Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1159 In front of the newly built rental courtyard


Li Fan's Weibo update has spread all over the Internet in a very short time.

Originally, countless readers were discussing Sui Ren's story with great interest.

Li Fan's Weibo made them suddenly stunned, "Tomorrow will be the last work?"

After reacting, a feeling of extreme loss struck every reader's heart instantly.

"Is it finally the last work?" The lost readers all sighed helplessly in their hearts.

In fact, they are somewhat prepared in their hearts, and they also know that Li Fan has released so many works this time, and there should not be too many left.

However, even if they were prepared, Li Fan's Weibo was very sudden for them.

They originally thought that at least they could see several more works, but who knew that tomorrow would be the last one.

I was naturally very disappointed.

Of course, no matter when the last piece came, it was sudden for them.

Because, although they know that the last work should be coming soon, they will always subjectively hope and think that it will end with a few more works.

This kind of heart has always existed, so they must feel very sudden.

Fortunately, they still have a little bit of preparation in their hearts, and they have the last work to read tomorrow. After they lost, they slowly put away their lost mood.

In any case, tomorrow is still a day worth looking forward to, and you can still enjoy that feeling of waiting and surprise.

This is also thanks to Li Fan who announced the news in advance today.

Otherwise, wait until tomorrow's work update, and then announce the update of this myth and legend work, and that's the end of it.

The loss of the readers is definitely much greater, and it is not so easy to calm down.

On the Internet, readers who gradually calmed down their lost emotions couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Alas! The thing I worry about the most has finally come. I really can't bear to end it like this. Fortunately, there is a final work to look forward to tomorrow."

"I really can't bear it, I can't bear the surprises at 2 o'clock every afternoon during this time. However, aren't we talking about it before? There shouldn't be many works left. I have a plan in my heart. But, this last work came a little bit. A little earlier."

"From "Pangu Kaitian" to now, there are actually many works, and we should be satisfied. I just wonder if Mr. Li Fan will launch new myths and legends in the future?"

"Mr. Li Fan said that my most important myths and legends in China have basically been released. Therefore, Mr. Li Fan may not continue to launch myths and legends in the future. Of course, not necessarily."

"I hope Mr. Li Fan will continue to release myths and legends in the future, I really can't bear to end it!"

"Tomorrow is the last work, you must cherish and enjoy it! I just don't know whose story tomorrow is about?"

"It's hard to say, but I can guess. There seems to be one less of the most famous mythical and legendary figures. I wonder if it's a story about him?"

"The one upstairs is Fuxi, one of the three emperors, right? Indeed, Fuxi's status is also very high. I hope it is a story about Fuxi."

"Well, it is very likely that it is about Fuxi. After all, there are stories about Pangu, Nuwa, Suiren, Shennong, Huangdi and other great gods. Mr. Li Fan should not miss the story of Fuxi. And tomorrow will be The last work, it should be about Fuxi.”

"Fuxi is one of the three emperors, or even the head of the three emperors. I really look forward to his story and contributions."



Sansheng Village.

Friends can guess that the last story tomorrow is about Fuxi, and Li Fan is not surprised.

After all, in many sayings,

Fuxi is one of the three emperors, even the head of the three emperors. Tomorrow will be the last work.

Then it makes no sense that it is not the story of this great god.

Moreover, since everyone is guessing about tomorrow's story, it proves that everyone has slowly put away their lost emotions.

At least until I see tomorrow's new work.

The last work will be updated tomorrow, and for Li Fan, there is one more thing tomorrow, that is, the inauguration ceremony of the rental courtyard and the invitation of the tenants to dinner arranged by the village chief Li Fu.

According to the village chief, most of the tenants said they would definitely come, and a few tenants who could not come for some reason also expressed their great pleasure to receive the invitation, and expressed their sincere apologies for not being able to come.

Today, some tenants have already come to the village ahead of time. They are very excited when they look at the small courtyard that has been completed.

In a sense, they have a real place here, a special "home".

In the small vegetable garden, they grow their own vegetables, the same as the farm.

From then on, they will no longer be ordinary tourists, they have become the "owners" of one of the small courtyards.

And their small courtyard, the vegetables grown in the ground in front of the small courtyard, will also become a tourist attraction in the eyes of tourists and be viewed by tourists.

"Well, I have to make the vegetables I grow to grow better than the vegetables in other yards." Many small courtyard owners thought so in their hearts.

Of course, the rental courtyard has just been built, and it can't live in it for the time being.

Therefore, those tenants who arrived today can only live in Xianyuan Building or Xianyuan Xiaozhu.


There are 50 newly built rental courtyards, 30 of which are located in Sansheng Village, not far from the previous ten courtyards, which are also located on the banks of the Luohe River.

The other 20 buildings are in Xingfu Village, which is also not far from Luohe.

Of course, the two villages were the same before, but now they are integrated into one.

Therefore, whether the rental courtyard is located in Sansheng Village or in Xingfu Village, it is actually the same for the tenants, and there is no difference.

In front of the newly built rental courtyard in Sansheng Village, a dozen or so tenants who arrived early were gathering to chat and laugh.

They didn't know each other before, but now they are talking very speculatively, like a bunch of old friends.

Only one of them said: "The village chief is really thoughtful. When I received the invitation a few days ago, I was very happy. I came here early today."

Another person also said: "It's really very exciting. Besides, I heard that Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liang and the others will also participate in the inauguration ceremony tomorrow. I can't wait."

Another person said: "From now on, we are the neighbors of Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang. I'm thinking, should we visit them now? Would it be abrupt?"

Another person said: "It shouldn't be abrupt, the two elders are very easy-going."

"Indeed, the second old man will definitely not find us abrupt. Let's go now and interview the second old man together."

"Okay, it should, let's go together."

"Come on, I'm a little excited and excited now."


Everyone agreed that they should now visit their new neighbors, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng.

So, they moved towards fate together.


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