Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1154 Is there a sequel?

"Gonggong's Anger Touches Buzhou Mountain", after reading this work, all the readers are stunned for a while.

There is so much in this work.

Moreover, it also explained a natural phenomenon that even science cannot explain.

That is the trajectory of the sun, moon and stars. Why is it rising in the east and setting in the west?

Why is the terrain we see today high in the northwest and low in the southeast?

Why does the water of the rivers flow east, and finally all the rivers return to the sea?

These three problems are natural phenomena that science cannot explain. In other words, no explanation is needed at all, this is the formation and laws of nature.

However, the work "Gong Gong's Anger Touching Buzhou Mountain" tells all readers that science cannot explain it, but our myths and legends can explain it.

Why is there such a natural phenomenon?

That's because the Water God Gonggong saw that there was no hope of victory, and for the sake of Mingzhi, he rammed into Buzhou Mountain in a rage, knocking down Buzhou Mountain.

Buzhou Mountain is the pillar between heaven and earth, and is located outside the Northwest Sea. This collapse caused the northwest sky to lose its support and tilt downward.

The sun, moon, and stars in the sky involuntarily slid toward the low-sloping west sky, and there is the trajectory of the east rising and falling west that we have seen today.

On the other hand, because of the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, the entire earth has undergone tremendous changes, and the entire southeastern earth has collapsed.

This resulted in what we see today, the terrain is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, and the waters of the rivers all flow eastward, and hundreds of rivers return to the sea.

All the readers are amazed, amazing, my "Gonggong's Fury Touches Buzhou Mountain".

"I'm going! This work is going to go against the rhythm of the sky! It's a perfect explanation, and it perfectly explains the reasons for these natural phenomena."

"It can be seen that this is a perfect work imagined by the ancient sages in order to explain this natural phenomenon. Today, Mr. Li Fan has restored it for us."

"Although it is a fantasy work, I have to admire the rich and bold imagination of the ancients. Of course, what I admire more is that Mr. Li Fan can restore it, which requires more bold imagination than the ancients."

"Haha! This work is so handsome. Science can't explain it? It's okay, let my myth explain it for you, but the explanation is reasonable and I almost believed it."

"Haha! I almost believed it."


This work perfectly explained the reasons for the formation of those natural phenomena, which made all the readers excited and almost believed it.

Of course, what excites readers is not only this, but also the reason why Gonggong is angry with Buzhoushan.

The descendants of Emperor Yan worked together, the empresses of the Yellow Emperor Yi Zhuanxu and Zhu Rong, the struggle between them can be said to be a continuation of the dispute between Yan and Huang.

It seems that the story of Emperor Yan and Huang is far from over after the battle of Banquan, which is of course normal. Many descendants and ministers of Emperor Yan were quite dissatisfied with the failure of the Battle of Banquan.

It is not a strange thing for them to have frictions and fights with the descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

However, they still couldn't win against the Yellow Emperor.

Just like Gonggong, in the end, he could only angrily slam into Buzhou Mountain.

Readers can only say "sorry" to Gonggong, and at the same time, they are also full of admiration for Gonggong.

He is indeed a descendant of Emperor Yan's Shennong clan. He is very attentive and professional in agricultural development, farming and water conservancy, and he wants to develop agriculture wholeheartedly.

The contribution of co-gong to the development of human society is also not small.

In addition, this piece of work excites readers, however, there is also a problem that makes readers worried.

The collision of Gonggong, of course, perfectly explained the reasons for the formation of several natural phenomena, but the world suffered because of it.

The sky in the northwest collapsed, revealing a very large hole, the earth also changed dramatically, and the gully cracked open.

This is an absolute heaven and earth torn apart. It is conceivable that there will be surging floods everywhere in this world and wantonly abuse.

Then, the Limin people in the world are afraid that they will suffer.

There is such a big hole in the sky, what should I do?

Although it is only a work of myth and legend, readers are still worried.

"You said, is there any follow-up to this work? After all, Gonggong's collision has not only knocked out a hole in the sky, but also the people of Limin. It's over like this, isn't it a little bad?"

"Actually, there is nothing too bad. This work was originally imagined by the ancients to explain natural phenomena. Now that natural phenomena have been explained clearly, this work is over, and there should be no follow-up. . As for the sky stepping on a hole and the people suffering, there is no need for everyone to look into it.”

"I think too. The focus of this work is to explain natural phenomena, and you don't need to pay too much attention to other people. After all, it is a mythical work, not a real history."

"Of course it's not wrong to say that, but wouldn't it be better if the problem after Gonggong knocked down Buzhoushan could be solved?"

"Of course it's better if it can be solved. It depends on Mr. Li Fan. I wonder if the new work tomorrow will solve this problem?"

"Mr. Li Fan is just restoring the original works of myths and legends. If there were no myths after Gonggong knocked down Buzhou Mountain, Mr. Li Fan would naturally not create them."

"Yes, so you don't have to continue to struggle with this issue."



Readers have been discussing on the Internet, and many historians and historical researchers, represented by Cen Geng and Shen Cong, are also discussing this work.

They are also amazed by this work, which will undoubtedly become a representative work of the ancients using myths to explain various natural phenomena.

"The trajectory of the sun, moon, and stars, the high northwest and low southeast terrain, can be explained by the collapse of Buzhou Mountain. It's really reasonable." Cen Geng smiled lightly.

Shen Cong nodded, thinking about the discussions of netizens on the Internet about the problems after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, and suddenly became interested, and asked with a smile, "Do you think there is a follow-up story?"

Cen Geng said: "From the perspective of myths and legends themselves, there must be no follow-up stories. The formation of myths and legends does not happen overnight, but takes a long time. Therefore, all kinds of myths and legends exist alone. What sequels are there? However, among many myths and legends, from our current perspective, we can actually connect them. So, I think there should be a sequel."

Shen Cong smiled and said, "That's true. Besides, Li Fan said last time that the works he launched this time will be based on a certain relevance. Therefore, I also think that there will be a sequel. As for what kind of sequel I'm really looking forward to it."

Cen Geng smiled and nodded, agreeing with Shen Cong's words.


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