Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1155 I've been waiting for a year, and it's finally here


Is there a sequel?

The answer, of course, is yes, that is.

This is what Li Fan has already determined. Although there is no connection between the two stories, they have been linked together in many records of previous lives.

The mythological works that Li Fan launched this time were originally based on a certain relationship, and naturally they will be linked together.

And this, obviously, will also be the world, something that all readers would like to see.

On the Internet, countless readers are worried that there is such a big hole in the sky, the ground is flooded, and the people are suffering. What should be done?

Although they also know that this is not the point of the story of "Gonggong's anger touches Buzhoushan", but if these problems can be solved, so that people can live a stable life again, this will undoubtedly be the most perfect.

So, are there any follow-up works that can solve these problems? The answer can only be revealed at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.


9th, 2pm.

After Gonggong angered Buzhoushan, is there any follow-up story?

The answer is about to be revealed.

Countless readers clicked on the exclusive page with great anticipation and saw the latest work that Li Fan just updated!

Everyone's eyes suddenly became round, and it turned out to be the goddess Nuwa. After the goddess created man, the goddess appeared again.

And this time, the goddess Nuwa is obviously going to do another big thing, make up the sky!

After everyone's eyes widened, they became very excited again. Since the beginning, they didn't know how many times they had been excited.

Sure enough, there is a follow-up story, Gonggong knocked the sky out of a big hole, what should we do?

The answer is very simple, just make up the sky again.

Of course, mending the sky is too exaggerated, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

However, we have the goddess Nuwa. The last time the goddess Nuwa created man, this time she came to save the people of the world from fire and water.

All the readers are excited to open the work.

After the Buzhou Mountain was broken, the sky and the earth were torn apart, the flood was surging, and the people lived in dire straits.

When Nuwa saw that the people she had created suffered such pain, she couldn't bear it.

In order to allow people to live a peaceful life again, Nuwa decided to fill the big hole in the sky.

Repairing the sky, even for Nuwa, is a very difficult and tedious task.

She came to the top of Kunlun Mountain, where there is the only raw material for refining the five-color stone, five-color soil.

After Nuwa collected enough five-color soil, she found the sun god fire, refining it for nine or nine days, and refining enough colorful boulders.

Nuwa used these colorful boulders to fill the sky little by little, and then she wanted to find something to hold the sky up to prevent it from collapsing again.

What Nuwa found to support the sky was the four legs of a turtle in the sea.

In this way, the sky returns to its original state, once again very solid.

After repairing the sky, Nuwa drove away the ferocious birds and beasts that infested everywhere, and used the ashes of reeds to control the flood.

Since then, peace has finally recovered between heaven and earth, and the people of the world can live in peace again.


The sequelae left after Gonggong knocked down Buzhoushan was perfectly solved by the goddess Nuwa.

Countless readers have once again experienced Nu Wa's style and are full of admiration in their hearts.

"Nuwa mending the sky is another very classic myth and legend. The image of the goddess Nuwa is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"This time it's perfect. These two myths and legends work perfectly together."

"I don't know if these two myths were related when they were born? But now, connecting them together is really perfect."

"Nuwa mending the sky, the imagination of the ancients is really absurd and bold, but it seems reasonable and reasonable, not random. This imagination is more powerful than many of us modern people.

I'm afraid it's only strong or weak. Of course, in the same sentence, Mr. Li Fan is even more powerful. "

"First Nuwa created man, and now Nuwa mends the sky. These two things are absolutely earth-shattering. Nuwa is indeed one of the most famous gods in ancient times, too strong."


Numerous readers have been discussing on the Internet, lamenting the goddess Nuwa, who once again made a huge contribution to mankind.

After Gonggong knocked down Buzhoushan, the sequelae left behind were perfectly resolved, and countless readers couldn't help thinking in their hearts, what kind of story will tomorrow's story be?

From the beginning, Li Fan has successively launched a series of myths and legends, which have made countless readers fascinated.

The myths and legends of China are obviously more brilliant and brilliant than they imagined before.

One after another, the great gods of ancient times have done one earth-shattering event after another, stirring the hearts of every reader.

They really enjoy the feeling of being teased, and if they can, they want to keep being teased.

But, they also knew that was impossible. Not to mention whether there are so many myths and legends in China, it is impossible for Li Fan to create works of myths and legends all the time.

"During this period of time, every day at two o'clock in the afternoon, I can see a new myth and legend. This feeling is really cool! I really hope this feeling can continue forever." Countless readers sent out Such emotion.

"Of course it's impossible, but no matter how many works Mr. Li Fan is going to release, I'm already very satisfied."

"It's natural, and we're very satisfied."

"Then, let's look forward to tomorrow's work together."



Tomorrow's work doesn't need everyone to wait too long, it's already here in a blink of an eye.

On March 20th, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the works of myths and legends were updated again.

This time the work is called!

"Da Yu's flood control is finally here." Many readers were pleasantly surprised.

They have been looking forward to the story of "Da Yu's control of the flood" for too long.

That was last year. In the Myths and Legends Creation Competition, Guyong mentioned in his works that Yinglong helped Dayu to control the flood.

Since then, they have been looking forward to seeing the story of "Da Yu's control of the flood".

It's been a full year for this hope.

Now, they finally waited.

Legend has it that after Gonggong knocked down Buzhou Mountain in a rage, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the earth was flooded everywhere.

Later, Nuwa mended the sky and controlled the flood, so that people could live a peaceful life again.

However, time flies, the stars move, and in a blink of an eye, it is the era of Yao.

The Central Plains flooded again, boundless, submerged crops, submerged mountains, and submerged people's houses.

People have been displaced, and many people had to leave their homes. The flood once again brought boundless disasters to the people.


The readers were shocked, "I'm rubbish! The sequelae after Gonggong knocked down Buzhoushan still exist."


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