The eyes of everyone at the scene were all looking in the direction of Li Fan. In everyone's opinion, Li Fan was the only one who dared to write poetry at this time.

Han Zhong laughed and said: "Brother Li, it seems that everyone is waiting for your poems. We all know that there are many people at the scene, but they are mainly for you. You, it is time for us to appreciate you. Great job."

Li Fan felt the gazes of everyone, smiled lightly, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll show my ugliness."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the writing desk.

Li Fan finally started to write poetry, and everyone at the scene became excited and excited. Among them, most of them came for Li Fan, and they originally came to experience the style of Li Fan's poetry writing on the spot.

And now, they finally waited for this moment.

Although Yan Mu's song "Entering Shu" has raised the atmosphere of the scene and everyone's vision, everyone is still full of confidence in Li Fan.

They believed that Li Fan's poems would definitely be better than Yan Mu's "Entering Shu".

Moreover, at the beginning of the poetry meeting, Li Fan's casual sentence, "The article is born in nature, and it is obtained by chance" has already made everyone feel the style of Li Fan's poetry.

If that's a warm-up, then now, the real drama begins.

"Is it finally going to start?" In the crowd, Mo Bai, Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran were also very excited and looking forward to it.

Will the possibility that Yan Mu succeeded in winning the championship will happen miraculously?

The answer will be revealed soon.

As for Mu himself, he is excited and nervous. Will a miracle happen? Right now.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were also looking forward to it at this time.

Han Zhong said excitedly: "It's finally time for Brother Li to take action. If he wants to surpass "Entering Shu", he must take it seriously. What kind of poem can he make if he takes it seriously? It's worth looking forward to."

Bai Yi and Liu Yuan also nodded at the same time, agreeing with Han Zhong's words.

"Haha! Friends on the Internet, the latest news, Mr. Li Fan is about to start writing. What kind of poem will Mr. Li Fan write? I'll tell you later." There were many poetry lovers at the scene. said on the Internet.

On the Internet, countless netizens responded enthusiastically.

"Wow, haha! I knew that Mr. Li Fan was about to take action. In this case, only Mr. Li Fan dared to take action. Friends at the scene, be sure to share Mr. Li Fan's poems as soon as possible. what!"

"That is, that is, the friends at the scene are fortunate, and we have been waiting."



on site.

Li Fan walked to the writing table, picked up a brush, and without hesitation, wrote three words on the paper, "The Road to Shu is Difficult"!

The three characters were simultaneously projected on the big screen by the projection equipment, and all the people on the scene could see it clearly.

I saw the three characters "Shu Road is difficult", with a powerful pen, majestic and unrestrained, which is the calligraphy writing style that Li Fan is best at.

This kind of calligraphy of Li Fan has been seen by many people at the scene. The song "Wang Yue" left by Li Fan on the top of Mount Tai is this kind of calligraphy.

However, watching Li Fan's handwriting on the spot is completely different from watching the finished calligraphy before.

Let's not talk about the content of the poem, just watching Li Fan's writing on the spot is already very enjoyable.

Even people who don't know calligraphy can enjoy it.

After hearing countless admirations, "Good characters!" and "Good calligraphy!", everyone focused on the content of the text.

"Shu Dao is difficult? Well, this should be the title of the poem." Everyone nodded, but there was no special feeling.

Many poems today contain the word "Shu Dao", and this "Shu Dao is difficult" is nothing special.

"Haha! Friends on the Internet, it has already started. The poem is called 'Shu Road is Difficult'. In other words, watching Mr. Li Fan write it on the spot is really a beautiful enjoyment. The words are really beautiful." Some people at the scene still did not forget My "mission", I said this sentence on the Internet in time.

However, after saying this sentence, they completely forgot their "mission".

I saw that after Li Fan wrote the title of the poem, he stopped for a while and then continued to write.

"Oh, oh, the danger is so high!

The difficulty of Shu Dao is as difficult as reaching the sky! "

This is the first sentence of the poem, and everyone can't help but read it out loud.

Then there were all the sounds of breathing cold air, and a feeling of danger in the highlands of Shudao Mountain struck instantly.

At the very beginning, the poet exclaimed, "Ouch! The cliffs around here are really high. This Shu Road is also too difficult to climb, even more difficult than going up to the sky!

Everyone at the scene raised their eyes and looked around. The cliffs were soaring, rushing straight into the sky. At this time, they fully realized the mood of the poet when he wrote the poem.

It was only a few simple words, but it gave people a strong feeling of being there, and everyone at the scene instantly became more excited.

And they know that this poem must not be finished.

It's just that ordinary tourists are a little puzzled. This poem is neither quatrains nor rhythmic poems. What kind of poems are they?

"Is this a Yuefu poem?" Han Zhong was a little surprised.

"Well, it shouldn't be wrong." Bai Yi said.

The reason why they were surprised was that Li Fan had never written Yuefu poetry before, and now it seems that Li Fan is also good at Yuefu poetry.

"The Road to Shu is Difficult" is indeed a Yuefu poem. To be precise, it is a new Yuefu poem that uses the old Yuefu theme and does not enjoy the music.

Although ordinary tourists still don't understand what kind of poem "Shu Road Difficulty" belongs to, it doesn't matter, they can still feel the strong feeling of being there.

And Li Fan's writing continues.

"Silkworm bushes and fish mallards, what a daze to start a country!

Erlai is forty-eight thousand years old and does not communicate with Qin Sai.

There is a bird trail in Xidang Taibai, which can cross the top of Emei.

The ground collapsed and the mountains destroyed the strong men to death, and then the ladders and stone stacks were hooked up.

Above is the high standard of the six dragons returning to the sun, and below is the Huichuan that rushes back and forth.

The flight of the Yellow Crane is not enough, and the ape wants to relieve the sorrow and climb.


Li Fan wrote quickly, and there was not much pause in between.

And the next few sentences, for ordinary tourists, some places may not be so easy to understand.

However, even if they don't fully understand it, they can still feel the vertical and horizontal style of this poem, which is unrestrained, unrestrained, and magnificent.

But for some poetry lovers and all poets, the more they look at it, the more frightened, the more excited and excited they become.

At the beginning, some people followed what Li Fan wrote and read aloud, but now, the scene is quiet.

Everyone was engrossed, watching Li Fanbi walk the dragon and snake, and had already forgotten the action of "reading".


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