Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1160 From now on, they are neighbors


Fate comes first.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng happened to be discussing about the newly built rental courtyard.

Zheng Jie said: "We have many new neighbors, and it is getting more and more lively here."

Liang Sheng said: "It is indeed getting more and more lively. Tomorrow will be the inauguration ceremony arranged by the village chief Li Fu. I heard that some tenants have already arrived today."

Zheng Jie said: "It seems to be true. It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic and attaches great importance to the invitation of Village Chief Li Fu."

Liang Sheng smiled and was about to say something else, but saw a dozen people walking out from the direction of the newly built rental courtyard, walking straight towards them.

The two quickly guessed the identity of the person who came. Liang Sheng smiled and said, "It seems that our new neighbor is here."

Not long after they finished speaking, about a dozen people had already walked up to them, and one of them smiled and said, "Elder Liang and Mrs. Zheng, I have disturbed the two of you. We are all new tenants of the small courtyard, and we are here to visit the two of you."

After speaking, the rest of the people also said: "I'm disturbing you two."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng laughed at the same time: "You are too polite. From now on, everyone will be neighbors and friends. We are just a few years old. You are welcome."

After a dozen people listened to it, they were all overjoyed. Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were really easy-going. They would be neighbors with them in the future, and they would be in this famous Sansheng Village. Thinking about it makes people excited.

Afterwards, the group chatted casually, talking about things in the village, about tomorrow's inauguration ceremony, about the recently flourishing "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and Li Fan's new myths and legends.

From time to time there will be laughter, which shows that everyone is talking very speculatively.


It was getting dark, and there was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the morning of the moon and the sun.

Li Fan walked slowly to the market in Longshan Township. Today is Saturday, and he went to pick up Su Qing.

On the way, I picked some wild flowers and made a bunch of flowers.

Although the wildflowers on this day are not as colorful as in spring, they are better than cool. It is also very beautiful to make a bunch of flowers. Su Qing will definitely like it.

Not long after, he arrived at the Longshan Township market, bought a breakfast for Su Qing at the market, and went directly to the door of Su Qing's bedroom.

After opening the door, Su Qing obviously just got up not long ago, and the whole person is still a little lazy.

And these lazy meanings made Su Qing look even more charming.

A bunch of wild flowers made Su Qing smile with joy, the laziness on her face disappeared, and the sweet smile she put on was also intoxicating.

After a while, Su Qing finished breakfast and put on Fendai again, and then went out of the school gate with Li Fan and walked to the village.

On the way, Su Qing said, "Are you going to the banquet arranged by the village chief at noon today?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Well, it's busy early in the morning, and we'll go there early when we stay."

Su Qing let out an "um", and the two continued to walk forward.

At this time, it was still early, but a small car drove past from time to time on the road, heading for the entrance of the village, and some tourists always came early.

When Li Fan and Su Qing walked to the entrance of the village, the construction team had already started work one after another.

Now, the construction progress of the second phase of the farm is more than halfway through, and it will be fully completed by the beginning of next year.

At that time, the current resource shortage problem can be well alleviated.

After greeting Wang Qian and the workers of the engineering team, Li Fan and Su Qing walked into the village.

There was no other delay, but went directly to the newly built rental courtyard.

On a flat ground, a dozen large round tables have been set up, and this is the place to eat at noon.

There are melon seeds, peanuts, candies and other food on each table, and the guests can chat and eat some snacks.

Every now and then, a group of bear children grabbed a handful of candy from the table and ran away again.

Not far from the side, the chef team temporarily transferred from the engineering team is busy and not chaotically preparing the lunch for lunch.

The tenants who arrived early, that is, the main guests today,

Sitting or standing in twos and threes scattered around, talking and laughing casually, with very high interest.

The village chief, Li Fu, greeted the guests everywhere. Seeing Li Fan and Su Qing approaching, Li Fu smiled and said, "Fanzi, Teacher Su, you are here."

Li Fan said: "Uncle Fu, do you need help?"

Li Fu said: "I don't need it for the time being. I'll call you when I need help later."

Li Fan said: "Halle, Uncle Fu, you are busy first."

Li Fu's greeting also made the nearby tenants notice Li Fan and Su Qing who were approaching.

They were shocked, one was Li Fan, and the other was Su Qing's face.

These tenants had never met Li Fan before, but the village chief Li Fu just greeted them, letting them know Li Fan's identity.

For a while, I was inexplicably nervous. I wanted to go up to say hello, but I didn't know how to say hello?

Perhaps it was because Li Fan came too suddenly, making them unprepared, and a little nervous in the excitement, and froze on the spot for a while.

Li Fan seemed to sense the emotions in everyone's heart. He smiled lightly and said to everyone: "Morning everyone, welcome everyone to live in Sansheng Village, everyone will be neighbors in the future, you don't have to be polite."

Li Fan's remarks finally made the tenants less nervous, and they were very happy. Li Fan was as peaceful as the rumors.

"And Mr. Li Fan will be neighbors in the future?" All the tenants thought so in their hearts.

They didn't think that they rented a small courtyard in Sansheng Village and became neighbors with Li Fan.

After all, the situation of Li Fan, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng is different.

But now, after hearing what Li Fan said, they suddenly realized that in Li Fan's eyes, they were considered neighbors.

"Having become neighbors with Mr. Li Fan." Thinking of this, they suddenly became more excited and excited than before.

Fortunately, despite their excitement and excitement, they now know how to say hello.

All of a sudden, they gathered around to say hello to Li Fan, and at this time, other tenants who were farther apart were already attracted by the movement here.

And they also know Li Fan's identity, and know that they have become neighbors with Li Fan since then, and they have become equally excited and excited.

It wasn't until a while later that their mood calmed down, and they were a lot more casual when talking and laughing with Li Fan.

One of them said: "Master Li, your myths and legends during this period are really good. Those are all my Chinese, and I have lost the myths and legends culture. It's really exciting to see them."

Among them, everyone also agreed, and their faces were full of excitement.

Li Fan said with a smile: "Thank you very much for your recognition and liking. My myths and legends in China are indeed very splendid and brilliant. I am very lucky and honored to be able to create and restore them."

After hearing this, everyone was amazed.



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