirit that was unyielding and unyielding, and even the Yellow Emperor could not help but respect him.

The Yellow Emperor defeated Xingtian, and he is still the omnipotent Yellow Emperor, but the protagonist of this story is Xingtian.

Xingtian is brave and loyal, without his head, but still unwilling, waving his shield and axe in his hands, it is a kind of heroic romance and tragic!

This kind of romance and tragic is enough to make every reader feel sigh and a touch of regret.

"It turns out that this is the story of 'Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi', which is undoubtedly a tragic story."

"Xingtian, loyal to Emperor Yan, was unwilling to fail. In the end, he fought against the Yellow Emperor. Even if his head was beheaded, he still had to fight to the end. This should be called a 'hero'."

"I think it's absolutely possible, although it's pathetic enough. It's just a pity that Xingtian is only a warrior after all, and he doesn't see the benefits of the Yellow Emperor's unification of China. Otherwise, he would not go to the Yellow Emperor to fight, and he would not be beheaded by the Yellow Emperor. head."

"In that case, he would no longer be Xingtian, and there would be no such tragic story. So, I don't feel sorry for Xingtian."

"Also, Xingtian is Xingtian. Perhaps it was because he went to Huang Di to fight that he got the name 'Xingtian'. Although it is tragic and solemn, it has become a legend and has been passed down forever."

"Xing Tianwu is a goddess, and Meng Zhi is always there. Well said!"




Cen Geng and Shen Cong were also very pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect that Li Fan would also create a work for a lesser-known mythological material such as "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi".

Moreover, I can still feel that mysterious and mysterious feeling. This is the true story of "Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi" that has been lost in the history of myths and legends.

Cen Geng said happily: "This is really an unexpected surprise. The story of Xing Tianwu's relatives is so tragic and solemn."

Shen Cong was also full of joy, and said, "'Xing Tian Wu Qian Qi', these words have troubled me for a long time. Now, I finally understand what it means. This feeling is really enjoyable like never before."

Cen Geng added: "It is indeed very enjoyable. Moreover, starting from "Pangu Kaitian", Li Fan has released a lot of works this time, which has greatly exceeded our expectations. And this, That was the biggest surprise."

Shen Congdao: "I don't know how much he is going to launch? It is estimated that there will not be too many."

Cen Geng said: "It really shouldn't be much. However, it's enough, and it's much better than what we expected."

Shen Cong nodded and said, "Indeed, it's already much better."


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