Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1183 This is the poem of the fairy

The scene was very quiet, and everyone was staring at the projection screen. Li Fan continued to write, which was obviously a very long poem.

"The green mud and the pan, the hundred steps and nine folds linger on the rocky mountains.

He sighed, and sat down with his hands to caress and sigh.

When will you return to Journey to the West? The Awake Rock is unclimbable.

But see the ancient wood of the sad bird, the male and the female from the surrounding forest.

I heard Zigui sing Yeyue and worry about empty mountains.

The difficulty of the way of Shu, it is difficult to ascend to the blue sky, makes people listen to this withering red face!

Lianfeng went to the sky without a foot, and withered pine hung upside down against the cliff.

The turbulent waterfalls and streams are scrambling, and the cliffs turn rocks and thunder.

The same is true of its dangers, and the people who come from afar are arrogant!


The characters appear in Li Fan's pen, but together they form a magnificent picture, one after another beautiful movement.

Witnessing the birth of these pictures and movements with their own eyes is an ultimate enjoyment for all the people on the scene.

They forgot their heartbeat and breath, and were only immersed in a very romantic and exaggerated picture made up of poems and words.

"The sword pavilion stands tall and Cui Wei, one husband is the gate, and ten thousand people are not allowed to open it.

The guard or the bandit relatives, turned into wolves and jackals.

To avoid tigers in the morning, to avoid long snakes in the evening, to grind his teeth to suck blood, and to kill people like numbness.

Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home early.

The difficulty of the way of Shu is that it is difficult to ascend to the blue sky, look sideways to the west and look at the long counselor! "

So far, a shocking "Shu Road Difficulty" appeared in this world.

When Li Fan finished writing the last word and the last punctuation, and put down the pen, the scene was still silent.

In everyone's consciousness, they already felt that Li Fan stopped writing and knew that Li Fan had finished writing this poem.

But they are still unwilling,

They didn't dare to make a sound, they were afraid that if they made a sound, they would startle the words away.

These words were by no means written by mortals, but by immortals in the sky, and when they made a sound, they were frightened away.

Li Fan put down his pen, looked around, saw that everyone was still completely immersed in this poem, and smiled faintly, this is really normal.

This "Shu Road Difficulty" is one of the representative works of the poet Taibai in the previous life. With romanticism, it unfolds extremely rich imagination, and artistically reproduces the magnificent, abrupt, tough, rugged and other wonderful, thrilling, and impossible scenes of Shu Road. Ling Yue's majestic momentum is a treasure in the entire history of poetry.

It can't be too high praise for it, everyone at the scene will be immersed in it, which is really normal.


At this time, countless poetry lovers on the Internet are still waiting eagerly. The poetry lovers on the scene share Li Fan's works with them.

It's been so long, why is there still no movement?

"What's the situation? A poem should have been finished long ago. The friends at the scene won't forget to share it with us, right? But, it shouldn't, even the name of the poem was mentioned before, but now there is no movement. "

"It stands to reason that they should not wait to share it out. Now this situation is really abnormal."

"There is a saying that when something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Well, there is something weird, and there must be something weird."

"But, what can be weird? Could it be that Mr. Li Fan's poems aren't that good? He really won the first place in Yan Mu's "Entering Shu", it's impossible!"

"I don't think that's possible. It's just a situation? It's really puzzling."

"It's weird, weird, alas! I really want to fly to the scene to take a look. What happened?"



There was indeed a situation at the scene, and everyone was still immersed in the magnificence of "The Road to Shu".

After a long time, everyone got rid of the immersion one after another.

Han Zhong sighed deeply, "Seeing this poem, I have no regrets in this life."

Bai Yi sighed with emotion: "Li Fan's talent in the sky has been demonstrated once again to the fullest, and a "Shu Dao Difficulty" will surely be passed down forever."

Liu Yuan also sighed, "This is the poem of an immortal!"

Yan Mu looked at this article "The Road to Shu is Difficult" with a bitter smile on his face. Before, he thought that his "Entering Shu" might win the championship.

But now it is found that "Entering Shu" is far from being qualified to challenge even a little bit in front of "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

Not to mention "Entering Shu", even all the poems about Jianmen and Shu Dao from ancient times to the present are eclipsed by this one "Shu Dao Difficulty".

Not only that, in the future, in the poems about Jianmen and Shu Dao, I am afraid that there will be no better works than "The Shu Dao is Difficult".

Because "Shu Dao Difficulty" has written Jianmen and Shu Dao to the extreme, I'm afraid no one can surpass it.

Yan Mu sighed deeply, Li Fan's poetic talent is indeed far superior to him, even if he hasn't written poetry for a long time, as long as he shoots, he is so brilliant.

Lin Yunfeng shook his head with a wry smile. He was also the overall champion of the Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Festival, but the gap was so huge.

Whether he is good or Yan Mu, compared with Li Fan, they are too far behind.

They knew this before, but now they are more certain.

Mo Bai, Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran also slowly woke up from their dizziness.

There were also wry smiles in the excitement and excitement. They thought that "Entering Shu" had a chance of winning the championship, but now they realize that it is really a fantasy to beat Li Fan to win the championship.

And after a wry smile, there was only excitement and excitement.

The poem "Difficulty in Shu Road" is destined to be brilliant, and they witnessed the birth of such a poem with their own eyes.

This is definitely one of the great blessings of life!

Of course, the luck of witnessing the birth of such a poem at the scene belongs to everyone on the scene.

Poets, poetry lovers, ordinary tourists, and these ordinary tourists who had little interest in poetry before, now feel the great charm of poetry.

In the future, they will become poetry lovers, and it is still unknown.

Today, they are all lucky, they have witnessed the birth of such a splendid poem.

Even those who don't know poetry very well are already intoxicated, let alone those poetry lovers and poets.

They absolutely believe that this "Shu Dao Difficulty" will be handed down to future generations forever.

Of course, the reason why they were intoxicated was also because they watched Li Fan write this poem word by word.

If they simply read the poem, they might not have such a strong feeling.

And now, they feel strongly that they can't wait to understand some things in the poem that they don't quite understand.

"President Han, in this poem of Mr. Li Fan, we don't quite understand some parts, can you explain it to us?" Someone said loudly.

Han Zhong smiled and said: "Of course, even if this friend doesn't say it, I will read it. It's really tiring to not read such a good poem. Of course, I'm just talking about some of them now. , you may not understand the place, let's interpret it roughly."



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